Writting 1 sport


Writting task 1
Laura Eraso Ortiz
Apunte por Laura Eraso Ortiz, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Laura Eraso Ortiz
Creado por Laura Eraso Ortiz hace más de 6 años

Resumen del Recurso

Página 1

The chart above shows data on the frequency in the percentage of boys and girls that selected physical activities. It is noticeably a difference between girls and boys, who make a leisure pursuit. This difference is highlighted when sporty activities are realized for more than an hour of three times a week, being the percentage of boys more than a half while the percentage of girls just a third.  As the frequency and intensity of the physic activity increase the percentage of participants reduce. An example of it is that almost hundred percent of the boys requested make a half hour of leisure weekly while a nine percent train six times a week for more than an hour, in girls the results are similar having around ten points lower than boys in each activity. Because women do less sporty activities than boys, the question of how healthy women are raised and the consideration that gender stereotypes are still influencing our health as a society.

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