

11 (Changing Rights and Freedoms) Yr 9-10 History Apunte sobre Policies, creado por ElsienaKate el 12/06/2013.
Apunte por ElsienaKate, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Creado por ElsienaKate hace más de 11 años

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Integration (1965-1972) Policy denoting respect for all cultures and willingness to accept their expression within the wider community Policy meant that Indigenous people would be able to voice and openly celebrate their cultural differences. PM Harold Holt established the Council for Aboriginal Affairs, but didn't provide funding needed to meet expectations Self-determination (1972-2005) The right of a group to choose an control its own destiny and development Policy aimed to involve Indigenous people in decisions about how their communities should be managed. Created ATSIC ATSIC (1990-2005) Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Commission Provide a means by which Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people could play a role in decision making on Indigenous issues. Advised governments to fight for Indigenous rights Howard government abolished it Reconciliation (1991- late 1990s Policy aimed at improving relationships between Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians Key features were a recognition of past injustices and and understanding of how relationships have been shaped by past events, policies and attitudes. Established a Council whose aim was having all Australians recognise that Aboriginals are the original owners of the land and have suffered social and economic disadvantage Lobbied for recognition of customary law, self-government for Aboriginal Australians ,compensation Practical reconciliation (1990s-2004) Focused on gaining equality in health, education and living standards failed to encourage understanding of issues relating to past injustices Intervention (2007)

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