Mao's China - IB


Apunte sobre Mao's China - IB, creado por mlesheuk el 10/10/2014.
Apunte por mlesheuk, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Creado por mlesheuk hace alrededor de 10 años

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Origins and Rise of Mao

China Pre-20th Century (Pre-1900s) following "Opium Wars" in 1840s, 1850s and late 1800s, China experienced great humiliation and dissatisfaction more powerful foreign countries had large spheres of influence in China, with impact on trade --> provoked Boxer Revolution of 1898 in the early 1900s, heavy taxation and corrupt government officials also created dissatisfaction amongst peasants and workers, who suffered greatly suffering incited revolution in 1911, which the entirety of China was swept under as a result, the Chinese republic (NOT the PRC) was formed, with Sun Yat Sen as leader of National Assembly

After Formation of Chinese Republic (1912) (NOT the PRC)  Sun Yat Sen turned out to be a terrible leader many warlords in China ignored his policies and formed their own small groups that controlled small areas of China GMD was formed in January 1912 Jiang Jieshi became leader of the GMD in 1925, though he hated communism --> turned his own army on communist supporters, many killed Jiang Jieshi was able to seize Beijing, setting up a stable government and currency, however Japan still had Manchuria

Instances of Humiliation for China during this time Opium Wars in late 1800s with Japan signing of Versailles Treaty in 1919, where German concessions in China were handed over to Japan

Mao: Origins and rise

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