Creado por spangles923
hace más de 11 años
The 3 3's are 5 rule does not apply to Imitation firearms
In Perjury you must beleive it not to be true , not know
Voluntary Intoxication can be a defence to murder but not if the mens rea was formed after the intoxication
Conspiracy only applies to the parties who are in joint agreement
Forgery Offences do not relate to bank notes
Dishonesty in theft is for the jury to decide
Robbery there must be an actual theft to exist . Offence complete at point of force
A sex offender has 3 days to notify police of change of address
HSG you must know or beleive goods to be stolen not suspect
Trespass with firearm can be on public or private land , dopnt need to be in uniform
Dont need to give you passport details for registering as a sex offender
Kidnapp you take away , false imprisonment you detain
Raves played at night with / without intermission of music
Assault by penetration can be with anything
Assaults , condition threats not enough
The defence of automatism needs to be total loss of control not partial
Public assembely must be 2 + people open wholly or partly to the air
Agravated arson must endanger the life of another
Magistate Can Remand someone to bail or to custody
Must be over 18 to act as Ap Adult
Supt. Authorises truants once confirmed by L Authority
The number of offences accused has committed is not a reason to consider for bail
Handling . Special evidence from susp last 5 years of handling or theft . Also last 12months if found in possessions of stolen goods.
Closure notice Must be at every acces point , outbiuldings, prominant place and also to someone there.
Violent Disorder can be commited in private also
Crossbows? 18 ok as look as supervised by 21 or over
S.17 power to enter to re capture . Must beleive he is in there though
L Authority to make a designated place in relation to restricting alcahol. Nuisance Disorder or annoyance must have occured
Search on school premises S139 . Can be for points and blades OR Off weaps
Road side property is not anything that is portable
Death by Dangerous Driving? Compulroy re test + obligatory disqualification min 2 years
Drink Drive . Outside vehicle at doo ? In charge
POwer to enter and seize un insured MV's does not apply to Private dwellings
Non minor accident - No NIP
Hostages. Can compel a person as well as a Staet etc.Can threat to kill , injure or detain still
Require specimin. Mental disorder has been shown as reasonable excuse
Blood Option DR decised which part of body it is taken from
Crim Dam. Can cause permit another
If FME thinks susp unfit he does not need to give his consent in writting
Skips. OWNER is responsble unless period of hire exceeds 1 month
Assisting offender. Can still be guilty even if original offences has been aquited
Deaf / Interpreters. Chief office of police for that area responsible
Duress. Must fear death or serious injury . Would someone act the same way .
No Bail. Must go before 1st Mags. Bail ? Can be specified by Custody
Directed surveilance. Supt writting 3 months
POssessions with intent is an intent offence. Complete when intention is formed .
Robbery . Seeking to put in fear is enough . Even if they dont beleive
Urine . one hour from requirment however may extend at discretion
Closure order for noise must be ongoing. Disorder may have already happened . Inspector
POlice vehicle do not need test certs.
Incomunicado delays . Indictable
Urgent Interviews. For summary and Indictable
Cannot exceed 24 hour detention for summary offence
Terrorism reviews. ASAP then every 12 hours
In custody can force off face coverings
Testing Class A . Urine or Int sample14 - 18 at chargeO18 - Charge or arrest
Class A testing cannot use force. But comitt offence.24 hours after arrest6 hours after charge
Curfews - 14 - 60 days
Photo ID must be viewed at least once.Video Twice.
Ears and Nose hair NOT intimate
Officer can prompt an interview to clear up ambiguity
Inadmissable evidence must still be retained
Defence has 14 days after initial disclosure
Sworn / Unsworn Testimony 0.14 U.14
Cannot lead a confused witness. Can lead a hostile witness
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