Phonetics & Phonologyprod. of speech sounds | patterns of sounds
Special relations between spelling and pronunciation
Homography:'record (N) - re'cord (V)'conduct (N) - con'duct (V)Homophony:write - right - ritebrake - breakhear - here sea - see know - no
Orthography vs. phonology/phonetics:spelling system: -----> orthography sound system: -------> phonetic transcription /.../ or [...]
Important Terminology:PHONEME: smallest phonological unit that distinguishes meaningMINIMAL PAIR: pit - bit, thy - thigh, COMPLEMENTARY DISTRIBUTION: regular occurence of two or several linguistic elements; one element cannot occur where another one occurse.g. clear L vs. dark LALLOPHONE: complementary distributed variant of a phonemeFREE VARIANT: not complementary distributed; independant of position, e.g. depend on regional or individual accenteither - eithertomato, tomato
speaker's brain: = phonologyspeaker's mouth: = articulatory phoneticstransmission of sound through air: = acoustic phoneticslistener's ear: = auditory phoneticslistener's brain: = phonology
Cardinal Vowels Reference vowels established by phoneticians to describe sounds of a language Current system was completed by Daniel Jones (early 20th century) 8 primary cardinal vowels: + secondary vowels -> umlautsvowel: airstreamconsonant: airstream is blocked
Consonants: Manner of articulation: Plosives (Explosion) [p, b, t, d, k, g] Fricatives (Reibung) [f, v, s, z, ð, θ, ʃ, ʒ, h] Affricatives [tʃ, dʒ] Nasals [m, n, ŋ] Approximants:- Liquids [l, r]- Glides (semi-vowels) [w, j]
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