UNIT 11- 20 Lehrbuch


Apunte sobre UNIT 11- 20 Lehrbuch , creado por Melanie Gödde el 30/01/2019.
Melanie Gödde
Apunte por Melanie Gödde, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Melanie Gödde
Creado por Melanie Gödde hace más de 5 años

Resumen del Recurso

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Simple past  - Vergangenheitsform to be - was / wasn't         war / war nicht              were / werent     waren / waren nicht  

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s.115 - 4   a. Where were the Frazers last May? The Frazers were in Cyprus last May. b. Where was their hotel? Their hotel was in Nicosia. It was near the city centre. c. What was wrong with their hotel? Their room was too small and it wasn't like the photo in their brochure.It wasn't a double room. There wasn't a shower and the toilet was dirty. The bedlinen was dirty, too.There weren't any towels , either. d. What was the manager of the hotel like? The manager was very rude. He was a short, fat manin a dirty vest. e. Where were the Frazers after that? They were at a camping site near the coast. f. Why was the camping site better? Because the toilets and showers were always clean, the people there were very friendly and it was even cheaper than the hotel. g. Who was in the tent next to the Frazers? There were a young couple from Holland. h. Why was the Frazers first night at the camping site exciting? Because there was a barbecu, a beach party and a fire. i. Were the Dutch couple seriously injured? No, the Dutch couple were OK. They weren't seriously injured. they were very lucky. j. What was burned? Their tent and their camping equipment were burned.    

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s.177    Liste Verben :   Verb                                                      simple past Form +                                       simple past Form -   visit                                                       we visited                                                        we didn't visit start                                                      we started                                                       we didn't start travel                                                    we traveled                                                      we didn't travel want                                                     we wanted                                                       we didn't want wait                                                      we waited                                                         we didn't wait like                                                       we liked                                                             we didn't like arrive                                                   we arrived                                                         we didn't arrive  miss                                                     we missed                                                          we didn't miss check-in                                               we checked-in                                                   we didn't check-in ask                                                        we asked                                                            we didn't ask talk                                                        we talked                                                           we didn't talk change                                                 we changed                                                        we didn't change reserve                                                 we reserved                                                       we didn't reserve irritate                                                  we were irritated                                               we weren't irritate enjoy                                                     we enjoyed                                                         we didn't enjoy land                                                       we landed                                                           we didn't land   Unregelmäßige Verben    rink                                                     rank                                                                        didn't rink eat                                                      ate                                                                           didn't eat have                                                   had                                                                          didn't have  feel                                                     felt                                                                           didn't feel get                                                      got                                                                            didn't get  go                                                       went                                                                         didn't go  leave                                                 left                                                                            didn't leave say                                                    said                                                                           didn't say see                                                    saw                                                                            didn't see sleep                                                 slept                                                                           didn't sleep tell                                                     told                                                                            didn't tell  think                                                 thought                                                                     didn't think wake up                                            woke up                                                                    didn't wake up                                       

Página 4

Unit 11G  Fragen im simple present ( to do ) :   I drive to work. Do you always drive to work? - Yes, I do.   Fragen im simple past werden gleich gebildet nur steht nun ein did anstelle von to do Did you visit all the sights? - Yes, we did. Did you hire a photorapher ? - No, we didn't.   Bei WHO? und WHAT? Fragen, also wenn WHO und WHAT Subjekt sind gibt es keine Umschreibung mit to do oder did. Who saw you there?  - who als Subjekt What caused the fire? - what als Subjekt   Bei who oder what als Objekt ( wem? bzw wen oder was?) erfolgt eine Umschreibung mit to do bzw. did: What did the fire cause? - what als Objekt Who did you see there? - who als Objekt   Unit 11 / (12)   a. Did you talk to the manager ?     Well, not at first. I couldn't find him. b. Who did you see ?      I saw the girl at the desk and talked to her  c. Did you complain about your room?     Yes, of course I did. I told her that we were unhappy with it. d. What did she do?      She said she couldn't help us and called the manager. e. What did he say?     He offered us  new room, but he said we had to pay more. f. Did you take it?     Yes, I did. But I told him that we wouldn't pay extra. g. Did he give you the better room for the same price?      No, he didn't. He said there was nothing wrong with this room. h. Did you get angry?    No, I didn't. I stayed cool. Well. nearly. i.  What did you say?    I called him a very rude name, I'm afraid.

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Unit 11 Aufgabenheft 1979 – left (1)  school 1979 – 1982 – did an (2)  apprenticeship as a baker 1982 – 1984 – worked in a (3) local bakery  1984 – 1987 – (4) trained to be a chef 1987 – 1992 – got a (5) new job as a chef 1989 – 1992 – did a (6) distance learning course 1992 – passed his (7) A levels 1992 – 1995 – (8) studied food science 1995 – got a (9) degree in food science 1995 – started work (10) as a food engineer 2000 – got a PhD and (11) became a doctor From 1997 – did management (12) training courses 2004 – was (13) promoted to head of department   Exercise 2 Match the following expressions (1–7) with a definition (a–g). (Ordnen Sie den folgenden Ausdrücken die richtigen Definitionen [a–g] zu.) 1. GCSEs -  The qualifications you get from school when you are sixteen. 2. A levels - The qualifications you need to study at university. 3. degree - The qualification you get when you finish university. 4. PhD - A high university qualification. It gives you the title Doctor. 5. apprenticeship - A course where you work in a company and also go to college. At the end of the course you have a qualification for a special job. 6. distance learning course - A form of studying that you do at home and by post. 7. training course -  - Classes where you learn something connected to work.   Exercise 3 Read the dialogue again and find the right partner a–l for the following words 1–12. (Finden Sie den richtigen Partner für die folgenden Wörter   1. achieve an aim 2. work for a company 3. go to university 4. do an apprenticeship 5. get a job 6. earn money 7. do a degree  8. pass an exam 9. do a course 10. do a PhD 11. write a thesis 12. become a manager   Exercise 4 Fill the gaps in the sentences with expressions from exercises two and three. (Füllen Sie die Lücken mit jeweils einem Ausdruck aus den Übungen 2 und 3.)   1. John Morgan did a degree in journalism at Nottingham University and then worked as a freelance writer. 2. He now works for a big national newspaper and earns a lot of money because he has a lot of experience and writes good articles. 3. I hope she passes her exams so that she can study at university. 4. When he left school Pete did an apprenticeship as a management assistant at a big international company not far from London. 5. I worked for a company while I was studying for my A levels. 6. If you want better qualifications but don't want to give up your job, why don’t you do a distance learning courses ? 7. Helen plans to do a PhD. She wants the title Dr Morgan. 8. If I get my A levels, I can go to university and study economics.   Exercise 5 Find the right definition for the two idioms in the dialogue. (Finden Sie die richtige Definition für die zwei Redewendungen.) 1. It’s not my cup of tea. - I don't like it. 2. You have two strings to your bow. - There are two things you can do well.   Read the following sentences (a–f) and find the right definitions (1–6) for the underlined expressions. (Finden Sie die richtigen Definitionen [1–6] für die unterstrichenen Ausdrücke in den folgenden Sätzen [a–f].)   a) This work really isn’t up to scratch. You must work harder! -  good enough b) She made a dog’s dinner of that presentation. Some of the statistics were wrong, she didn’t speak loudly enough and she forgot a lot of things. - to do something badly c) I can find the answers to his questions. It’s not difficult. It’s a piece of cake.  - easy d) This work just isn’t good enough. Now, pull your socks up and do it again! - to pull oneself together e) Why do I always do the donkey work? I do the same uninteresting things day after day and you do all the interesting, creative parts! - to do all the boring, hard work f) Poor Bob! He works overtime every week and never goes home before 8 pm. He certainly has his nose to the grindstone. - to work very hard   Exercise 6 In the dialogue there are some verbs in the simple past tense. Find: (Im Dialog gibt es einige Verben im simple past. Finden Sie:)   1. five regular verbs used in a positive sentence and write down the infinitive.   achieved - achieve wanted - want trained - train baked - bake  cooked - cook enjoyed - enjoy   2. five irregular verbs used in a positive sentence and write down the infinitive.   did - do left - leave  went - go  got - get was - be kept - keep   3. three verbs in negative sentences and write the simple past positive form.   didn't go - went didn't like - liked wasn't good - was good didn't have - had didn't stay - stayed didn't earn- earned

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s. 132 Unit 12   14 a. Cathy says, that they aren't going on holiday this summer. b. The train goes at half past four on Sundays. c. What are you doing this evening, Cathy? - I'm visiting my parents in Milton Keynes. d.I'm seeing the Dees on Saturday. e. I think that Harry will be very disappointed. d. Molly says that there will be about sixty guests.  

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Unit 13 Exercise 1   1. Last week I forgot my money when I went to a restaurant, so I couldn’t pay. It was so embarassing. 2. When you put your foot on the brake, the car stops. 3. I worked really hard on that project and I’m proud of the results. 4. In a lot of old comedy films someone slips on a banana skin and falls down. 5. We have a wooden fence around our garden. 6. He put his foot on the accelerator and the car went faster. 7. The tractor drove along a dirt track to the farmhouse. 8. After the accident she couldn’t remember anything. She had concussion.   to slip (verb) = rutschen, ausrutschen regret (verb) = bereuen  accelerator (noun) = Gaspedal, Beschleuniger proud (adjective) = stolz dirt track (noun) = Feldweg concussion (noun) = Erschütterung damage (noun) = Schaden embarrassing (adjective) = peinlich, beschämend slight (adjective) = gering, leicht, klein fence (noun) = Zaun incident (noun) = Vorfall, Ereignis  brake (noun) = Bremse fail (verb) = versagen, scheitern   Exercise 2   A h m c  l i e   B j g k n d o f   Exercise 3   Which of the two women – Janet Carr or Wendy T. – ... (Welche der zwei Frauen.....) 1. ... is going to get some money? Janet – compensation 2. ... will have to pay some money?  Wendy – she will have to pay the garage to repair her car. 3. ... likes the colour red? Wendy – she has a red car. 4. ... is getting bored now? Janet – she has nothing to do in hospital. 5. ... was on a farm? Wendy – in a field of cows. 6. ... broke the law? Wendy – she drove over a red light. 7. ... can speak another language? Janet – she teaches German. 8. ... was very calm?  Wendy – she kept her cool when the brakes on her car failed. 9. ... had a helper? Janet – an electrician helped her. 10. ... had to help herself? Wendy – she stopped the car herself.   Exercise 4   The information in the following sentences is wrong. First, write a negative sentence and then a sentence with the correct information.    Wendy T.’s car crashed through a bush. It didn’t crash through a bush. It crashed through a fence. 1. Wendy T. panicked when the brakes on her car failed. Wendy T. didn’t panic. She kept her cool.   2. Wendy took her foot off the brake. She didn’t take her foot off the brake. She took it off the accelerator.    3. The traffic lights were green. The traffic lights weren’t green. They were red.   4. She just missed a man on a bike when she turned left. She didn’t just miss a man on a bike. She just missed a parked car.   5. She will have to buy a new car. She won’t have to buy a new car. She will have to take her car to the garage.   6. Janet was on her way home when she fell down some stairs. She won’t have to buy a new car. She will have to take her car to the garage.   7. She teaches the staff of Bradley Food Systems Spanish. She doesn’t teach the staff Spanish. She teaches them German   8. Her leg hurt. Her leg didn’t hurt. Her arm did.   9. She was able to get up herself. She wasn’t able to get up herself. An electrician helped her.   10. The company is going to have another look at Janet’s arm The company isn’t going to have another look at her arm. It’s going to have a look at its safety regulations.   Exercise 5 Use your dictionary if necessary to check the meaning of these car parts (1 – 10) and then match them with the correct definition (a – j).   1. speedometer - h) the thing that tells you how fast you are going 2. windscreen wiper  e) a long, thin thing that cleans the front and back window 3. ignition j) the place where you put the key to start the car 4. rearview mirror f) a thing in front of you that you can use to see out of the back window 5. steering wheel b) a round thing that you hold and use to control the direction of the car 6. tyre i) a thick rubber cover which is round the four wheels 7. dashboard a) the place where the instruments are 8. wing mirror d) two things at the side of the car that help you to see behind you, especially good for parking 9. indicator g) a light that you use to show other drivers when you are going to go left or right 10. boot c) a place where you can put luggage   Exercise 6 Use words from exercise five to fill in the gaps in these sentences.   1. She looked in the rearview  mirror and saw a man on a motorbike behind her. 2. I need to buy some new tyre for the winter for my car. 3. It started raining so he put on the windscreen wipers. 4. You can put your rucksack in the boot.  5. He put the key in the ignition and the car started immediately. 6. Some people use a mobile phone in the car and that’s dangerous because they can’t keep both hands on the steering wheel. 7. Before he turned the corner he put on the indicator. 8. Look at the speedometer ! You’re going too fast again!  

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