Library Book Powerpoint Guidelines


English-CPE Apunte sobre Library Book Powerpoint Guidelines, creado por Julia Gass el 31/01/2015.
Julia Gass
Apunte por Julia Gass, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Julia Gass
Creado por Julia Gass hace más de 9 años

Resumen del Recurso

Página 1

Powerpoint Guidelines Points to include: · Author background, some brief interesting details or anecdotes. · Genre · Setting and context · Themes · Characters that were memorable ( 2 or 3) · Parallels to modern day events. · Quotes & Reading from text · Opinion Remember: · Use spell checker & grammar checker · Remember keep slides clear with not too much written content · Add images · Check font and font size is suitable (18 is perfect) · If you add video or You tube links make sure they work! · 5 mins maximum Evaluation Criteria: 1. Task completion and general maturity in choice of reading matter and explanation. (5%) 2. Grammar & Vocab, spoken and written (5%) 3. Fluency/Pronunciation (5%) 4. Technology (5%)

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