Book Vocabulary


9th grade Intensive Reading! :) Apunte sobre Book Vocabulary, creado por carlockb el 16/09/2013.
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Creado por carlockb hace más de 11 años

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Book Vocabulary Ch. 6-10 Postponed 54:To put off Orthodontist 59: Dentist who straightens teeth Intimidating 63: making you feel worried or not confident Grimace 69: twist your face because you do not like something Acquainted 69: someone you have met Twinge 75: sudden feeling of slight pain Extension 77: long cord attached to the phone so you can reach farther Drowsy 79: tired and almost asleep Transistor 79: small piece of electronic equipment that controls the flow of electricity Octaves 79: range of notes in a scale Eternity 80: period of time that seems very long Klutz 81: clumsy Initiation 84: starting something with an official ceremony Optimum 85: least or most suited for a purpose or situation Stingy 86: not generous Inconvenience 93: problems caused by something which annoys or afffects you Pathological 97: unreasonable behavior that is impossible to control Engrossed 100: so intersted in something that you do not notice anything else

Chapter 11-16: Gauze: very thin transparent materials with very small holes in it Traipse: walk somewhere in a slow way because you are tired or bored Devour: eat something quickly because you are very hungry Procedure: way of doing something Dictate: say words for someone else to write down Enthusiasm: strong feeling of interest and enjoyment Hermit: someone who lives alone Gazebo: small building with open sides Jowls: skin tgat coves your lower jaw Turmoil: state of confusion, excitement, or anxeity Stanza: group of lines in a repeated pattern as part of a poem or song

Ch. 17-22: Etiquette: format rules for polite behavior Obituaries: article about the life of someone who has died Clammy: feeling unpleasantly sticky, wet or cold Solitaire: card game you play by yourself Horizon: line where land and sky meet Temple: flat area on each side of your forehead Murky: dark and difficult to see through Reflexes: natural ability to react quickly Conscience: part of your mind that tells you if what you are doing is right or wrong Concordance: alphabectical list of words used in a book that tell where the words can be found Caravan: group which travels together Burlap: type of thick rough cloth

Ch. 1-5: Curlicue: a fancy curve Pouty: push out the lower lip because you are annoyed or unhappy Suspiciously: in a way that shows your think someone has done something wrong Sterile: Completely clean Swerve: make a sudden sideways movement Sparse: small amount Foreclosed: take away property because of non-payment Clappboard: boards used to cover the outside of a building Awkward: not relaxed or comfortable Turquoise: greenish-blue stone Enormous: very big in size Gourmet: very good food Correspondent: someone who reports the news Puny: small, thin, weak Frantic: extremely worried and frightened Resuscitation: make someone breath again Oblivious: not noticing things around you Coincidence: when things happen in a way that seems surprising Destiny: things that will happen to someone in the future Imaginary: not real Overexposed: allow too much light to reach the film Exaggerated: make something seem better, large, or worse than it is

Ch. 6-10

Ch. 11-16

Ch. 17-22

Ch. 1-5

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