September 30th-Sentences:Modifiers and Stuff


First Year SBC EN101 English Composition Apunte sobre September 30th-Sentences:Modifiers and Stuff, creado por heinrichs.mark el 30/09/2013.
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MODIFIERS:-Adjectival ModifiersWords, phrases, etc. that modify either a noun or noun phrase-Adverbial ModifiersModify verbs, adverbs, etc...answer how when why-Overlapping modifiersDo not have to be in a linear format, one word modified by two different modifiers, a modifier modifying a modifier.SENTENCE LENGTH:-Variety is the spice of life-short sentences speeds action and intensity-long sentences provide depth and insight---but be careful of run on sentences and wordinessSENTENCE VARIETY:-lengths-kinds-structuresEMPHASIS IN SENTENCES:-beginnings and endings-loose sentences and periodic sentences-final position-moveable modifiersrepetition-stylistic contrast-syntax-punctuation

COMMON SENTENCE PROBLEMS:-Sentence Coherence---as each sentence must cohere with the next, so each sentence must have coherence within itself-Fragments-Comma splice: compound sentence joined with a comma instead of the proper punctuation.-Run-on sentences-Misplaced modifiers---eg: He was staring at the girl by the vending machine wearing dark glasses-Mixed Construction-Faulty Alignment-Shifts in perspective---Tense---Mood---Voice---Person of Pronoun---Number of Pronoun-Faulty parallelismMISPLACED MODIFIERS:-Poor placement---only, almost, etc..

COMPARE/CONTRAST:-choose two subjects that are comparable in significance---one subject must be familiar to your readers-choose main points that apply equally to both subjects-Decide which way of organizing your essay would best suit your subject and purpose---Block-one view with subsequent points(one at a time)---Point by Point-each view on each point-Write a thesis statement that presents your two subjects and the basis on which you will compare/contrast them.CAUSAL ANALYSIS:-Indicate in your thesis statement whether you are analyzing causes or effects.-Avoid errors in reasoning---Oversimplification------(Canadians are cold and unfriendly, probably because of their country's climate)---Faulty causal relation-----(the introduction of the telephone to the village of Magdaluna caused its economic and social collapse)---Leaping to a conclusion-----(My cousin had to wait three years before being permitted to immigrate to Canada. This shows that immigration offices are inefficient and insensitive)-Provide detailed support for your main points (Causes or effects)ARGUMENTATION:-Choose an issue that you know and care about.---Remember that every issue has multiple sides-Select reason and evidence that will convince your audience.-Arrange your reasons in the structural pattern that is most appropriate for your issue and your audience.

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