Sport Psych - created from Mind Map


wace PE Studies Apunte sobre Sport Psych - created from Mind Map, creado por sarah.butler.96 el 16/10/2013.
Apunte por sarah.butler.96, actualizado hace más de 1 año Más Menos
Creado por sarah.butler.96 hace alrededor de 11 años
Copiado a Apunte por sarah.butler.96 hace alrededor de 11 años

Resumen del Recurso

Página 1

Self Talk Self Affirmation Boost confidence Talking to Self Negative Positive Before routine Self Persuasion Verbal Mental

Relaxation relaxing feelings of tension reduce anxiety Breathing Meditation Progressive muscle relaxation Music Autogenic training Biofeedback Massage Warm Heavy

Performance Routine Ritual Up, Down Arousal Concentration Controls Emotions sequence of tast related thoughts Familiarity Focus on task not place

Goal Setting SMARTER SCCAMP Outcome Performance Process Team Personal Motivates Concentration Arousal

Imagery All senses Mental Picture flawless completion

Before Comp Self Talk Relaxation Performance Routine Goals Imagery

During Comp Self Talk Imagery Routines Goal Setting

After Comp Self Talk Relaxation Goal Setting

Stress Imbalance between demands and capability Important concequence Positive eustress Negaive distress Skilled can benefit from stress Environmental demand Imporove perform Individual perception Stress response Concequence

Motivation Encouragement to improve Extrinsic Intrinsic Direction/ Intensity of effort

Concentration Focus on relevant cues Routines Imagery

Self Confidence having what it takes ro success Self fulfilling prophecy Too much kills perform

Arousal Inverted 'U' Flow In the Zone Amount of mental energy ^^ HR Dialated pupils Sweaty Palms Changes with.. Activity Skill Difficulty

Group Cohesion Carrons Model Sociogram Task Cohesion Social Cohesion Dynamic process Communication collective identity tendancy to stick together Environmental Personal Leadership Team Contract Transfer Rules Geographical Restrictiona Motives to participate Task Motivation Self Motivation Feeling of Group Leadership Style Behaviour Coach-Athlete relation Goals How long the team stays together Desire for success Team Stability Individuals interacting in a group Specific Questions Cliques Isolates Stars One Way Mutual Measures level of attraction Clarify Roles Team Goals Rules and norms Leadership adjusted Regulars to help new Players Dinner Team Building Fines System Communication Group Identity Togetherness Song/Uniform/ Cheer

Mental Toughness Resiliance Coping under pressure Stress

Stages of Group Development Forming Storming Norming Performing Stregnth/ Weakness Chaos Coach needs to be consistant Resistance Agreeing Self--> Team Team Cohesion

Cohesion and Performance Group Size Leadership Roles Goals

Social Loafing Big Group= more RIngleman Effect Less effort with more people Economise Effort Reducing Loafing Lack resiliance Effort doesnt feel valued Minimal evaluation Form Drops Feedback Checklists Acknowledge players Reduce group size Avoid boring tasks Mentors Rotate players Challenging tasks Extrisnsic awards

Sport Psych

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