Computer Terms - created from Mind Map


Basic terms used in computing
Julio Aldine Branch-HCPL
Apunte por Julio Aldine Branch-HCPL, actualizado hace más de 1 año Más Menos
Julio Aldine Branch-HCPL
Creado por Julio Aldine Branch-HCPL hace más de 9 años
Julio Aldine Branch-HCPL
Copiado a Apunte por Julio Aldine Branch-HCPL hace más de 9 años

Resumen del Recurso

Página 1

Hardware: Any part of the computer you can touch or see

HDD: permanent storage for programs and files

RAM: Temporary storage for the user, to open files, programs, play, surf the web, and more...

Video: device use for displaying computer content

Internet/Web: Groups of computes link together to share resources, files, videos, music, and more

CD/DVD: a way of recording permanently data, files, programs

External Storage: permanent storage that can be attached to the computer

Email: a way of exchanging information in the web

Cloud Sotorage: data stored in the web

Cloud Apps: programs run in the web

Upload: to copy a file or program from your PC to the Web

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