Specific Notes


Specific Vietnam War Notes
Shaun Liew
Apunte por Shaun Liew, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Shaun Liew
Creado por Shaun Liew hace alrededor de 9 años

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Causes and ConsequencesThe most significant cause of the Vietnam War was the simple fact that America and other supporters disagreed with the idea of communist governments expanding throughout South East Asia and decided to fight in order to stop this expansion. Before World War II, Vietnam established their own communist government lead by a famous historical figure Ho Chi Minh after the Japanese retreated.ConsequencesThere were many lives lost as a result of this war. There was an immense 2 million people that were killed and 3 million people that were wounded. The destruction of land and Vietnam as a nation was also a result of this event. Over 1,034,000 hectares of land was destroyed in 1969. Several herbicides and defoliants used throughout this campaign had a massive effect long term and short term as it caused severe health damages and ecological effects on people. Over 700,000 veterans experienced psychological effects after this war. The anti-communists did not end up succeeding in preventing communism. This had a huge effect on America as the war weakened American people's faith and confidence in their government. The Vietnam War thoroughly affected how America approaches military involved actions. Source:http://www.historylearningsite.co.uk/vietnam-war/the-causes-of-the-vietnam-war/

Key Dates (significant events), People,Placeshttp://www.shmoop.com/vietnam-war/timeline.htmlhttp://www.vietnamwar.net/VWplaces.htmhttp://www.shmoop.com/vietnam-war/people.html

Different PerspectivesThe Pro-Communists and the Anti-communistshttp://userpages.umbc.edu/~jamie/html/comparison_of_two_very_differe.html

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