Project Core Concepts


Certificate (Fundamentals of Prince 2) Prince 2 Apunte sobre Project Core Concepts, creado por Salman Khalid el 10/08/2015.
Salman Khalid
Apunte por Salman Khalid, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Salman Khalid
Creado por Salman Khalid hace más de 9 años

Resumen del Recurso

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What is a Project A project is a series of Actions designed to accomplish a unique Goal within a specified timeA Management Environment that is created for the purpose of delivering one or more business products according to a specified Business Case - By Prince 2

PRINCE2Project in Controlled Environment

Features of Project Change Projects are the means by which we introduce change Temporary Projects are temporary in nature. Once the desired change has been implemented, business as usual resumes (in its new form) and the need for the project is removed. Projects should have a defined start and a defined end Cross-functional Projects involve a team of people with different skills working together (on a temporary basis) to introduce a change that will impact others outside the team. Projects often cross the normal functional divisions within an organization and sometimes span entirely different organizations Unique Every project is unique. An organization may undertake many similar projects, and establish a familiar, proven pattern of project activity, but each one will be unique in some way: a different team, a different customer, a different location. Uncertainty Clearly, the characteristics already listed will introduce threats and opportunities over and above those we typically encounter in the course of business as usual. Projects are more risky.

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