Creado por zyanya.magana
hace alrededor de 11 años
WHAT ARE SOURCE DOCUMENTS?-invoice -receipt -deposit slip -check counterfoil -statement -payment confirmation-the 1st documents that exist relating to a transaction-serve as proof for a transaction(include date and time)
INVOICES:-list goods or services provided and their prices-normally relate to credit transactions-suppliers normally send an invoice with goods(or once services have been delivered)-indicate payment terms(time)-"bills"
RECEIPTS:-confirm that services or goods have been received-normally relate to cash transactions
DEPOSIT SLIP:-proof that cash, including currency and checks, has been deposited in a bank account
CHECK COUNTERFOIL:-this is the part of the check kept by the drawer(writer) of the check as a record of the transaction
STATEMENT:-a report showing -the amount owned by one business to another -details of transactions between the two businesses
PAYMENT CONFIRMATION:-proof of internet transactions
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