Creado por kissannasinclair
hace alrededor de 11 años
All the following poems and stories must be studied!A Contemplation Upon Flowers A Stone's ThrowDreaming Black BoyDulce Et Decorum EstEpitaphForgive My GuiltGod's Grandeur It is the Constant Image of your FaceLe LoupgarouOl' HigueOnce Upon A TimeOrchidsSonnet Composed Upon A Westminster BridgeSouthTest Match Sabina ParkThe Woman Speaks to the Man Who Has Employed Her SonTheme For English BThis is the Dark Time, My LoveTo An Athlete Dying YoungWest Indies, U.S.A
All the following short Stories must be studied!BerryBlackoutEmmaMom Luby and the Social WorkerSeptimusShabineThe Boy Who Loved Ice CreamThe Day the World Almost Came to an End The Man of the HouseTo Dah-Duh in Memoriam
All the text should be studied!A Midsummer Night's DreamIntroduction to ShakespeareOld Story TimeSongs of SilenceThe Wine of Astonishment
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