Balkan Crisis


Great Powers wanted to have land in the Balkans and this contributed to the start on World War 1
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Five Countries wanted to have the Balkans for different reasons

RussiaIntrested because of economic and cultural reasons. They wanted a warm water port to protect her trades  50% of all and all of grain exports. This would also helo with the construction on the navy. Russia saw herself as an important part if the slav race and she wanted to protect all small countries like Serbia against Turkish Muslim control Russia believed there should be a small union f all Slavs into one race (Pan Slavism)

GermanySaw the Balkans as a chance to build a German Empire.  Strong industrial power with lots of cheap raw materials an export market and an area for profitable investment. They built the Baghdad railway in the area. Germans believed that they were a superior race therefore it was their mission to dominate then Balkans the Middle east and Central Europe and Asia.

SerbiaThe Serbians were a party in the Balkans and the Austrians were terrified of Natiionalist movements because Serbians threatened to break up the Austrian empire.

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