every chromosome in the nucleus contains DNA DNA is made up of two strands twisted around each other , called a double helix each strand is made up of many repeating building blocks called nucleotides
each nucleotide is made up of a deoxyribose sugar, a phosphate group and a base (adenine, thymine, guanine and cytosine) each strand is held together by weak hydrogen bonds between the bases the sugar and phosphate form the back bone of the double helix the bases are linked in specific pairing or complementary pairings
adenine - thyminecytosine - guanine the sequence of bases is responsible for the types of proteins made in cells
reactions controlled by enzymes enzymes are made of protein built p from units called amino acids enzymes are biological catalysts responsible for function, growth and development of cells and organisms the sequence of bases determines the sequence of DNA each triplet of bases is called a codon
Mrna is made up of one strand of DNA and Mrna carries the genetic info to the cytoplasm to make proteins Mrna is single stranded and contains the base uracil instead of thymine
structure of DNA
DNA and protein
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