18th Century in England, Key Novelists


Grado Iconos Culturales y Literarios de Inglaterra Apunte sobre 18th Century in England, Key Novelists, creado por s b el 09/01/2014.
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Jonathan Swift (1667-1745) Samuel Richardson (1689-1761) Henry Fielding (1707-1754)

Key Novelists of the 18th Century in England

Gulliver’s Travels (1726)Part I: A Voyage to LilliputPart II: A voyage to BrobdingnagPart III: A Voyage to Laputa, Balnibarbi, Luggnagg, Glubbdubdrib and Japan Part IV: A Voyage to the Country of the Houyhnhnms

Laurence Sterne (1713-1768)The Life & Opinions of Tristram Shandy (1759-1767)

Pamela (1740)Clarissa (1748)

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