Chapter 4 Notes


Ideas changing in Renaissance Europe
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Chapter 4: The Exchange of Ideas The Scientific Method1. Identify the problem or question2. Gather information on the problem3. Form a hypothesis4. Experiment to test the hypothesis5. Record and analyse data6. State a conclusion7. Repeat the stepsAstronomy-Thought that Earth was the center of the universe-Galileo helped change worldview by disproving that theoryMedicine-Galileo and Leonardo Da Vinci dissected bodies-Francois Rabelais was a humanist scholar and physician-Published copies of classical medicinal worksMath-Tool for understanding the universe-Important part of the Renaissance-Mathmatics is used by painters, sculptures, engineers, architects and musicians Key Concepts of Math During Renaissance-Concept of zero-Decimal system-PerspectiveFirst Nations View on Sickness"For every sickness on this Earth, there is a medicine under your feet."-Rely on the wisdom of elders-Use lots of plants-Focus on the spiritual, emotional and physical self-Medicine women/men help to establish harmony between people and natureNicolous CopernicusHow discovery was made: Ideas from Greek times that weren't accepted during the classic time periodDiscoveries: Earth orbits around the sun and the sun doesn't moveJohannes KeplerHow discovery was made: Attempted combining the theories of Ptolemy and Copernicus. Spent 20 years using math trying to prove his ideasDisoveries: That planets move in an elliptical orbit, not perfect circlesGalileo GalileiHow discovery was made: Built telescopes to study spaceDiscoveries: Confirmed that the sun was the center of the universe. Also saw sun spots, craters, mountains on the moon, the stars of the Milky Way and Jupiter's moonsGalileo's ideas conflicted with the belief, knowledge and society aspects of worldview.Isabelle D'este-At 16 married the Duke of Mantua-Their court became the center of learning, music and the visual arts-Known as 'The First Lady of the World'-Very political, effective leaderMachiavelli-Believed that men were ungrateful, fickle, liars, deceivers, fearful of danger and greedy-Thought it was better as a political leader to be feared than loved-Wrote the book 'The Prince'Girolamo Savonarola-Dedicated to fighting off corruption-Unofficial leader of Florence-Hated Pope Alexander VI-Organized the 'Bonfire of the Vanities' where he burnt things that he believed brought people further away from God including;WigsMake-upFancy clothingArtBooks

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