Clinical Characteristics of Schizophrenia


(Schizophrenia) Psychology Apunte sobre Clinical Characteristics of Schizophrenia, creado por mollymollymoore el 23/04/2013.
Apunte por mollymollymoore, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Creado por mollymollymoore hace más de 11 años

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CLINICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF SCHIZOPHRENIA Kurt Schneider (1959) divided the symptoms of schizophrenia into two categories: Positive behaviours (additional abnormal behaviours) & Negative behaviours (lack of normal behaviours) Hallucinations –  Auditory Hallucinations – hearing voices saying things when no one is really there Visual Hallucinations – seeing things/people that are not present or real  Tactile Hallucinations – feel people touching them Delusions –  Thought Broadcasting – the idea that an external force is broadcasting the individuals thoughts Thought Insertion – an external force makes the individual think something is distasteful/unwelcome Delusions of Control – not being in control of their actions  Delusions of belief – the individual believes they are someone powerful/important i.e. The Queen Persecutory Delusions – the individual believes people are out to harm them. Incoherent Speech: Speech is rambling or sparking off in different directions. This leads to the person becoming more isolated. Catatonic Behaviour:  The individual makes characteristic movements that are repetitive or purposeless. Sometimes an individual may stand in one place for hours. Negative Symptoms: FLATNESS OF EFFECT – Lack of emotion when speaking or in response, showing wrong emotions.  POVERTY OF SPEECH – Answering with a meaningless phrase ANHEDONIA – Not being able to react to pleasure or enjoy experiences

Incoherent Speech: Speech is rambling or sparking off in different directions. This leads to the person becoming more isolated. Catatonic Behaviour:  The individual makes characteristic movements that are repetitive or purposeless. Sometimes an individual may stand in one place for hours. Negative Symptoms: FLATNESS OF EFFECT – Lack of emotion when speaking or in response, showing wrong emotions.  POVERTY OF SPEECH (Alogia)v– Answering with a meaningless phrase     ANHEDONIA – Not being able to react to pleasure or enjoy experiences Avolition - inbility to initiate and persist goal directed behaviour

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