Creado por Matty Hudson
hace casi 11 años
Involves capture of light energy for:add P to ADP to make ATPSplit water into H+ and OH- ions (photolysis)
OIL RIGOxidation is loss of ionsReduction is gain of ions
When chlorophyll absorbs light it excites two electrons in chlorophyll
This causes the electrons to move up energy levels and release from the chlorophyll
They are taking up by an electron carrier
Chlorophyll has lost electrons so is oxidized Electron carrier has gained electrons (reduced)
electrons pass only photo system 2 to photo system 1 making a ETC
located in the membrane of the thylakoids
This carriers the electron passes through are at slightly decreasing energy levels
Meaning the electrons lose energy at each stage.
This energy is then used to to attach a P to ADP to form ATP for the light independent reaction
The loss of electrons from excitation leaves the chlorophyll short of electrons
It needs to replace these in order to carry on absorbing light
to replace them, light energy splits up molecules of water to make:protons (4H+) electrons (4e-)oxygen (02)
The electrons are taking up by the chlorophyll
The protons are taking up by NADP (electron carrier)
This makes it reduced NADPwhich is used in the light independent reaction
The oxygen is either used for respiration or diffuses out as a waste product
The LDR takes place in the thylakoids
Thylakoid membrane provide large surface area for attachment of chlorophyll and and enzymes
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