Yalta Conference, Feb 1945, Ukraine
Potsdam Conference, July-August 1945, Berlin
Agreements: Stalin agreed to enter the war against Japan once Germany had surrendered Germany and Berlin would be divided into 4 zones: American, Soviet, British and French Nazi war criminals would be hunted down and punished and captured Countries liberated from Germany would be allowed to hold free elections Big three agreed to join the new united nations Eastern Europe would be seen as a soviet sphere of influence Poland would lose border to the USSR and gain border in Germany
Disagreements: They disagreed over what to do with Germany. Stalin wanted to cripple Gernany and protect the USSR against future threats Truman did not want to repeat the mistaked of the Treaty of Versailles Stalin wanted compensation from germany = They disagreed over reparations They disagreed over the soviet policy in eastern europe
Stalin, Truman, Attlee
Stalin, Roosevelt, Churchil
About the leaders
Truman (POTSDAM) was very anti communist Attlee (POTSDAM) Led to rivalry and suspicion between Truman and Stalin Stalin (BOTH): communist Churchil (YALTA) Didnt approve of Stalins plans for Poland gaining border in germany but stalins red army controlled all of east germany and poland anyway Roosevelt (YALTA)
Communism (USSR)
Capitalism (USA)
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