Development, Coaching and Mentoring: Bullets 1-4 (provided by Stephanie Nahavandi)


Tools provided by Stephanie Nahavandi
Lydia Elliott, Ed.D
Apunte por Lydia Elliott, Ed.D , actualizado hace más de 1 año
Lydia Elliott, Ed.D
Creado por Lydia Elliott, Ed.D hace alrededor de 8 años

Resumen del Recurso

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Bullet Point #1Describe the benefits of coaching and mentoring for ongoing stakeholder and employee development.Definition of coaching: A collaborative, solution-focused, results-oriented and systematic process in which the coach facilitates the enhancement of work performance, life experience, self-directed learning and personal growth of the coachee: - The Association for Coaching (2006) - Beryl Institute Body of Knowledge course : Coaching and Developing Others What are the benefits of coaching? Coaching is Interactive process to help another improve, master a new skill, task or behavior to maximize their potential by taking performance in their current role to the next level. It does not require a long term relationship and is often situational vs future in nature and has many benefits. · Exceeds Expectations – Coaching helps develop relationships with patients and families to exceed expectations and uphold the commitment to extraordinary care · Fosters Quality Service and Experience – Coaching helps employees focus on quality excellence and enables them to work in ways that are more productive, efficient, effective, and productive without losing the personal touch. It also helps staff expand their vision and reach their full potential · Supports Change Management – Coaching plays a vital role in equipping individuals to adapt, to learn quickly and to master behaviors required to deal with continuous change. Coaches use their communication skills to overcome resistance to change. Once the coaches understand the reasons for resistance they can address their concerns and help rebuild the individual’s confidence to help meet the challenges of change. · Retains Top Talent – Coaching helps foster a sense of bonding and provides a forum for resolving issues that may cause staff to leave. Coaching can foster a partnership with their boss and helps the bottom line with not having to hire and train new staff. · Foster Collaborations – Coaching can promote the importance of engaging all stake holders in order to keep staff involved, motivated and committed to exceeding and meeting the patient and family needs. · Match Performance Demands – Demands for higher performances, new services, skills and regulations, can create gaps. Coaching fills performance gaps. Coaches describe not only what new skills are required but also their importance. They encourage employees to stretch beyond perceive personal limits and provide the guidance and feedback for skill mastery. · Reinforce Standards & Expectations – Nothing is more essential than making sure employees understand what is expected in terms of delivering healthcare in the safest, highest quality most ethical and personal manner possible. Coaches make knowledge suggestions about how to handle ethical dilemmas and how to handle compliance. · Supports outcome & breakthroughs – Anytime change or restructuring is require new skill sets are needed to foster breakthrough and encourage new approaches as well as facilitate new thinking. Where high performance is desired, coaching is essential

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Bullet Point #2 Identify coaching techniques and considerations which promote employee development in delivering excellence in patient/family resident experience.Successful coaches consistently display a genuine desire to assist the employee to achieve the goals. Ensuring an emotional bond with the employee being coached is essential. Coaching is key to ensuring exemplary patient experience. Elements of Successful Coaching and techniques to aid in creating a safe and professional environment for successful coaching include: Coaching Considerations: · Identify Gaps · Close Performance Gaps · Offer sound and confidential advice · Provide guidance or directions · Listen as much as you talk. · Offer Technical Help · Giving a challenge · Give personal support · Build an Emotional Bond Techniques for a Successful Coaching Session: · Prepare – through observation and validation · Discuss – skills and performance using open ended questions and active listening · Coach – to set expectation and establish a plan · Follow Up- to validate that progress is occurring. Provide feedback and encouragementCoaching Considerations Toolkit: · Trust – Trust makes coaching possible, coach must work to earn the trust. Show genuine interest in the employee’s success is one way to build trust. Keeping the coaching session confidential is another way to build trust. · Feedback – Employees want to hear how they are doing. Providing them with regular coaching and feedback will keep employees engaged and motivated. Appreciative feedback is an opportunity to celebrate achievements. Constructive feedback is feedback on how to improve and develop. · Milestone- Breaking down a far reaching or large goal into smaller achievements. This is helpful for the coach in monitoring the progress and also allows the employee to celebrate the success along the journey. · Active Listening – Active listening is essential after asking open ended questions and may result in some amount of silence while employee forms their response. Coach should pay full attention to person speaking, show empathy, use open ended questions and clarify. · Questioning Skills – Asking good questions requires practice and should have the purpose of: Information gathering, information check, seeking facts or details, explain feelings, think in different way or see a new approach. · Avoid Over Talking – The coach must resist the urge to over discuss the situation especially if nervous to have the conversation. Plan in advance, state the observed behavior and using open ended questions should help reduce this possibility · Flex Coaching – Coaching approaches based on generational preferences are important and should be adapted to the individual you are coaching. · Realistic – If it is obvious that the employee will not be able to successfully achieve the desired performance, it is respectful to have an open and honest conversation regarding the likelihood of success. Setting an employee up to fail is not coaching.

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Bullet Point #3 Adapt leadership style based on a given situation and circumstance.Improving the patient experience is about changing a hospital’s culture and this change is the most single powerful step a leader can take to improve the care. Leaders must not only take responsibility to make the patient experience a priority but also allocate the necessary time and resources to make it a reality. Leaders should adapt a style that incudes: Proper Onboarding of new staff A Strong Service Culture A Strong and Visible Leadership A clear mission, vision, values and set of behavior standards Consistency across all messages Effective Coaching Effective coaching, as an interactive process, is a core leadership competency. Additional types of Coaching for leadership style and circumstance: New Employee Coaching – this is a time of learning and assimilation to cultural. Setting behavioral and leadership expectations in an early coaching sessions reduces the likely hood for needing of coaching at a later date In the Moment Coaching – Leaders need to be available to provide real time coaching. In the moment the leader may choose to do nothing, wait and discuss at a later time, interrupt the employee and take over or if control is lost, work to deescalate the situation Promote Empowerment –The leader role models a problem solving approach that will empower the staff member to replicate as an approach for problem solving in the future. Difficult Situation – Employee anticipates a difficult situation. Scheduling a coaching session in advance to talk through the situation anticipate potential reactions and role play the interaction in advance will assist the employee to be as prepared and confident as possible. Stretch Goal – Coach high preforming employees for opportunities to participate in a stretch goal is a great retention strategy. Introducing the opportunity in a clear manner with dedicated coaching for employee success is needed. Peer to Peer Coaching – Involves peers helping one another to succeed by providing up front help and sharing valuable personal experience. Request Coaching – high preforming employees may request coaching to enhance their skills as they strive to delight patients. The coach must ask probing questions and strive for innovative solutions.

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Bullet Point #4 Recommend and advocate for a variety of learning and development solutions that will build employee and leadership competency in delivering excellence in patient/family/resident experience.Leadership Rounding – Powerful tool to identify issues before they become potential complaints Leaders intentionally rounds on patients and families and inquire about their care and responsiveness of staff to their needs. Leader provides “In the Moment Coaching” if required. Role Modeling – The leader must live and belief the standards that are expected of the staff. Show Servant Leadership: Puts emphasis upon listening effectively to others Understand other’s feelings and perspectives (empathetic) Fosters each person’s emotional and spiritual health and wholeness (healing) Uses awareness and persuasion to understand values and feeling, strengths and weaknesses. Must be sincere in encouraging the employee Highlighting the employee’s skills Provide examples of others that can be role modeled Take time to review successes and failures Give praise and recognition Partner with the Patient Experience Leader – helps achieve the service outcomes that are desired. Coaching Workshops or One on One Sessions to aid leaders to be able to: Leaders must: Know What to do. Know How to do it. Want to do it. Leaders can institute minimum service standards for all staff to improve Service Oriented Performance Standards - AIDET and RELATEA – Acknowledge I- Introduce D – Duration E- Explain T – Thank R - Reassure E - Explain L- Listen A-Take Action T- Thank E- Express Appreciation PLAN, DO, CHECK, ACT (PDCA) – A model to ensure that performance improvement is an understood and respected part of the culture. Create The Service Culture Model: 1. Leadership Philosophy and Purpose: - Strong and visible leadership that is committed to the patient experience and is able to instill that commitment in the rest of the organization. Example – CEO and CNO 2. Engagement Platform: - Hire for fit. 30, 60, 90 day check in’s, ongoing training and development, refresher mission and vision courses. 3. Strategic Alignment: Organization-wide goals, transparent leadership. 4. Knowledge Management: Equipped managers to drive employee engagement in their departments with consistency across all service lines for a overall positive patient experience. 5. Performance Optimization:- HR alignment polices to encourage service excellence and accountability to the standards.

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Resources: Body of Knowledge – Coaching and Developing Others Module Quint Studer - Results that Last – Gallup - Why Hospital Don’t Deliver Great Service – Article August 21, 2012 The Beryl lnstitute -The Four Cornerstones of an Exceptional Patient Experience– Sept/Oct 2010

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