Domain IV: Strategy Development and Execution (Bullet 2)


Action Recommendation Apply change management concepts and strategies
Lydia Elliott, Ed.D
Apunte por Lydia Elliott, Ed.D , actualizado hace más de 1 año
Lydia Elliott, Ed.D
Creado por Lydia Elliott, Ed.D hace más de 8 años

Resumen del Recurso

Página 1

Domain IV: Strategy Development and Execution

Apply change management concepts and strategies to advance patient experience and service excellence. Six Sigma effective tool used for defect eliminationLean effective tool for events and projects for cycle time and waste reductionCAP (Change Acceleration Process) is used for alignment, acceleration, and ownership to drive improvements in processes.

Página 2

Six Sigma

Six Sigma effective tool used for defect elimination · Critical to Quality - key attributes that are most important to customer. If a business doesn’t get them right, the customer will react adversely. · Defect - Failing to deliver what the customer wants. Defects include anything that doesn’t meet customer expectations or customer specifications; defects also can contribute to failing to meet customer expectations in the final product or service. · Process Capability - The ability of your procedure to reach the same result every time. Repeatability, or how consistently you do something, and accuracy, or how close you get to your desired outcome, are essential to a capable process. · Variation - is the difference that the customer notices from one item to the next, as well as the differences within processes. Six Sigma aims to reduce variation as much as possible for a repeatable result. · Stable Operations - Ensuring consistent, predictable processes to improve what the customer sees and feels. Accuracy and repeatability are essential so you can predict what an operation will do in the future. · Design for Six Sigma (DFSS) - Designing to meet customer needs and process capability. Organizations that follow the DFSS credo implement Six Sigma as early in the product or service lifecycle as possible, especially at the design stage.

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Change Acceleration Process (CAP)

Change Acceleration Process is used for alignment, acceleration, and ownership to drive improvements in processes.

Leading Change Successful change initiatives requires strong committed Leadership throughout the entire project life-cycle Creating a Shared Need Produces the ‘urgency’ to build momentum for acceptance of the change initiative Shaping a Vision Visions provide Direction and Motivation for change Mobilizing Commitment Mobilizing the commitment of key stakeholders is essential to the success of the change Systems and Structures Identifying and realigning key systems and structures are necessary for successful, long-lasting change Making Change Last It must become a way of life Monitoring Progress Measuring and tracking progress along the CAP elements demands ongoing attention by the team

References Change Management (CAP) Slideshare:

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