

8 (Islam) History Apunte sobre Mohammed, creado por bellaeve el 04/05/2013.
Apunte por bellaeve, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Creado por bellaeve hace más de 11 años

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Mohammed: Born in 570 AD in Mecca Parents died when he was a child and was brought up by uncle and grandfather He worked as a Trader with his Uncle where he learnt to drive camels along trade route of Arabia and the tribe he belonged to were merchants Would travel to the East and back between Mecca and Baghdad Grew up as a respected trader Worked for  a widow called Kadijah who asked him to marry her because he impressed her with his work ethic and success he accepted he went for a desert walk and in a cave in Mt Hira heard a voice of the angel Gabriel, it said to him "there is only one God, Allah, and you are his prophet" He then became scared because people in his tribe worshipped many Gods People wanted Mohammed dead after his wife had died Escaped to Yathrib 300 km away where he was welcomed Yathrib changed its name  to honour him, they changed it to Medina and the year he escaped became the first year of the Muslim calendar Mohammed was Believed and Conquered Arabia and in 630 he lead an army from Medina to mecca and with a small fight converted Mecca Islam became the religion of millions of people

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