ITIL Foundation Notes - Library


(Cibrary Course Notes) ITIL Foundation Apunte sobre ITIL Foundation Notes - Library, creado por Lynsey Dalgleish el 15/12/2016.
Lynsey Dalgleish
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Lynsey Dalgleish
Creado por Lynsey Dalgleish hace alrededor de 8 años

Resumen del Recurso

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MODULE 1: WHAT IS ITIL? The process of planning, implementing and auditing IT processes for quality It is vendor neutral, non prescriptive and provides best practices ITIL 5 Books Service Strategy (SS) Service Design (SD) Service Transition (ST) Service Operation (SO) Continual Service Improvement (CSI) Key Concepts Processes - process maps Functions - people who provide the service Key Performance Indicators (KPI) - performance, progress, problems and service improvement What can ITIL do for me? Delivers value to customers through service Integrates service strategy with business strategy and needs Manage risks Understand gathering of information relating to service (single point of failure control) Standard approach Reduce costs Improvement or interactions with customers MODULE 2: LIFECYCLE STAGES Service Strategy: value creation, business case, policies, guidelines and processes Service Design: 5 aspects of SD, RACI model, 4 P's Service Transition: processes, SKMS, Communication Management Strategy, bridges gap from design to operation Service Operation: communications, processes and functions, day to day activities Continuous Service Improvement: CSI model, metrics Service Strategy (SS)OBJECTIVES: Understand strategy How customers will use the service Define customers perceived expectations PROCESSES: Service Portfolio Management Demand Management Financia Management Business Relationship Management CONCEPTS: Value Service Catalogue Service Portfolio Risk Management Service Design (SD)OBJECTIVES: Quality design Minimise number of improvements needed PROCESSES: Design co-ordination Service Level Management Supplier Management Information Security Management CONCEPTS: 4 P's of Service Design RACI Model Service Transition (ST)OBJECTIVES: Ensures services can be managed efficiently Set expectations Share information on services and assets PROCESSES: Knowledge Management Change Management Transition Planning and Support CONCEPTS:Detailed knowledge management through use of Service Knowledge Management System (SKMS)Service Operation (SO)OBJECTIVES: Manage impact of service events Use of services and activities PROCESSES: Access Management Incident Management Problem Management Request Fulfilment CONCEPTS: Communications Training Desktop support IT Operations Data Centre/Facilities Management Continuous Service ImprovementOBJECTIVES: Review all lifecycle phases for potential improvements Look for cost improvements Review and analyse SLA PROCESSES:7 step improvement processCONCEPTS: CSI Register Deming Model - Plan Do Check Act (PDCA) RACE Model Deming Model - PDCAPLAN Establish objectivesDO Implement Plan CHECK Study results and compare against objectives ACT Take corrective actionsComplimentary Guidance ISO CMMI Project Management Institute Certified Scrum Alliance MODULE 3: SERVICE MANAGEMENT Service Types: Core Enabling Internal External Enhancing Example: Sky TV Service Core - customer watches a sky programme Enabling - sky box, cables, modems Internal - organisation processes External - suppliers/third parties Enhancing - sky + service Service Tiers Tier 1 - 1st line engagement Tier 2 - 2nd line escalation point Tier 3 - SME/Expert Managing Delivery of Services RACI Model Processes and Functions Service Automation Risk Management Impact, urgency and prioritisation Service Portfolio " A service is a means of delivery value to customers by providing results your client wants to gain without owning cost/risk"Value Provided UTILITY: fit for purpose WARRANTY: fit for use Results Provided enhancing performance and tasks Reduce effect of constraints UTILITY Fit for purpose What the client is going to get or a service that meets client need WARRANTY Fit for use Ensures services you are providing are available as needed with continuity and security SLA definitions Business Continuity Planning Disaster Recovery Planning Service Classification CORE: Basic fundamental service What customer wants and is willing to pay for ENABLING: Needed to be able to deliver core service Allows customer to receive core services ENHANCING: Added to core service to entice customer Not essential to deliver/recover service 'Wow' factor to increase of service IT Services Provided to one or more clients Delivered by IT service providers Defined by Service Level Agreement (SLA) Combination of People, Processes, Products and Partners Types of Services Help Desk Remote Desktop Server Mobile Software End Point Cloud Managed Services Hardware 4 P of IT Service Management PEOPLE Staff qualified to deliver Enough staff to deliver service Staff is fit for purpose PROCESS Each process has an owner, practitioner and manager What the organisation does internally PRODUCTS How goes are met Support tools Communication tools Methods and technologies used PARTNERSSuppliers who will help deliver the service MODULE 4: KEY PRINCIPLES, MODELS & CONCEPTS Key Roles Process Owner (PO) Process Manager (PM) Process Practitioner (PP) Service Owner (SO) Responsible Accountable Consulted Informed (RACI) Model Responsible - Person/group responsible for getting the job done Accountable - Single person e.g. Process Manager or Executive Consulted - People who give feedback on process Informed - Stakeholders, update on progress RACI Matrix Used to assign roles/people for each part of the process Useful in defining roles with service delivery Risk Management "Forecasting and evaluation of financial risks with identification of procedures to avoid or minimise impact" Risk Management StagesIDENTIFYING What is the risk? What will it look like/impact? ANALYSINGWhat is the likelihood/probability? MANAGING Develop risk management plan How will risk be mitigated Countermeasures to be implemented Knowledge Management (KM) Data to Information for Knowledge to Wisdom (DIKW) Helps define framework for knowledge management DATA - captured in a database is accurate and integrity maintained INFORMATION - stored in emails or documents KNOWLEDGE - is gathered for real experiences WISDOM - takes knowledge and concepts into consideration Service Knowledge Management Systems (SKMS)Gathers all information needed to maintain operations at a high level Configuration Management System (CMS) Set of tools for collection and management of data Configuration items and relationships CMDB (configuration management database) Known Errors Database (KEB) Essential for help desks Known errors and resolution should be recorded Referred to in the future Definitive Media Library (DML) Collection of software to be stored and protected All software ready to be deployed Master copies of software (gold disk) Service Portfolio Container for all services offered Can be kept internal May be development stage, in review or live List of present services New service development Ongoing improvements (CSI) 3rd parties integral in the provision of services SERVICE PIPELINE: creation/development SERVICE CATALOGUE: live/operational RETIRED SERVICE: decommissioned services Prioritisation PRIORITY = IMPACT + URGENCYIMPACT: How many users are affected How many applications are affected What time did the issue occur Impact to service URGENCY: How quickly do you need resolution Process"A process can be defined as activities that are structured and designed to achieve a specific goal" Process defines tools and procedures Provides guidelines and policies to deliver a service Process has: an owner a set of procedures a policy objectives RolesPROCESS OWNER Only 1 Defines mission of process, KPI and goals Monitors progress and performance Ensure improvement plans are synced with other process owners Keep documentation up to date and available Implements changes and improvements PROCESS MANAGER Can have multiple Focused on operations and day to day activities Can only delegate down Monitors and reports on progress Lead process practitioner PROCESS PRACTICIONER Can have multiple Key role Tasked with one or more activities Works with stakeholders to ensure expectations are met and communications are effective Can be internal or external Classified as 'doers' Clearly defined responsibilities for activities in their process SERVICE OWNER Owns a service Exists in provider organisation Attends Change Control Board (CCB) Key role in CSI Ensures services meets the needs of clients Maintains effective communication with customers Functions "A team or group specialised to perform certain types of work who are responsible for specific outcomes. It can also be defined as an organisation entity, typically characterised by special area of knowledge or experience" Defined in Service Operations Multiple functions must co-ordinate to carry out responsibilities of certain processe

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