Italian: Basics


Spanish 3 (Italian) Foreign Language Apunte sobre Italian: Basics, creado por Selam H el 13/04/2014.
Selam H
Apunte por Selam H, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Selam H
Creado por Selam H hace casi 11 años
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Italian conjugation is very similar to Spanish conjugation. In Italian, one of the most frequently used verbs is "essere," meaning to be. Here is how it's conjugated along with some other commonly used verbs:

Example: Tu sei molto intelligente.Translation: You are very smart.

Italian has a few ways to say the for masculine nouns. Lo is for words that begin with s + consonant (Lo squalo), z (Lo zucchero); il is for masculine nouns that begin with a consonant (il ragazzo); l' is used when nouns begin with a vowel (l'uomo).

Example: Mi piace leggere *nella* biblioteca. Translation: I like to read in the library.

←*Note that "nel" is used when saying "in the" or "on the" as well. It's used for masculine words. "Nella" is for feminine words.*

Example: Il cibo italiano è deliziosoTranslation: Italian food is delicious.


The woman = La donnaThe women = Le donne

The man = L'uomoThe men = Gli uomini

The girl = La ragazzaThe girls = Le ragazze

The boy = Il ragazzoThe children/boys = I ragazzi

GREETINGS & PHRASES: Hello = ciao Goodbye = arrivederci / ciao Good Morning = buongiorno Good Night = buonanotte Good Afternoon = buonasera Thank You = Grazie Please = Per Favore Excuse me = Mi scusi I'm sorry = Mi dispiace

Italy = Italia

The apple = La melaThe apples = Le mele

The grape = L'uvaThe grapes = Le uve

NUMBERS (1-21): 1 = uno 2 = due 3 = tre 4 = quattro 5 = cinque 6 = sei 7 = sette 8 = otto 9 = nove 10 = dieci 11 = undici 12 = dodici 13 = tredici 14 = quattordici 15 = quindici 16 = sedici 17 = diciassette 18 = diciotto 19 = diciannove 20 = venti 21 = ventuno

The ice cream = Il gelatoThe ice cream (plural) = I gelati

The book = Il libroThe books = I libri

The newspaper = il giornaleThe newspapers = i giornali

The water = L'acquaThe water (plural) = Le acque

The milk = Il latteThe milk (plural) = I latti

The cat = il gattoThe cats = I gattiThe dog = il caneThe dogs = I cani

Colors and Questions█ = Rosso (Red)█ = Arancione (Orange) *█ = Giallo (Yellow)█ = Verde (Green)█ = Blu (Blue)█ = Indaco (Indigo)█ = Violetto (Purple)█ = Nero (Black)█ = Grigio (Grey)█ = Marrone (Brown)█ = Bianco (White)█ = Rosa (Pink)

*If you want to say "orange" as in the fruit you say "arancia." *

QUESTION WORDS: I have a question? = (Io) ho una domanda. Who? = Chi? - Example→ Chi sei? - Translate → Who are you? What? = (Che) Cosi? - Example → Che cosa fai? - Translate → What are you doing? When? = Quando?- Example → Quand'è la lezione di scienze? - Translate → When is science class? Where? = Dove? - Example → Di dove sei? - Translate → Where are you from? Why? = Perché? - Example → Perché si esegue? - Translate → Why are they running? How? = Come? - Example → Come stai? - Translate → How are you?


Basic Words

The water = L'acquaThe water (plural) = Le acque

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4 comentarios

almost 10 years ago
Thank you emilliard and margherita.rizzu. I apologize for how long it took to fix the errors.
almost 10 years ago
errori: Il ragazzO, le melE, le acquE, i lattI (non si usa molto), NO: Quando è classe di scienze? SI: Quand'è la lezione di scienze? NO:buonaserra SI:buonasera Ciao a tutti :)
about 10 years ago
thanks :)
about 10 years ago
Please-Per favore


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