Lake Vyrnwy Case Study


AQA GCSE Physical Geography Water on the land case study
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Lake Vyrnwy Facts: Built in 1888 Provides water for 900,000 people in Mersyside and Chesire The pipe is 68 miles long, water goes along aqueducts Water goes through a treatment plant 210 million litres of water per day Water travels from an area of surplus (Wales) to an area of deficit (Mersyside) Social Implications - Many object to Welsh water being taken to English cities - People lost homes/ livelihoods to create the reservoir -10 farm houses and a chapel were destroyed +900,000 people get the water +Activities such as horse riding and a half marathon bring tourists to the area Environmental Implications -Lake is 4.5km^2, so many habitats were destroyed to create the reservoir +90 species of bird now breed on the reserve +The area is now a nature reserve, attracting many tourists +The dam controls the water flow in the river, so the risk of flooding downstream in the winter is heavily reduced Economic Implications - Cost was £22 million in today's money - Loss of 4.5km ^2 of farmland- lost main source of income for many farmers in the area - Aqueduct requires lots of money to maintain + 200,000 tourists visit per year, bringing lots of money into the area

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