AS-Level Chemistry: Unit 1:The Atom - created from Mind Map


AS-Level Chemistry: Unit 1: The Atom. With exams looming, a simple, brief but helpful guide to AS-Level Chemistry is nothing to turn your nose up at!
Daena Targaryen
Apunte por Daena Targaryen, actualizado hace más de 1 año Más Menos
Daena Targaryen
Creado por Daena Targaryen hace más de 10 años
Daena Targaryen
Copiado a Apunte por Daena Targaryen hace más de 10 años

Resumen del Recurso

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The Structure of an Atom atoms form everything in our universe. They consist of three particles: the proton, neutron and electron. electrons have a -1 charge. protons have a +1 charge neutrons don't have a charge! electrons 'whizz' around the nucleus of the atom in 'orbitals'. their (electrons) relative mass is: 1/2000 (proton) Relative mass: 1 (neutron) Relative mass: 1

Nuclear Symbols you can work out the no. of protons, neutrons and electrons from the nuclear symbol mass number: the number of protons and neutrons in the atom's nucleus atomic (proton) number: number of protons in the atom. all atoms of the same element have the same proton number!

Atoms and Ions neutral atoms (no charge) have the same electron and proton number. the neutron number is just the mass no. minus the atomic no., i.e. "the top minus the bottom" (Nuclear Symbols) Ions have different no. of protons and electrons. Negative ions (e.g. Br-) have more electrons than protons. Positive ions (e.g. Mg2+) have more protons than electrons. Exam Tip: Ions Ions are easy to spot: they always have a plus or minus charge (+ or -) next to them! If the charge is a plus, it means an electron has been lost, e.g. Mg2+ means that the Magnesium ion has lost two electrons. If there is a minus sign, it means electrons have been gained. For example, 3- means 3 electrons have been lost!

Isotopes isotope isn't just a scary science word, nope! Isotopes of an element are atoms with the same proton no., but different neutron number. basically atoms with the same no. of protons but different neutron no. are isotopes. different isotopes of the same element react (chemically) the same way

AS-Level Chemistry: Unit 1:The Atom

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