Causes of the Civil War


Events leading up to the Civil War: dates, names, main points.
Tirzah Lo
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Resumen del Recurso

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1820 - Missouri Compromise- Maine would enter as a free state- Missouri would enter as a slave state- Slavery banned above the 36-30 line(Missouri's southern border) excluding Missouri*Showed that Congress had the power to ban slavery in new territories1850 - Compromise of 1850- Repealed Missouri Compromise- California would enter as a free state- The Mexican Cession(1848) would be split into Utah and New Mexico- People in UT and NW would decide whether or not to have slavery via popular sovereignty1854 - Kansas-Nebraska Act- Kansas and Nebraska would decide whether or not to have slavery via popular sovereignty- Led to Bleeding Kansas(mini civil war that lasted 4 months) Bleeding Kansas- anti-slavery and pro-slavery people voted in Kansas- more votes than there were registered citizens- people died1858 - Lincoln-Douglas Debates- Abraham Lincoln and Stephen Douglas debated over slavery- Lincoln was anti-slavery, but not an abolitionist(slavery was wrong, but legal)- Douglas won, but Lincoln gained national recognition1859 - Harper's Ferry- John Brown(abolitionist) led a slave rebellion- tried to attach federal arsenal- failed and all involved were punished- Lincoln called Brown a "misguided fanatic"Dred Scott Decision- SC ruled that:1. African-Americans aren't citizens so they can't sue in court2. Dred Scott's time in the North didn't make him free3. Banning slavery via the Missouri Compromise is unconstitutional*South said they answered all questions about slavery*North believed Congress had the right to ban slaveryUncle Tom's Cabin- written by Harriet Beecher Stowe- 1852- sparked outrage in the North and South- South thought it was propaganda and it was fake- North spread anti-slavery supportElection of 1860- Lincoln won(republican)- Lincoln never campaigned in the South- South Carolina secedes one month after he's elected- South thinks they have no more hope to keep slavery*Was the secession justified?1861 - Civil War Begins- Ft. Sumter is the first battle- 11 states form the Confederate States of AmericaApril 12, 1861 - Battle at Ft. Sumter- South thinks the fort is theirs bc it's in the South-North thinks it's theirs bc it's U.S. property*Who has control over the fort, North or South?

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