Stalin's ideas about communism


GCSE (Stalin's Dictatorship: USSR, 1924-41) History Apunte sobre Stalin's ideas about communism , creado por Demi Wilkie el 01/05/2017.
Demi Wilkie
Apunte por Demi Wilkie, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Demi Wilkie
Creado por Demi Wilkie hace casi 8 años

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Stalin's ideas about communism: Stalin wanted to build up communism in the USSR into a strong power. He wanted to do this first rather than plan the spread of communism. This appealed to the Russians who had suffered through years of struggle and wanted to see the results of communism in their lives. Trotsky's idea was the complete opposite as he supported Karl Max's original aim of communism spreading to all the developed countries. This did not appeal to the Russians as they wanted to focus on themselves rather on the world. They wanted to see the results of communism on them not in other countries.

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