Events in Of Mice and Men


Apunte sobre Events in Of Mice and Men, creado por lowri_luxton el 19/05/2014.
Apunte por lowri_luxton, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Creado por lowri_luxton hace más de 10 años

Resumen del Recurso

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Candy's Dog's Death Mirrors Candy: useless in ranch environment "stiff with rheumatism, ain't no good" Slim: "I wisht somebody'd shoot me if I got old an a cripple" Candy is passive, submissive: "awright, take him" "I ought to of shot that dog myself. I shouldn't ought to of let no stranger shoot my dog" - regret, influences George to shoot Lennie at the end of the novel Fight between Curley and Lennie "Curley was balanced and poised" - prepared, experienced "lennie gave a cry of terror" - helpless, childlike animal imagery: "huge paws", "bleated with terror", "Curley was flopping like a fish on the line", "His closed fist was lost in Lennie's paw" Crooks torments Lennie so unused to company that he is cruel to Lennie Manipulative: "voice grew soft and persuasive" cruel: "crooks' face lighted up with pleasure of his torture", "they'l tie ya up.. like a dog" Lennie "growled" Dead Puppy sinister, decay: "buzz of flies in the air" shows lennie's true brute strength, uncontrollable foreshadows curley's wife's death "why you got to get killed?" - lacking remorse, childlike Curley's Wife's Death "her body flopped like a fish" - similar to Curley, helpless in Lennie's hands "he pawed up the hay" - animal "the discontent and ache for attention were all gone from her face" - finally at peace, most natural in death G: "I should of knew. i guess maybe way back in my head i did" candy is in denial, desperately tries to convince G to carry on with American Dream: "You an me can get that little place, can't we George?" Candy is enraged with CW: "You god damn tramp" - obscene lack of respect, misogyny Candy: "sorrow and anger", "viciously", "sniveled", "blinded by tears" Curley doesn't grieve: "That big son of a bitch done it.. i'm gonna get him" "I'll shoot him in the guts" Lennie's death Lennie hallucinates - madness, misogyny: sees Aunt Clara in form of rabbit: "he's gonna leave you all alone, ya crazy bastard" lennie is a "creeping bear" water snake - foreboding, evil George's hand "shook violently" Slim: "a guy got to sometimes" "You hadda, george. I swear you hadda" - sympathizes, understands, appreciates G's difficult position

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