Population. geography


population/ global population
Archanaa Baheerathan
Apunte por Archanaa Baheerathan, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Archanaa Baheerathan
Creado por Archanaa Baheerathan hace más de 7 años

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How quickly is our global population growing and why?Birth rate means how many babies are born each year.Death rate means how many people die each year.Natural increase is the difference between how many babies are born and how many are dying.Formula:DR-BR=NIDR=Death RateBR=Birth rateNI=Natural IncreaseThe humans population grows each year because there is a high birth rate compared to death rates.The Demographic Transition Model:The demographic transition model shows population change over time. It is divided into 4 or 5 stage, and the total population is different at each stage because of changing birth and death rates.Migration is the movement of people moving from one place to another.A migrant is a person who moves to another part of a country or a different country, often to work for a while.Birth rate, death rate, migration- How do these affect the population?They affect the population because if the birth rate is high then the population will increase however we will need more resources and they will be more pollution in the air. On the other hand, if the death rate is low then the population will still increase from the migrants moving there. Also the medication and education will encourage women to have children which will produce a high birth rate. Overall, the human population will keep on growing each year.Population distributionPopulation distribution is the term used to describe the pattern of where people live.Population densityPopulation density is the term used to say how many people live in a certain area. e.g. 12km squaredLow population density e.g. 2 km squaredHigh population densitye.g. 12km squaredReason why:Population density is low......... Mountains- not many resources and harder to access Poor quality housing Poor quality schools Not good medicine Not enough resources Rural area Population density is high........ Urban area High quality housing Good schools Good medicines Lots of resources-nearby shops/markets Dense-(high population density)A good natural water supply nearby, such as rivers which can used for transportation, irrigation or hydroelectricity.A maritime or continental climate-ideal for growing crops.A coastal area- sea breezes, ports, harbours and beaches often make coastal areas a preferable place to be.Sparse-(low population density)A polar or desert climate- it is difficult to grow crops.A mountainous region- difficult for transportation due to steep land,snow and ice.Uk's population has grown over the past 2000 years The graph line gradually shoot up near 1000-2000AD Hunter gatherers live by hunting animals and gathering fruit and survival kit. Timeline Before 10,000 BC- hunter gatherers Around 10,000 BC- We began to grow food and rear animals. The population began to rise. About 3300BC - Stone Age/ stone for tools Around 3300BC - Bronze Age/we discovered how to make bronze About 1200BC - Iron age/ we learnt how to produce iron farming methods and tool improved - population/ numbers grew faster 43AD - Romans invaded Britain/ world population about 200 million Around 1760- Industrial Revolution/ population began to shoot up Around 2012- Where will it all end/ Rise, rise, rise, rise ,rise, rise.... As the population grew towns, cities and places got bigger and bigger.Population Pyramids:There are two basic population pyramid shapes: Population pyramid for a less economically developed country (LEDC) Population pyramid for a more economically developed country (MEDC) Key points on a population pyramid:LEDC: few old people - a low life expectancy concave shape - a high death rate MEDC: large number of older people - long life expectancy slightly more older women than men steeper sides - lower death rate narrow base - low birth rate

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