Notes on deriving kinetic theory equation


Apunte sobre Notes on deriving kinetic theory equation, creado por Ben Ennifer el 02/06/2017.
Ben Ennifer
Apunte por Ben Ennifer, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Ben Ennifer
Creado por Ben Ennifer hace más de 7 años

Resumen del Recurso

Página 1

Preasure is defined as force per unit area so to find an expression for preasure we must 1st find an expression for the force of the gas on the walls of its container.Consider a gas particle on a container with velocity ux, once it rebounds of the opposite sids of the box its velocity will be -ux, with mass m the momentum change will be -2muxFrom newtons 3rd law we know that a force is needed to cause a momentum change. From Newtons 2nd law we know that Fdt = dmv so F = dmv/dtdt can be writen as an expression of ux, as v = s/t where s = 2L and t = s/v, so dt = 2l/uxby subsituting this back into F=dmv/dt we find that F = mux^2/Lthus as preasure is force/area p = mux^2/L^3to find the overall preasure of the gas, we need to find the force exerted by all the gas particles in the container. All of the molecules will have random speeds and the preasure is the sum of the partial preasures in the container. so p= m/L^3 x sum(ux1^2 + ux2^2 + ux3^2 + .....) which statisticaly be writen as p = mN<ux^2>/L^3This will be the total preasure exerted on the container, however as we have only considered the velocity in the x-axis the preasure will only be 1/3 that as above p = mN<ux^2>/3L^3and as L^3 is the volume of the box the equation can be writen as p = mN<ux^2>/3Vthus pV = mN<ux^2>/3 QED

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