Why did the Reds win the civil war?


GCSE History Apunte sobre Why did the Reds win the civil war?, creado por jeacur el 18/05/2013.
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Why did the Reds win the Civil War of 1918-1921?

Strengths of Reds:

Leadership: Trotsky was commissar for war, in control of the red army, and felt that discipline was very important, he was organised and skillful. Used an armored train to visit the troops, travelling 65,000 miles to rally troops and raise morale. Geographical location: They were concentrated around Petrograd and Moscow, which were the centres of industry and population. They also had control of the railway network in their area (very important for communication, supplies etc) and it is also easier to protect one area. Army: By 1920 there were 5 million in the Red Army, with ex-Tsarist officers and the loyalty of these officers ensured through holding their families hostage. Political commissars to spy on soldiers to check that no-one is disliking Trotsky. Finally, to ensure that the soldiers did not desert, machine guns were behind the advancing troops. Very strict discipline. Propaganda trains encouraged the troops through plays, films, fliers etc, to boost morale. Conscription 18-40. Resources: Lenin was in control of economy, and adopted war communism which meant that those fighting got what they needed.  Terror: Red Terror (1918) --> a combination of the Red Army and the Cheka - a secret state police which was against counter-revolutionaries. Ruled through fear, terror and persuasion. 50,000 killed by Cheka. Unity: In one geographical area, one leader, one aim (to keep power and destroy the Whites) centralisation of Bolshevik ideas.

Weaknesses of the Whites

Leadership: Number of different leaders, Russian, foreign powers Geographical location: Spread out across Russia, they encircle the Reds Army: Peasants made up the majority of the army, but were reluctant since they would not want to see a return of the landlords if the Whites won. Low morale and lots of desertions. Resources: They had assistance from foreign powers until mid 1919. The resources were in the central areas (Moscow and Petrograd) Terror: White terror - this was the reason that some peasants moved from the Whites to the Reds because the Whites were so cruel. The White terror was much worse than the Red terror. Unity: There was a lack of co-operation and a lack of unity. People/groups had their own aims/motives/methods of doing things. Any attacks they made were uncoordinated because of lack of unity.

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