Pregunta 1
(Chapter 16)The freedmen's Bureau was:
A group of black men going around to help freed slaves
A group of individuals not commissioned by the government to settle disputes between freed people and southern whites.
A government commissioned group that settled disputes between blacks.
A group commisoned by the governement to settle disputes between freed people and southern whites
Pregunta 2
Reconstruction is the Period in America's History(1865-1877)where the republican party freed slaves and tried to develop American society based on equal rights and free labour.
Pregunta 3
Freedom to African Americans meant:
Having the ability to vote freely and appoint there own leaders.
Having land (That 40 acres and a mule ya know!!!!).
Having a church to go to and have religious gatherings.
Economic freedom to chose where they want to work.
Following Black codes
Pregunta 4
(Film questions FCQ1)
Male and female slaves did all of the same work ?
Pregunta 5
(Film questions FCQ1)
Who picked bugs off of the cotton plants?
Men and women only
Pregunta 6
(Film questions FCQ1)
Tick all jobs the slaves did according to lecture and film videos
Play basket ball...... ^_^
They chopped down trees both men and women
They worked in the fields
They worked in the river
Black Smiths
Breast feed planters offspring when planter's white could not produce milk
Pregunta 7
(Film questions FCQ1)
Slaves worked as much as they could as long as their white masters gave them:
Some time to plant there own crops after work
Eating ground provisions from the planter's house
The time to bury loved ones
Time to Gather together (Dance and Sing)
Pregunta 8
(Film questions FCQ1)
Blacks defied slavery by doing the following ..
shared folk tales and dances with the younger slaves to defy the planter.
creating African american family
Creating African american community
Out thinking the Planters
Drawing works of art using the pulp inside cotton
Pregunta 9
(Film questions FCQ1)
The family is the most important institution during slavery for the African Americans
Pregunta 10
Lincoln first described the civil war as a means to ,
Save the slaves and the union because he felt that America would be vulnerable to foreign attack
Save the union because he felt that America would be vulnerable to foreign attack
Free all slaves because it was not the American ideal to dehumanize another man
To break up America so it would be vulnerable to foreign attack
Pregunta 11
They(the blacks who joined the union forces) were not paid equal wages as white military soldiers and there rank in the military was restricted soley based on the fact they were black. Which of the following did the blacks do in response to this unfair treatment? restricted rank.
Some units out right refused to be paid less than white units
Black Units refused to fight in battle and hide
Black units worked to changed the policies against black officers
Pregunta 12
Book outline Question 4
What brought reconstruction to an end
The north got bored so they left the south alone
The agreement between the then democrats and the then republicans to move troops out of the south which weakened the Reconstruction focus to a stop finally.
The north was facing a depression and so had to change there focus from the reconstruction
Pregunta 13
Reconstruction did not completely succeed even though reconstruction allowed blacks to enter politics,own small parcels of land,have families,schools and education because:
Blacks were treated as third class citizens never really having the power to fairly negotiate situations. For example being paid less for being a black solider.While white soldiers were being fully paid.
Black codes which basically told blacks how to operate around whites took away their new found liberties.
Pregunta 14
14th Amendment - "(Basically a person becomes a citizen of the USA if they are born in areas in the USA's jurisdiction and they get benefits like:
Not being deprived of life and liberty without due process of the law.
When was the 14th Amendment passed and ratified respectively?
It was passed in 1866 and ratified in 1868
It was passed in 1866 and ratified in 1867
It was passed in 1865 and ratified in 1868
It was passed in 1866 and ratified in 1860
Pregunta 15
FCQ2 (The back bone of American Economy)
What was the relationship between the consumer culture, wages, and manhood?
When building manhood there needs to be something that society sees as the standard of masculinity in order for a male to gain his manhood he would have to reach that standard.
Being able to provide for your family in a consumer culture only.
In order for consumer culture to exist there must be a high demand for created products and therefore wages had to be increased. Since wages had to be increased, the ability to afford these cosumer products for ones family would be a sign of manhood.
Pregunta 16
Which of these were not the living conditions of poor immigrants in major cities? (In the tenements)
It was luxurious
There was always room for immigrant family members to stay comfortably
Up to 8 children sometimes slept in one bed
The mother and father sometimes slept in the same room as there children
The floor was made of 14 carat diamond lined with platinum
There were sometimes just two windows
Pregunta 17
How did political bosses gain power?
By tending to the needs of the incoming immigrants and when time for voting came around bosses whether directly or indirectly asked for the votes of the immigrants to get elected.
Pregunta 18
What were the conditions of workers in industrial America?
Physically demanding (Sometimes One had to endure long hours of working uncomfortably)
Health harzard
Exploitation by employers
Sometimes wage cuts
Helpless for immigrants because they did not have money in the first place and this was the main way in which they would have to make money doing jobs that was not generally good for health.
Pregunta 19
What did freedom mean for slave holders?
It meant :
1) They would be pestered by the freemen's bureau
2) Start to pay slaves now and
3) Free to some time beat slaves
4) Some would have to share some land with the blacks they held
Pregunta 20
Which one of these schools is not a famous African american college?
Stanford University
Hampton institute in Virginia
Fisk University in Tennessee
Howard University in Washington DC
Pregunta 21
Black universities were made immediately after the civil war.
Pregunta 22
Label the following persons
Sojourner Truth (Women suffrage)
Hiram Revels(first black man in the Sen)
Blanche K. Bruce(Senate for 6 year term)
Pregunta 23
Which states were not counted in favour of Hayes?
Texas,New York,Philadelphia
Louisiana, Florida, and South Carolina
Chicago,Colorado and New Mexico
Pregunta 24
Label the correct definition to there term: Carpetbaggers and Scalawags
South Native chronicler
Pregunta 25
Which of the following is when other company's allow another company's boss to run a group of companies?
Hanging CEO
Pregunta 26
(Exam review term)
Which of the following is when companies come together to control prices of goods to run other companies out of business?
Pregunta 27
Free Idoelogy -Is basically the system that working gives economic freedom. (Could be applied to the former slaves
and sharecropping being paid wages for labour.)
Pregunta 28
What time was the wade Davis bill Proposed and what did it say?
1864 - The majority(White men) in each individual southern state most want to pledge allegiance to the union for re-admittance.
1865 -The majority(White men) in each individual southern state most want to pledge allegiance to the union for re-admittance.
1863-All White men in each individual southern state most want to pledge allegiance to the union for re-admittance.
1866-All White men in each individual southern state most want to pledge allegiance to the union for re-admittance.
1865- All White men in each individual southern state most want to pledge allegiance to the union for re-admittance.
1864 - All White men in each individual southern state most want to pledge allegiance to the union for re-admittance.
Pregunta 29
After the civil war a new system was created that changed the relationship between the planters and the blacks.What was it called................... [blank_start]Sharecropping[blank_end]
Pregunta 30
Civil RIGHTS ACT was passed in the year [blank_start]1866[blank_end] and then vetod by President Andrew Johnson.
Pregunta 31
What did the civil rights bill entail that Andrew Johnson vetoed?
All men should have the right to vote
It gave blacks the chance to vote
It was like the 14th amendment thats all
Pregunta 32
Reconstruction ACT 1867 - Divides southern states into 5 military districts along with making new state governments and lets black vote.
Pregunta 33
Reconstruction ACT was passed in [blank_start]1867[blank_end]
Pregunta 34
The [blank_start]15th Amendment[blank_end] allowed Black men to vote in 1870
Pregunta 35
Andrew Johnson was impeached
Pregunta 36
What is another name for Proletariat class
Pregunta 37
1870 - 1920 almost 11 million Americans moved from rural to urban
Pregunta 38
Label the following with the person associated with them
Henry George
Edward Bellamy
Pregunta 39
Frances Willard was a woman that thought first established that alcoholism was a disease.
Pregunta 40
Who said "Poverty leads to excessive alcohol consumption?"
Frances Willard
Susan B Anthony
Pregunta 41
what year did the Harrison-McKinley Tariff Protect domestic products from foreign product competition
Pregunta 42
NWSA-[blank_start]National woman suffrage association[blank_end]
AWSA- [blank_start]American Woman suffrage association[blank_end]