

Biologie Test sobre Neurodeg3AD, creado por Mak Sch el 30/11/2017.
Mak Sch
Test por Mak Sch, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Mak Sch
Creado por Mak Sch hace más de 7 años

Resumen del Recurso

Pregunta 1

Cognitive features impaired in AD are:
  • Attentional and executive deficits
  • Anterograde episodic memory
  • Semantics
  • All of the above

Pregunta 2

Question 2 Working memory is: (multiple answers are possible)
  • A. a cognitive system that is responsible for the transient holding, processing, and manipulation of information
  • B. an executive controller that interacts with separate short-term stores for auditory-verbal and visuo-spatial information
  • C. a cognitive system where information can be stored for long periods of time
  • D. a limited capacity system that is capable of briefly storing and manage information involved in the performance of complex cognitive tasks such as reasoning, comprehension and certain types of learning

Pregunta 3

Synaptic loss is a prominent early pathological feature of AD, and closely associated to cognitive decline, it is mainly localized: Answers:
  • A. Hippocampus
  • B. Diffuse in all the brain
  • C. Mainly in Cortices
  • D. Entorhinal cortex

Pregunta 4

Described by Braak and Braak, tangles sequentially appear in the following specific regions as AD progresses:
  • A. Limbic-Isocortical-Transentorihnal
  • B. Transetorihnal-Limbic-Isocortical
  • C. Isocortical-Transentorihnal- Limbic
  • D. Transentorihnal- Isocortical-Limbic

Pregunta 5

In Anterograde Amnesia: (multiple answers possible) Answers:
  • A. Memories created prior to the event that caused the amnesia are lost while new memories can still be created.
  • B. There is loss of the ability to create new memories after the event that caused the amnesia, leading to a partial or complete inability to recall the recent past
  • C. New memories can still be created.
  • D. Long-term memories from before the event remain intact

Pregunta 6

Question 6 One of the earliest pathological changes on AD is the increase in tangle Tau formation in:
  • A. Transenthorhinal region
  • B. Striatum
  • D. Parietal cortex
  • C. Prefrontal cortex

Pregunta 7

The most common familial early onset AD is related to:
  • A. Presenilin 2 gene at Chromosome 1
  • B. Apolipoprotein E gene at Chromosome 19
  • C. Presenilin 1 gene at Chromosome 14
  • D. Amyloid protein precursor at Chromosome 21

Pregunta 8

Question 8 Studies of AD patients with FDG-PET + MRI coregistration (Positron emission tomography with fluoro-2-deoxy-D-glucose in combination to Magnetic Resonance Imaging) revealed the importance of the following structures in the site of early pathology in AD (multiple answers possible)
  • A. Posterior cingulate
  • D. Mediotemporal lobe
  • C. Mammillary bodies and thalamus,
  • B. Retrosplenial cortex

Pregunta 9

Question 9 Other early pathological changes on AD is the increase in amyloid plaques in: (multiple answer possible)
  • A. Transenthorhinal region
  • D. Parietal cortex
  • B. Posterior cinguate cortex
  • C. Frontal and association cortices

Pregunta 10

Question 10 The greatest risk factors for Alzheimer's are: (multiple answers possible)
  • A. Gender
  • B. Age
  • C. Genetics
  • D. Head injury

Pregunta 11

Hallmarks of Alzheimer's include: (multiple answer possible)
  • A. Degeneration of hippocampal and cortical neurons
  • B. Reduced cholinergic transmission
  • C. Neuritic plaques
  • D. Neurofibrillary Tangles

Pregunta 12

The following are the aims of AD treatment active and possible at the present time: (multiple answers possible)
  • A. Neuroregeneration (reversal of symptomatic decline)
  • B. Augmentation (delay of symptomatic decline)
  • C. Neuroprotection (slowing of symptomatic decline)
  • D. Suppression (inhibition of symptomatic decline)
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