Chapter 6: Somatic Disorders and Dissociative Disorders


Test sobre Chapter 6: Somatic Disorders and Dissociative Disorders , creado por Rose Hamilton el 15/12/2017.
Rose Hamilton
Test por Rose Hamilton, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Rose Hamilton
Creado por Rose Hamilton hace alrededor de 7 años

Resumen del Recurso

Pregunta 1

paralysis in one arm without any physical or organic explanation that is not consciously faked is most likely
  • somatic disorder
  • conversion disorder
  • factitious disorder
  • munchausen's disorder
  • malingering

Pregunta 2

it is suspected that somatic symptom disorder is NOT associated with
  • having a weak behavioural inhibition system (BIS) and a relatively over reactive Behavioural Activation system (BAS)
  • being from lower socio-economic status (SES)
  • having a weak BAS and a relatively overeactive BIS
  • being a female

Pregunta 3

which of the following is NOT true of illness anxiety disorder?
  • it was formerly known as hypochodriasis
  • it was and still is classified as a somatic symptom or related disorder in dsm
  • it shares the same basic genetic/biological bases with somatic symptoms disorder
  • all of the above are true

Pregunta 4

we learned in class this year about 'new' disorder called "body integrity identity disorder" which of the following is TRUE according to what we know so far
  • a. those with BIID are often indecisive on where they would like specific limbs to be amputated
  • b. the linb that "needs" to go may change from day to day
  • c. the triggering even for this 'disorder' may be the sight of an amputee, and envy for that person at an early age
  • d. it is much more common in women than men
  • e. a biological theory posits (suggests) that there may be an anomaly in parietal cortical regions associated with our internal body map
  • f. c and e are correct
  • each of the folowing above are correct

Pregunta 5

which of the follwoing is classified as a somati symptom disorder or related disorder in dsm 5 ?
  • a. depersonalization disorder
  • b. factitious disorder
  • c. acute stress disorder
  • d. psychogenic/ disocciative fugue
  • e. post traumatic stress disorder

Pregunta 6

which of the following is True of ' Munchausen's syndrome by proxy' ?
  • a . it is now a dsm factitious diagnosis
  • b. it involves a caregiver creating illness/injury in a dependent to gain attention and sympathy from others, most importantly medical staff
  • c. treatments used for anxiety disorders works well in theses cases too
  • e. both a and b
  • f. both a and c

Pregunta 7

it appears that the incidence rate conversion disorder ________________; in part due to __________________.
  • a. rising... its predominance in higher socioeconoic stataus groups
  • b. rising.... its predominance in females who have suffered abuse
  • c. dropping .... a decrease in the types of stressors that can set it off
  • d. dropping ... modern medical diagnostic technologies and greater general medical knowledge
  • e. staying constant... its effecctiveness in allowing the person to escape

Pregunta 8

illnesses anxiety disorder and somatic symptom disorder seem to be similar. in what way(s) are they different?
  • a. in illness anxiety disorder the more fear and distress about what are the symptoms may mean (a dire medical conditon)
  • b. in someatic symptom disorder, their 'symptoms' are a way of living and bieng in the world, part of their identity
  • c. in somatic symptom disorder there is a higher degree of disease conviction, belief that they already have a dire medical conditon
  • d. in somatic symptom disorder there is more fear and distress about what the symptoms mean (dire meical diagonsis)
  • e. both a and b
  • f. both c and b

Pregunta 9

what we do know about the biology of the two disorders in question 8? (illness anxiety disorder and somatic symptom disorder)
  • a. both share 'anxious biology'
  • b. those with illlnesses anxiety disorder are more liekly to have higher BIS activity
  • c. those with somatic symptoms disorder are more likely to have BAS activity
  • d. those with somatic symptom disorder ware more likely to have higer BIS activity
  • e. b and c
  • f. a and d

Pregunta 10

for which of the following conditions would 'explanatory therapy' delivered by a psycho-therapist be helpful?
  • conversion disorder
  • somatic symptom disorder
  • illness anxiety disorder
  • this kind of therapy would be useful for all of the conditions

Pregunta 11

which of the following is an accurate example of ' La Belle Indifferenc'
  • Henry, with conversion disorder blindness does not seem to suffer as much distress over his symptoms as one would expect
  • Sybil, with DIID, have several alter personalities that are fun, light hearted and suffer no anxiety or fears
  • karen, with illness anxiety disorder is indifferent to all other aspects of stress in her life other htan health concerns
  • jack, with psychogenic fugue cannot remember what happened during his last episode
  • marianna, who has a form of amnesia where she can recall early traumas but the emotional aspect has been pushed out of awareness

Pregunta 12

which of the following is NOT true of conversion disorder?
  • a. somehow the psyche/body creates physical malfuntions that allow the person to avoid or escape some real or intrapsychic stress or trauma
  • b. the most common symptoms involve the sensorimotor systems or are 'psuedoneuroloigcal' in nature
  • c. all manner of physical malfunctioning can be seen in this disorder
  • d. the person is conscious of the fact that the symptoms are not real
  • e. both c & d are incorrect
  • f. all of the above are correct

Pregunta 13

how can we differentiate 'real' medical problems from the symptoms of conversion disorder?
  • thorough advanced medical testing that comes back negative
  • symptoms of conversion disorder often do not follow what we know about physiology
  • symptoms of conversion disorders may lift under hypnosis
  • symptoms of conversion disorder may life under emergency situations
  • each of the above (and more) can help us differentiate conversions disorder from real medical promblems

Pregunta 14

how do people faking blindness compare to those with conversion blindness on computerized tests of vision?
  • a. the fakers score lowere than chance, suggesting they are 'trying' to look blind
  • b. conversion disorders subjects score much higher than chance
  • c. conversion disorder subjects score chance levels indicating they really cannot see on any level
  • d. both a and b
  • e. both a and c

Pregunta 15

many clues are noted by hospital staff that helps them differentiate conversion disorder form Malingerers or those with factitious disorder... which of these is NOt one of them?
  • malingerers become much more defensive when thier symptoms are questioned
  • conversion disorder patients are more disruptive than are both of the other groups (creating a scene, making demands or threats)
  • those with conversion disorder are far less likely to have extensive files with numerous past medical interventions noted vs. those with facitious disorder
  • symptoms may disappear in the other diagnososes when theya re not being obseved, not so for conversion disorder
  • people in the other 'faking' groups are far less likely to have family or visitors during hospital stays

Pregunta 16

treatment for conversion disorder would likely consist of
  • a. removing or resolving the main stressor responsible for the disorder
  • b. removing all possible sources of reinforces for 'being infirm'
  • c. cognitive behaviours techniques such as assertiveness, communication or social skills training as needed
  • d. all of the above

Pregunta 17

persistent or recurrent experiences of feeling detached from oneself, as if one is an outside observer of one's mental processes or body would be classified as :
  • dissociative fugue
  • dissociative amnesia
  • depersonalization/derealization disorder
  • dissociative identity disorder

Pregunta 18

we learned about several different kinds of amnesia in class. a person with anterograde organic amnesia
  • a. can no longer form new explicit long term memories
  • b. can still learn and implicility remember new procedural behaviours/skills
  • c. has had damage to the hippocampal area of the brain
  • d. all of the above
  • e. none of the above

Pregunta 19

researchers investigating the history of individuals diagnosed with dissociative idenity disorder (DID) report severe childhood abuse in ___________.
  • very few of the cases
  • 100% of the cases
  • over 90% of the cases
  • about half of the cases

Pregunta 20

on gender ratios and the disorders covered in this term , which disorders appears to be more prevalent among Men vs. Women
  • body integrity identity disorder (BIID)
  • obsessive complusive disroder
  • body dysmorphic disorder (BDD)
  • bipolar disorder, rapid cycling subtype

Pregunta 21

jonathon suffers from 'psychogenic retrograde generalized amnesia" which of the following is correct regarding this condition
  • all the memories for past personal events are what is forgotten
  • memories for some specific past personal events are forgotten but not others
  • brain damage or injurty is involved
  • semantic and procedural memories are affected the most
  • the ability to form new explicit long term memories is lost

Pregunta 22

which of the following is NOT true of alter identities in dissociative identity disorder (DID)
  • more alters, on average, are sen in female vs. male clients
  • formation of alter identities stop once the environment in which the disorder develops is different (ie.,going away to college)
  • envrionment cues may cause 'switching' or alter identies to take over the body
  • strong emotional states may cause 'switching'
  • some identities/ alter share information and memories between them

Pregunta 23

which of the following is NOT found among the 'alter identities' of those with DID?
  • a. an overtly sexual alter
  • b. a protective alter
  • c. an alter of different gender
  • d. alters of different ages
  • e. a non human alter
  • f. all of the above are seen in DID

Pregunta 24

somatic symptom disorder has been linked through genetics and family studies with antisocial personality disorder
  • True
  • False

Pregunta 25

malingering refers to people who induce sickness in others to gain sympathy and attention
  • True
  • False

Pregunta 26

conversion disorder symptoms are more commonly found on the right half of the body
  • True
  • False

Pregunta 27

in dissociative fugue states some people move to a new locale and take on a different identity
  • True
  • False

Pregunta 28

hypnosis is the onlly effective way to elicit alter identities in treatment for DID
  • True
  • False

Pregunta 29

the socio cognitive view of DID asserts that DID is an iatrogenic disorder produced by the therapists techniques and influence on the client
  • True
  • False

Pregunta 30

there are strong genetic contributions to DID
  • True
  • False

Pregunta 31

getting out of unpleasant tasks, having extra attention and sympathy for one's symptoms is known as 'primary gain'
  • True
  • False
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