ANA - hypothyroidism


Test sobre ANA - hypothyroidism, creado por Em J el 10/06/2018.
Em J
Test por Em J, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Em J
Creado por Em J hace más de 6 años

Resumen del Recurso

Pregunta 1

Nursing responsibilities: Monitor blood pressure, heart rate and rhythm, respiratory rate and lung sounds. [blank_start]Hypotension[blank_end] indicates decreasing peripheral blood flow. maintain open airway. Avoid [blank_start]cool[blank_end] temperatures. Increase [blank_start]room[blank_end] temperature if necessary and use additional bed blankets. Chilling increases metabolic rate and puts increased stress on the heart. monitor medication therapy (overdose with thyroid medications possible) assess thyroid hormone [blank_start]levels[blank_end] Encourage [blank_start]fluid[blank_end] uptake monitor and administer [blank_start]glucose[blank_end] as needed Monitor skin for [blank_start]redness[blank_end] or lesions due to impaired skin integrity Use a pressure injury [blank_start]risk assessment[blank_end]
  • Hypotension
  • cool
  • room
  • levels
  • fluid
  • glucose
  • redness
  • risk assessment

Pregunta 2

Patient education: Patient is likely to have [blank_start]constipation[blank_end] due to reduced appetite, decreased food uptake, decreased [blank_start]activity[blank_end] level, reduced water [blank_start]absorption[blank_end]. Encourage fluid uptake Discuss ways to maintain [blank_start]high-fibre[blank_end] diet Encourage [blank_start]activity[blank_end] as tolerated Teach person measures to maintain skin integrity - use [blank_start]warm[blank_end] not hot water, [blank_start]gentle[blank_end] motions when cleaning Encourage or teach person to [blank_start]turn[blank_end]/change positions every 2 hours to promote [blank_start]optimal[blank_end] circulation Teach range of motion exercises Explain the need to alternate activity with [blank_start]rest[blank_end] periods. Ask people to report any breathing difficulties, chest pain, heart palpitations or dizziness. Explain that activity increases stress on the [blank_start]heart[blank_end] and should be balanced with rest. (Symptoms of [blank_start]cardiac[blank_end] stress include dyspnoea, chest pain, palpitations and dizziness)
  • constipation
  • activity
  • absorption
  • high-fibre
  • activity
  • warm
  • gentle
  • turn
  • optimal
  • rest
  • heart
  • cardiac
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