IT Applications Practice Exam - 2013, 2012, 2011


IT Applications Multiple Choice Exam from years 2012, 2012, 2011
Nicholas Bagnall
Test por Nicholas Bagnall, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Nicholas Bagnall
Creado por Nicholas Bagnall hace casi 10 años

Resumen del Recurso

Pregunta 1

A business with more than 100 employees tests its disaster recovery strategy by simulating a fi re and power failure. A criterion to evaluate the effectiveness of the strategy to protect the integrity of customer data would be to ask
  • are all back-up copies of customer records up-to-date and complete?
  • can the back-up copies of customer data be quickly accessed?
  • is the customer data restored within 30 minutes of power returning?
  • are all appropriate software companies contacted within 60 minutes?

Pregunta 2

When a medical clinic in country Victoria implements its new information system, the managers select and delete all the patient fi les from the hard disks before donating the old computers to the local primary school. In doing this, the managers have
  • done all that is required under the Health Records Act 2001.
  • not met their legal obligations under the Health Records Act 2001.
  • prevented a threat to confidential data by unauthorised users.
  • followed the correct procedure for the disposal of data under the Information Privacy Act 2000.

Pregunta 3

The primary purpose of a proxy server is to
  • connect multiple devices together to act as a single network.
  • forward data between computer networks.
  • keep an organisation’s network secure.
  • accept requests from clients seeking resources from other servers.

Pregunta 4

New employees use photocopy USER IDENTITIES from 999 to 1999. Test data to display an ‘INVALID USER IDENTITY’ message would be
  • 998 and 2000
  • 1000 and 1998
  • 999 and 1999
  • 999 and 1998

Pregunta 5

Analysing the needs of an online community involves
  • determining what results are expected from test data.
  • monitoring users’ complaints about the existing system
  • interviewing community members to determine evaluation criteria.
  • observing the results of sample data used to test the new system

Pregunta 6

Which one of the following is the best validation technique for the Country field?
  • a range check
  • an input mask
  • a required fi eld
  • a dropdown box

Pregunta 7

A security protocol to protect the privacy of individuals entering their data on this form would be
  • encrypting all data before it is communicated.
  • stating a shipping and returns policy
  • banning users who exceed their purchase limit.
  • accepting orders only from customers who tick the acceptance box.

Pregunta 8

What is the best data type for the box labelled ‘I have read and accept the conditions of purchase’?
  • Image
  • Text
  • Number
  • Boolean

Pregunta 9

The appearance of a website can be enhanced by having
  • consistent font types.
  • important information underlined
  • minimum contrast between font and background colours.
  • navigation buttons of different sizes.

Pregunta 10

Which one of the following would be a non-technical constraint on the design of a school’s new website?
  • It must run on the existing classroom laptops
  • New and existing fi le formats must be compatible
  • Students’ examination results and attendance reports must be kept private.
  • The size of video files used by teachers for online class presentations must be limited.

Pregunta 11

Sunny Tennis Club is updating its website to attract new members. It is making decisions about what information will be available for the general public (open) and what will be for members only (closed). Which diagram represents the best decision for the club?
  • A
  • B
  • C
  • D

Pregunta 12

A solution developer wants to test the effi ciency of using the date convention of mm/dd/yyyy for an online sales form to be used in a global market. He tracks the results of 100 users who were required to enter the current date using this convention
  • how quickly each user enters the date.
  • the percentage of users who enter complete dates.
  • the number of users who accurately enter the current date.
  • the number of error messages received by users to indicate incorrect date order.

Pregunta 13

A physical device that can help prevent unauthorised access to data and information on a network is
  • a PIN.
  • a swipe card.
  • a thumb print.
  • an encryption key

Pregunta 14

A local library wants to update its website so that new users can easily access the online catalogue. The most suitable form of user documentation would be a
  • quick start guide
  • table of contents.
  • technical manual
  • Help Desk email contact

Pregunta 15

Evaluating a solution involves
  • determining the evaluation criteria
  • testing whether the solution does what it was intended to do
  • reporting on the extent to which the solution meets the requirements of the user
  • determining what information the solution has to provide and what data is needed to produce it

Pregunta 16

When Old Time Gardeners decides to re-landscape a suburban parkland, it sets up a website so that local residents can view each stage of the construction. This type of online community is best described as
  • social.
  • collaboration
  • project-based.
  • knowledge-sharing.

Pregunta 17

The primary key in the Movie table ensures that
  • a movie has a unique identity.
  • a director has a unique identity
  • two directors cannot have the same LastName
  • a director cannot be credited with the wrong movie.

Pregunta 18

The relationship the owner has created between the primary key in the Director table and the foreign key in the Movie table is needed if fans using the website want to
  • sort the movies in order of release date.
  • search for all directors born in the 20th century.
  • sort the directors’ last names in alphabetical order.
  • search for movies in a particular language by a director.

Pregunta 19

In which position would PatientID be best represented?
  • u
  • v
  • w
  • z

Pregunta 20

What does position ‘y’ represent?
  • MedicationID
  • doctor gives patient medication
  • doctor diagnoses patient’s condition
  • name of medication given to patient

Pregunta 21

The stage of the problem-solving methodology where the solution requirements are determined is
  • design.
  • analysis.
  • evaluation
  • development.

Pregunta 22

The best electronic validation technique for ensuring that an online data entry form is complete is
  • a data type check.
  • a data range check.
  • a required field check.
  • graphic image recognition (CAPTCHA).

Pregunta 23

The manager of a graphic art studio wants to use cloud computing instead of an external hard drive to store image data. One criterion that can be used to evaluate the effectiveness of this decision would be to ask
  • is it cheaper to use the cloud than the external hard drive?
  • is the upload time to the cloud faster than saving to the external hard drive?
  • do staff find it quicker to retrieve images from the cloud than from the external hard drive?
  • do the images have the same resolution when retrieved from the cloud as when retrieved from the external hard drive?

Pregunta 24

The best design tool to show the structure of a database solution is
  • a site map.
  • a mock-up of the input form.
  • an entity-relationship (ER) diagram
  • an input-process-output (IPO) chart.

Pregunta 25

A relational database management system (RDBMS) developer is creating a new table within a database. The most effi cient name and data type for a fi eld containing phone numbers, such as (03) 456 5667, is
  • name: cpn, data type: number
  • name: custPn#, data type: text
  • name: custPhNum, data type: text
  • name: customer phone number, data type: number

Pregunta 26

A farmer has hired you to develop a new stock management solution. During development, to ensure that the new solution does what it is intended to do, you should
  • enter a lot of data to make sure the stock numbers are correct.
  • read the quick start guide to make sure it is logical and efficient.
  • create a set of evaluation criteria to judge if the requirements were met.
  • check the system in three to six months to make sure it is working as intended.

Pregunta 27

A government school has decided to store all parents’ credit card information in a text fi le on the school’s computer system. The school has a legal obligation to change this information management strategy because
  • parents might get angry
  • human error might occur when the credit card numbers are entered.
  • sensitive data should be stored safely and text files are too easily read.
  • expired credit cards may still be in the system, resulting in a lack of data integrity

Pregunta 28

Barry received a three-monthly report showing that the number of complaints about orders being delivered to the wrong addresses had increased. He decides that all stages of the order delivery process will be completely computerised in three years. Strategies for evaluating the new solution are best carried out
  • during testing.
  • as soon as the solution is in use.
  • immediately before the solution is in use.
  • six months after the solution has been in use.

Pregunta 29

The best procedure to dispose of a data file and make it extremely diffi cult to retrieve is to
  • delete it.
  • overwrite it with specialty software
  • move it to the trash and empty the trash.
  • encrypt it with licensed software and save it to the cloud.

Pregunta 30

Drivers are insured for mountain track driving if they pass a special driving course (SDC), have a car with roll bars (RB) and are without any convictions (C) for dangerous driving. The design for a query to identify drivers who can receive insurance is
  • Insured = SDC or RB and C
  • Insured = SDC and RB and C
  • Insured = SDC or RB and not C
  • Insured = SDC and RB and not C

Pregunta 31

An operating system is designed to
  • provide online help to new users
  • manage file access and application software.
  • provide user-friendly filenames for shared files
  • encrypt fi les that are leaving and entering the network

Pregunta 32

A text box on a data entry form has this validation rule applied to it: 2999 < Postcode < 4000. The most suitable data to test the rule is
  • 3336, 3337, 3999
  • 2050, 3050, 4050
  • 2999, 4000, 4001
  • 3000, 3999, 4050

Pregunta 33

A telecommunications company has more than 2000 employees across Australia with 24-hour access to the company intranet. The human resource manager wants to make sure that employees can check their holiday entitlements at any time. The most effi cient method of achieving this would be to
  • email all employees whenever any entitlements change.
  • upload new entitlement information to the home page on the company intranet.
  • send new entitlement information to the relevant employees’ company mobile phones
  • provide each employee with a written copy of their entitlements whenever there is a change.

Pregunta 34

The database table below shows the most popular songs during the decade 2000 to 2010, as voted by an online music community in 2011. The query Artist = The Black Eyed Peas OR Year < 2009 will display records
  • 5, 7
  • 1, 5, 7
  • 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 9
  • 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9

Pregunta 35

A non-technical constraint on using company logos for promotions on a website is
  • breach of copyright
  • the storage capacity of the server
  • the fi le format of the company logo
  • the data and fi le processing capabilities available to users.

Pregunta 36

Determining the scope of a solution includes
  • identifying the functions the solution has to provide.
  • determining what the solution can and cannot do.
  • identifying the constraints of the solution
  • planning the appearance of the solution.

Pregunta 37

The efficiency of the information architecture of a website can be measured by
  • the number of clicks required to get to the relevant information
  • whether all links go to relevant information
  • the number of different font colours used
  • the readability of the links.

Pregunta 38

To protect the rights of individuals and organisations that are supplying data on a website, a host company is legally required to include on its website a policy statement regarding
  • shipping and returns.
  • human rights.
  • privacy.
  • spam.

Pregunta 39

A complete disaster recovery strategy involves
  • preparing a backup plan for stored data and determining the cause of the disaster.
  • practising the procedures for shutting down the computer system and recovering data
  • purchasing preventative equipment and documenting the procedures for managing risk to an organisation’s data.
  • undertaking a risk assessment, and documenting and practising the procedures for managing risk to an organisation’s data and employees.

Pregunta 40

Developing a prototype website involves
  • conducting tests and recording results.
  • determining what benefits the solution will bring to users.
  • considering the constraints and conditions that need to be met.
  • deciding what measures will be used to judge whether or not the solution requirements have been met.

Pregunta 41

What are the three sub headings of Analysis in the Problem-Solving Methodology?
  • Solution Analysis, Evaluation Criteria and Solution Design
  • Solution Requirements, Solution Constraints and Scope of Solution
  • Report, Strategy and Solution Documentation
  • Solution Design, Solution Documentation and Scope of Solution

Pregunta 42

What are the two boxes that fall under the Design phase of the Problem-Solving Methodolgy?
  • Solution Design and Evaluation Criteria
  • Analysis Solution and Validation Criteria
  • Scope of Solution and Documentation
  • Testing and Solution Report

Pregunta 43

What are the four activities listed during the Development stage of the Problem-Solving Methodology?
  • Strategy, Report, Solution and Validation
  • Solution Criteria, Evaluation Method, Scope of Solution and Testing
  • Manipulation, Validation, Testing and Reporting
  • Manipulation, Validation, Testing and Documentation

Pregunta 44

What are the two steps of Evaluation in the Problem-Solving Methodology?
  • Report and Evaluation
  • Validation and Documentation
  • Strategy and Report
  • Testing and Documentation

Pregunta 45

Acronym for the steps of the Problem-Solving Methodology?
  • ADDR
  • ADDD
  • EDDA
  • ADDE
  • DDDA
  • DEDA
  • ADED

Pregunta 46

The four steps of the Problem-Solving Methodology are?
  • Analysis, Design, Development and Evaluation
  • Analysis, Design, Development and Documentation
  • Design, Development, Documentation and Requirements
  • Design, Discussion, Documentation and Evaluation

Pregunta 47

All are examples of Design Tools:
  • Flowcharts, Layout Diagrams, Site Maps and Excel Spreadsheet
  • Storyboards, Hierarchy charts, Flowcharts and User Documentation
  • Online Tutorial, User Documentation, Context Diagrams and Flowcharts
  • Entity-Relationship Diagram, Flowcharts, Storyboards and Layout Diagrams

Pregunta 48

Define Efficiency?
  • How little time, cost and/or effort is applied/required to achieve intended results
  • A measure of how well something works - Attractiveness, clarity, accuracy, communication, relevance, etc
  • A way in which information should be treated and organised on screen
  • How well information abides by the legal obligations set

Pregunta 49

Define Effectiveness?
  • A measure of how well something works - Attractiveness, clarity, accuracy, communication, relevance, etc
  • How well information abides by the legal obligations set.
  • A way in which information should be treated and organised on screen
  • How little time, cost and/or effort is applied/required to achieve intended results

Pregunta 50

Privacy Act _____
  • 2001
  • 1988
  • 2003
  • 1968

Pregunta 51

Information Privacy Act ______
  • 1998
  • 2003
  • 2001
  • 2000

Pregunta 52

Health Records Act _______
  • 2001
  • 2003
  • 2000
  • 1999

Pregunta 53

Spam Act __________
  • 2001
  • 1988
  • 1998
  • 2003

Pregunta 54

Copyright Act ______
  • 1986
  • 1968
  • 1998
  • 1996

Pregunta 55

Charter of Human Rights and Responsibilities _______
  • 2006
  • 2003
  • 2000
  • 2001
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