APHG Unit 1


Unit 1 APHG Study Material
Kirsten KinneyGrass
Test por Kirsten KinneyGrass, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Kirsten KinneyGrass
Creado por Kirsten KinneyGrass hace más de 6 años

Resumen del Recurso

Pregunta 1

Cognitive images(mental maps) can be based on
  • visual representations of actual locations, direct experiences, and people's imaginations
  • visual representations of actual locations
  • direct experiences
  • only a direct experience and visual representations of actual locations
  • people's imaginations

Pregunta 2

Maps that adjust the size of area units based on the values of the data they depict are called
  • topographic maps
  • flow-line maps
  • satellite images
  • cartogram maps
  • choropleth maps

Pregunta 3

The state of Texas is BEST considered a formal region because
  • the same state laws apply everywhere in the region
  • religion is the same everywhere in the region
  • transportation systems converge in the major highways of the region
  • only one language is spoken in most of the cities of the region
  • it is a part of the United States

Pregunta 4

Relative to lines of latitude near the equator, lines of latitude neat the poles are
  • shorter
  • More accurate
  • Straighter
  • Longer
  • Wider

Pregunta 5

Regarding Chicago, which statement is best describing its relative location
  • Its location is affected by rail road lines through the central U.S. and transport on the Great Lakes
  • It has a specific latitiude and longitude
  • It is located in the northern hemisphere, northwest of the origin of latitude and longitude
  • It is found north of the Equator and west of the Prime Meridian

Pregunta 6

How are a cartogram and a graduated symbol map similar?
  • Both indicate exact locations of specific data precisely
  • Both display latitude and longitude acurately
  • Both are useful for comparing the physical area of a country
  • Both portray numerical data for comparison between places
  • Both provide a good compromise among distortions of shape, size, direction, and distance

Pregunta 7

The Kinshasa Highway, also known as the AIDS Highway, is an informal highway that goes from coast to coast in Africa. This highway has played a significant role in minimizing:
  • Sense of place
  • Friction of distance
  • Connectivity
  • Distance decay
  • Spatial interaction

Pregunta 8

The location of Chicago at 41 degrees 49' N latitude and 87 degrees 37' W longitude is an example of
  • GPS location
  • Absolute location
  • Intensive location
  • Remote location
  • Relative location

Pregunta 9

A hearth is
  • a region from whcihc a phenomenon originates
  • the perimeter or boundary marked by a regional feature
  • the modification of a culture as a result of contact with a more powerful one
  • the process by which a feature or trend spreads
  • an area defined by one or more distinctive features or trends

Pregunta 10

Huricane Katrina's landfall on the United States is an interesting geographic cas study because
  • the federal government was poorly prepared for the storm and its aftermath
  • its effects are an intersection of human and physcal geography
  • people of all ethnic and racial groups were equally devastated by the storm
  • the damage was largely a result of flooding from rivers and a storm surge, not the winds
  • its winds reached incredible speed near the eye of the hurricane

Pregunta 11

Which of the following are forms of expansion diffusion?
  • relocation and stimulus
  • contagious and eponymous
  • contagious and hierarchical
  • hierarchical and formal
  • economis and relocation

Pregunta 12

Friction of distance
  • is now considered an outdated concept with little current utility
  • is the reflection of only cost overcoming distance
  • is another term for the distance-decay function
  • is usually negligible over distances of less that ten miles
  • is dependent in part upon an individual's cognitive distance

Pregunta 13

The statement, "Mexico's location next to the United States has had a great impact on its economic development," suggests that Mexico's economic development is related to its
  • spatial interaction
  • sense of place
  • situation
  • site
  • cognitive distance

Pregunta 14

On the tropical rainforest island of Borneo, some tribes practice slash-and-burn agriculture, while other tribes have chosen to be fishers. This exemplifies
  • possibilism
  • determinism
  • adoption
  • culturism
  • diffusion

Pregunta 15

Hawaii's tropical location, sandy beaches, volcanoes, volcanic soils, and plentiful moisture play an important role in its economic activities. In terms of its relative locaation, these characteristics refer to Hawaii's
  • space
  • situation
  • place
  • site
  • distance

Pregunta 16

An example of a map that is a compromise between an wqual-area and conformal projection is
  • a satellite image
  • the Mercator projection
  • the Robinsion projecton
  • the sinsusoidal projecton
  • a peace map

Pregunta 17

Which of the following are lines of constant value?
  • cartograms
  • isolines
  • GPS lines
  • smooth lines
  • projection lines

Pregunta 18

Spatial association requires geographer to look at the distribution of phenomena
  • only at a state scale
  • on a global and national scale only
  • on a national, state, and urban(local) scale
  • only on a national scale
  • at a global scale

Pregunta 19

The migration of Europeans into the Western Hemisphere included those people introducing Christianity into the Americas, thereby illustrating the process of this type of diffusion.
  • contagious
  • stimulus
  • relational
  • relocation
  • hierarchical

Pregunta 20

Which of the following best describes the site of Mexico City?
  • the most important financial and political center in Mexico
  • the federal district of Mexico
  • an important node in a global system of flows of goods, information, and people
  • a highland valley and dry lakebed located on a high plateau in southern central Mexico
  • an urban area located aproximately two hours from Houston, Texas, by airplane

Pregunta 21

Which of the following is most likely a functional region?
  • the area of dominance of a church or sect
  • area where people tend to be fans of a particular professional football team
  • the area of dominance of a television station
  • the area that a person regards as a hometown
  • an area where new ideas seem to be circulating the fastest

Pregunta 22

An example of a formal region is
  • the area of France where the Breton language is spoken
  • Dixie
  • an incredibly pleasant mountain
  • the hub and spoke network for a particular airline
  • 100,000 square kilometers

Pregunta 23

Of the following, the best example of a functional region is
  • Chicago
  • the West Coast
  • North America
  • Cajun Country
  • the Corn Belt

Pregunta 24

Mormonism is most concentrated in the counties surronding Salt Lake City, Utah, and teh population of Mormons as a percentage of total county population begins to decline the further away from Salt Lake City. This is an example of
  • time space compression
  • assimilation
  • syncretism
  • distance decay
  • acculturation

Pregunta 25

A computer system that stores, organizes, retrives, analyzes, and displays geofraphic data is
  • USGS
  • remote sensing
  • topographic analysis
  • GIS
  • GPS

Pregunta 26

The belief that the physical enviorment is the dominant force shaping cultures and that humankind is essentially a passive product of its physical surrounding is known as
  • cultural determinism
  • possibilism
  • veganism
  • landscape enviormentalism
  • enviormental determinism

Pregunta 27

"The paving of Kinshasa Highway affected every person on earth, and turned out to be one of the most important events of the twentieth century. It has already cost at least 10 million lives, with the likelihood that the ultimate number of human casualties will vastly exceed the deaths in the Second World War" The quote from the Hot Zone reflects a downside of:
  • location
  • globalization
  • site
  • proximity
  • sense of place

Pregunta 28

The people of Siberia domesticated reindeer afer learnin gabout cattle being domesticates by people to their south. This is an example of which type of diffusion?
  • hierarchical
  • contagious
  • vernacular
  • stimulus
  • relocation

Pregunta 29

Which of the following is the largest scale map?
  • 1: 63,360
  • 1: 24,000
  • 1: 8,000
  • 1: 50,000

Pregunta 30

The distortion shown in the image best represents what projection type?
  • Conic
  • Peters
  • Mercator
  • Robinson
  • Mollweide

Pregunta 31

The brand Under Armour is an example of which type of diffusion?
  • hierarchical
  • relocation
  • contagious
  • stimulus
  • formal

Pregunta 32

The two images reflect what concept of map scale?
  • aggregation
  • simplification
  • map choice
  • scale of analysis
  • ratio of distance

Pregunta 33

Though we often talk about the 'South', speak of 'southern hospitality' and mention that people have southern accents
  • the south is nto very different from the north
  • the south does not generally include Georgia or Florida
  • the south, as a region, is very difficult to define
  • today Michigan and Wisconsin are included in the region

Pregunta 34

The image represents:
  • epidemic
  • human-environment interactions
  • pandemic
  • location theory
  • sequent occupance

Pregunta 35

Jews who were expelled from Spain in 1492 brought their religious beliefs and practices to the new areas in which they settled. This is a case of
  • contagious diffusion
  • relocation diffusion
  • hierarchical diffusion
  • expansion diffusion
  • relational diffusion

Pregunta 36

While at opposite ends of the emotional spectrum, a joke spreading quickly throughout an office and cholers claiming a victim from every household in a village are both examples of which type of diffusion?
  • hierarchical
  • vernacular
  • relocation
  • contact
  • contagious

Pregunta 37

One way that possibilism differs from enviormental determinism is that it emphasizes:
  • culture
  • history
  • regions
  • trade
  • climate

Pregunta 38

Distance decay implies that
  • short distances erode hierarchical diffusion
  • long-distance interactions are more likely that short-distance interactions
  • long distances erode hierarchical diffusion
  • carrying fruit for a long distance causes it to rot
  • short-distance interactions are more likely than long-distance interactons

Pregunta 39

A mental map is a good way to represent what type of region?
  • vernacular region
  • political region
  • economic region
  • formal region
  • functional region

Pregunta 40

As geographers use the term, scale tells us
  • the length of a degree of longitude along different parallels
  • the intrinsic character of the object or area studied
  • the relationship between earth distance and map distance
  • the smoothness of a snake or fish
  • the weight of a given commodity

Pregunta 41

The arrangement of a phenomenon across Earth's surface is
  • spatial analysis
  • dispersal
  • spatial association
  • distribution
  • regional dissociation

Pregunta 42

Which of the following correctly lists the four main properties of maps?
  • area, direction, latitude, longitude
  • the USA, China, Africa, and New Zealand
  • area, shape, distance, direction
  • conformality, equivalence, direction, symbols
  • equivalence, shape, latitude, longitude

Pregunta 43

The projection used during the Cold War to exaggerate the Communist threat by distorting the areas of countries at high latitudes
  • the Stalin projection
  • the Robinson projecton
  • cartogram
  • the Mercator projection
  • Goode's Homolosine projection

Pregunta 44

A map projection may distort a continent, making it appear stretched in some areas and smashed in others in order to
  • depict accurately the shape of that same continent
  • distort the shapes of other continents
  • distort the distances and relatice sizes of countries and continents
  • depict accurately the physical area of a country or continent
  • depict a map that accurately represents a globe in every detail

Pregunta 45

This image is a desire line map recording the daily volume of daily work trips within the San Francisco Bay area to the Silicon Valley employment node. What is best represented by this?
  • density
  • distance
  • site
  • time-space compression
  • spatial interaction

Pregunta 46

Which state has seen the largest amount of population increase 2000-2010?
  • Florida
  • Nevada
  • Texas
  • Arizona
  • California

Pregunta 47

Which of the following provides a strong relationship between land and water areas in the world and does not distort countries at high latitudes?
  • Robinson projection
  • Mercator projection
  • Mollweide projection
  • Van Der Grinten projection
  • All maps distort at high latitudes

Pregunta 48

It is believed that a certain plant was domesticated in 2 different parts of the world, at 2 different times, by 2 cultures that never had contact with each other. The domestication of this plant can be considered a case of
  • contagious diffusion
  • independent invention
  • relocation diffusion
  • nodal interaction
  • plant plagiarism

Pregunta 49

The primary source of diffusion today is
  • the internet
  • political elections
  • global business
  • snitches
  • missionary work

Pregunta 50

Spatial interaction is affected by
  • the physical enviornment, the cultural lanscapr, and the interchange potential of places
  • distance, accessibility, and connectivity
  • mobility, economics, and anticipation
  • shaking hands, high-fiving, and hugging
  • absolute location, spatial parameters, and network design
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