TYPO3 CI 2018 6.1


(6. Backend Administration) TYPO3 CI 8.7 Test sobre TYPO3 CI 2018 6.1, creado por Ma Hi el 17/12/2018.
Ma Hi
Test por Ma Hi, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Ma Hi
Creado por Ma Hi hace más de 5 años

Resumen del Recurso

Pregunta 1

Which methods can you use to access the list view? (3)
  • You click on the “WEB → List” module on the left in the backend.
  • You click on the “WEB → View” module on the left and then the “List” icon at the top.
  • In the “Info” sub-module, select the “Pagetree Overview” function and click the appropriate page icon, which opens a context menu.
  • In the “Info” sub-module, select the “Pagetree Overview” function and click the pen icon.
  • You right-click a page in the page tree and select the appropriate item.

Pregunta 2

How can you move a page? (4)
  • That is not possible. You have to delete a page and then create it in a different place.
  • By using drag and drop in the page tree.
  • By right-clicking on a page in the page tree and then selecting “Cut” and “Paste…”.
  • By right-clicking on a page in the page tree and then selecting “Page actions → Cut” and “Page actions → Paste…”.
  • By using the “Move up” in list and “Move down” in list buttons in the List module.
  • By using the clipboard.

Pregunta 3

You need to rename a file in the Filelist. Can you do this and if yes, how? (2)
  • Double click on the file name in the list view of the Filelist.
  • Renaming files would break the data integrity. You have to delete the file and upload the same file again.
  • If the “extended view” is enabled, click on the “rename” icon.
  • Right-click on the file icon and select “Rename” from the context menu.
  • Select the file in the Filelist and press F2.

Pregunta 4

You want to add notes to a page in the backend that other users can access. How do you do this? (1)
  • There is a tab “Notes” in the page properties for this case.
  • The extension “Page Notes” must be installed.
  • Notes can only be created and viewed by administrators.
  • Function “WEB → View → Notes” offers this possibility.

Pregunta 5

Does TYPO3 have an undo function; if so, where can this be found? (2)
  • TYPO3 does not have an undo function by default, but it can be added through extensions.
  • Yes, TYPO3 has an undo function in the “List” module.
  • Yes, TYPO3 has an undo function in the “Page” module.
  • Yes, TYPO3 has an undo function in the “Info” module.
  • Yes, TYPO3 has an undo function in the “Versioning” module.

Pregunta 6

Page trees can become very confusing, especially in larger websites. How can you limit the page tree view to display only the sub-tree you are working on? (1)
  • TYPO3 always shows the full page tree with all pages in the system.
  • If you enter the name of the page in the search field above the page tree, only the sub-tree is displayed.
  • You select the “Mount as tree root” option in the page properties of the page.
  • You select “More options → Mount as treeroot” from the context menu of the page.
  • You use the Page TSconfig setting: mod.mountAsTreeRoot = 1.

Pregunta 7

If a TYPO3 installation is large and therefore confusing, it is useful if you can quickly find the pages you have to edit frequently. What is the best way to achieve this? (1)
  • Using a bookmark in the browser.
  • Installing the “Shortcuts” extension.
  • Using the “Bookmarks” function in TYPO3.
  • Using the “WEB → Functions → Bookmarks” backend module.
  • Using the config.shortcuts = id1,id2,id3,... TypoScript option.

Pregunta 8

Which statements about page layouts in the TYPO3 backend are correct? (2)
  • Backend layouts and columns can be configured in the Install Tool
  • Backend layouts can be used to map page layouts in the backend
  • The extension “Grid Elements” must be installed in order to map page layouts in the backend
  • In TYPO3 before version 9 there were four columns by default
  • Since TYPO3 version 9 there are eight columns by default

Pregunta 9

In the page properties, what function(s) does the “Stop page tree” field have? (1)
  • Further pages in the page tree will no longer be displayed below this page.
  • Further pages in the page tree will no longer be displayed within this page.
  • Further pages in the menu in the frontend will no longer be displayed below this page.
  • Further pages in the menu in the frontend will no longer be displayed within this page.
  • With this option, the sub-pages of a page in a number of backend modules are hidden and a red plus sign appears instead.
  • This field has no function since TYPO3 version 4.5 LTS.

Pregunta 10

A user has edited a content element, and now it contains grave content errors. What can you do in this situation? (2)
  • The only option is to overhaul the contents manually.
  • You can get an overview of all changes in the “List” sub-module.
  • You can get an overview of all changes in the “ADMIN TOOLS” module.
  • You can get an overview of all changes in the “Info” sub-module.
  • The only way to rectify this is by looking in the database and undoing the changes made there.

Pregunta 11

You suspect that someone has logged in with your TYPO3 account without authorization. How can you check this? (2)
  • The “SYSTEM → Log” module shows when someone has logged in using your account.
  • In your user settings, you can specify that you receive an email whenever someone uses your account to log in.
  • You can only check this in the database in the sys_log table.
  • There is nothing you can do, apart from changing your password.
  • The time and date (and IP address) of your last login will be displayed when you log in.

Pregunta 12

You have administrator permissions and want to make extensive changes in the backend. No other user may be logged in while you do this. How do you proceed? (1)
  • You write an email to all backend users and request them not to log on.
  • You change the passwords of all backend users and keep the new passwords under wraps for the time being.
  • You rename the typo3/ directory and keep the URL secret for the time being.
  • You switch the backend to the “Admin-only” status.
  • You call up the backend using the &adminOnly=1 parameter in the URL.
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