Noorun Ala Nur Weekly Tafseer Test -Surah Jin


Noorun Ala Nur Weekly Tafseer Test Surah Jin
Reshma B
Test por Reshma B, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Reshma B
Creado por Reshma B hace más de 5 años

Resumen del Recurso

Pregunta 1

Match the following
  • he word jinn means ----- to conceal or to hide
  • Inns cannot see jinns ----- but jinns can see inns
  • Surah Al Jinn speaks about ----- behavior, speech & actions of jinns
  • Jinns ----- is another makhluq of Allah (swt)

Pregunta 2

Who are the jinns? Choose the right answer
  • They are one of the creations of Allah (swt)
  • They possess intellect, reasoning & understanding
  • They have the ability to make choice
  • They are creatures that marry, produce children, eat, drink & die like inns

Pregunta 3

Where do evil jinns live? Choose the right answer
  • They live in deserts, ruins, places of impurities etc
  • They gather in market places to cause mischief
  • They spread where darkness falls
  • They love to sit in between shade & sun

Pregunta 4

Mention the 3 types of jinns? Choose the right answer
  • Those that flies through the air
  • Those who take the form of snakes & dogs
  • Those who moves from one place to another

Pregunta 5

Mention any 3 characteristics of jinns? Choose the right answer
  • They can move very quickly
  • They can even reach a certain level of sky
  • They are very skillful
  • They don't have the ability to change their forms

Pregunta 6

I memorized the dua to seek refuge in Allah (swt) from the evil? (Yes or No)
  • Yes
  • No

Pregunta 7

List few weaknesses of jinns? Choose the right answer
  • They have no authority over the righteous slaves of Allah (swt)
  • They cannot harm or freighten the righteous slaves
  • They are actually afraid of righteous slaves & flee away from them

Pregunta 8

Fill in the blanks
  • The jinns who live in houses are called ____ (Amir)
  • The jinns who attach themselves to children are called ____ (Shayateen)
  • The jinns who harm or harass the mankind are called ____ (Shayateen)

Pregunta 9

Say True or False
  • Jinns cannot appear in the form of prophets in dreams - True
  • Marid are worst than the Shayateen - False
  • If anyone mentions Bismillah & close the door, jinn will enter the house - True
  • Ifrit is even more worse than Marid - True

Pregunta 10

How did the Jinns become Muslims? Choose the right answer
  • A group of Jinns while travelling heard Prophet (pbuh) reciting the Qur'an
  • They stopped & listened to the magnificent verses of Qur'an
  • They were amazed & impressed & accepted imaan

Pregunta 11

Where can you find good Jinn? Choose the right answer
  • Around areas where the Qur'an is read
  • Around areas where the Qur'an is not read
  • Around areas where the darkness falls

Pregunta 12

What is the error realized by the Jinns as mentioned in ayah 3? Choose the right answer
  • Allah (swt) has not adopted a companion as his wife nor does he has a son
  • Jinns are weak & hence need companions
  • Allah (swt) is much above all this & he is not in need of anything

Pregunta 13

Why was Iblees called safi? Choose the right answer
  • He was teaching wrong things about Allah (swt)
  • He used to make up stories which is far away from reality
  • He was teaching good things about Allah (swt)

Pregunta 14

How did the jinns confess that they were misled by falsehoods? Choose the right answer
  • They were made to believe that inns and jinns would not utter a lie against Allah (swt)
  • But after having heard the amazing Recital they know now that they were in fact liars
  • The above facts speaks about the truthfulness of their imaan

Pregunta 15

How was the behavior of the Jinns when humans seek refuge with them? Choose the right answer
  • Jinns increased fear & terror in humans
  • When Jinns heard the qaul, it increased them in transgression and arrogance
  • Jinns became fearless and decided to play with mankind inspiring them to adopt erroneous beliefs

Pregunta 16

What did the Jinns find when they sought to reach the heaven? Choose the right answer
  • The sky was completely secured with stern guards
  • The angels were firing with shooting stars at them
  • The angels were happy to receive them

Pregunta 17

Describe the groups of the Jinns as mentioned in ayah 11? Choose the right answer
  • Few are righteous
  • Few are of opposite category
  • Few are of different sects

Pregunta 18

What do we learn from the believing jinns as mentioned in ayah 11 - 13? Choose the right answer
  • They acknowledge that their fellow beings can have different thinking and opinions
  • They admit to their weakness before Allah (swt) and know that they can never outsmart Him
  • They heard the Qur’an and immediately submitted to its teachings recognizing it to be the truth
  • They hold a good opinion about Allah (swt) and know that He is Just & will neither deprive nor burden a being

Pregunta 19

Who are the Qasitoon & what will happen to them? Choose the right answer
  • Disbelievers of the Jinn who deviated from the right path
  • Believers of the Jinn who deviated from the right path
  • They will be used as fuel in Jahannum

Pregunta 20

If the mushrikeen e makkah had believed in Allah and stood firm in His path, they would have been awarded with abundant provision. (True or False)
  • True
  • False

Pregunta 21

What are the tests from Allah (swt) to determine our reaction as in ayah 17? Choose the right answer
  • Turning away from the remembrance of Allah (swt) means the people who study the Qur’an and once the course is over return to their old ways
  • The people memorize the Qur’an and then leave it. They neither act on the knowledge they have gained nor share it with others. Such a person will face a harsh & agonizing punishment
  • If a person remains patience and bears the difficulties with perseverance, Allah (swt) will eventually grant him success

Pregunta 22

What did Prophet (pbuh) said to mushrikeen e makkah when he was been attacked by them while in prayer? Choose the right answer
  • I pray only to my Rabb
  • I will not do shirk with my Rabb
  • I will be on Tauheed

Pregunta 23

How does Allah (swt) advising Prophet (pbuh) to describe himself to mushrikeen e makkah as in ayah 21? Choose the right answer
  • I don't have any power to cause an injury or harm you
  • The power to guide or to misguide is with Allah (swt)
  • My responsibility is only to convey the message

Pregunta 24

Explain the word mul’tahada [مُلْتَحَدا] (ayah 22)? Choose the right answer
  • Its root word is ل، ح، د
  • It means a place of refuge
  • It also refers to L shaped grave

Pregunta 25

What are the lessons to be learnt from ayah 24? Choose the right answer
  • We should not be deceived by the number of our opponents
  • If what we are following is according to the Qur’an and Sunnah then there is nothing to be afraid of
  • Allah (swt) does not abandon righteous believers
  • Have complete tawakkal on Allah (swt) and be strong in your deen

Pregunta 26

When will the punishment of Allah (swt) come? Choose the right answer
  • No one knows
  • No idea if the azab is near
  • No idea if the azab is prolonged

Pregunta 27

What is Al-ghaib & to whom does Allah (swt) reveals Al-ghaib? Choose the right answer
  • Al-ghaib is the unseen
  • Allah (swt) reveals the unseen to no one except His messengers
  • Al-ghaib is the seen

Pregunta 28

Who is Allah (swt) referring to as guards & why? Choose the right answer
  • The guards referred here are the angels
  • The angels protect Prophet (pbuh) from shayateen
  • It is a strict security measure adopted by Allah (swt) so that the knowledge reaches the Prophet (pbuh) in the safe condition

Pregunta 29

How is the power of Allah (swt) described in ayah 28? Choose the right answer
  • Allah (swt) encompasses the Prophet (pbuh) as well as the angels that if they change or deviate even a little from His will, they can be detected immediately
  • A complete record has been kept of each letter of the messages sent down by Allah (swt)
  • The Prophet (pbuh) and the angels cannot add or subtract even a letter from them

Pregunta 30

I memorized the opening dua to be recited in Salah. (Yes or No)
  • Yes
  • No
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