Old Testament Exam 4 with Professor Phillips


Old Testament Exam 4 review for cumulative final exam
Test por artistagirl.paya, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Creado por artistagirl.paya hace más de 9 años

Resumen del Recurso

Pregunta 1

At what location in the tribal area of Ephraim did Jeroboam, son of Nebat, establish his brand of false worship, tempting the Israelites to stop going to Jerusalem to offer their sacrifices?
  • Bethel
  • Dan
  • Nain
  • Ramah
  • Tirzeh

Pregunta 2

In what location in northern Israel did Jeroboam set up the second golden calf?
  • Ephraim
  • Judah
  • Mizpah
  • Dan
  • Babylon

Pregunta 3

Over which nation to the northeast of Israel did ben-Hadad and Hazael rule?
  • Ephraim
  • Samaria
  • Syria (Aram)
  • Bethel
  • Assyria

Pregunta 4

When Baasha became king in the north, which strategic city in the tribal area of Benjamin did he fortify in order to cut off access to Jerusalem?
  • Ramah
  • Shechem
  • Ephraim
  • Syria
  • Mizpah

Pregunta 5

When the army general, Omri, moved his capital farther west, what was the name of the city to which he moved it? What did he accomplish by that move?
  • Ephraim; open up to foreign, cosmopolitan influence; import Baal worship
  • Shechem; open up to foreign, cosmopolitan influence; import Baal worship
  • Samaria; open up to foreign, cosmopolitan influence; import Baal worship
  • Nain; open up to foreign, cosmopolitan influence; import Baal worship
  • Bethel; open up to foreign, cosmopolitan influence; import Baal worship

Pregunta 6

From what geo-political region to the northwest of Israel did Jezebel come? What effect did that have on the religion of the north?
  • Assyria; Baal worship became state religion
  • Bethel; Baal worship became state religion
  • Mt. Carmel; Baal worship became state religion
  • Shechem; Baal worship became state religion
  • Phoenicia; Baal worship became state religion

Pregunta 7

Where did the confrontation between Elijah and the prophets of Baal and Asherah occur?
  • Mt. Horeb
  • Mt Carmel
  • Samaria
  • Jezreel
  • Jerusalem

Pregunta 8

Just before Elijah was taken up in a whirlwind to heaven, what significant river did he and Elisha cross?
  • Nain
  • Samaria
  • Babylon
  • Assyria
  • Jordan

Pregunta 9

What super-power was responsible for the fall of the southern kingdom?
  • Syria
  • Assyria
  • Shunem
  • Babylon
  • Jordan

Pregunta 10

What city in Gilead was often fought over by Israel and Syria?
  • Ramoth
  • Bethel
  • Phoenicia
  • Ramah
  • Tirzeh

Pregunta 11

In which tribal area did extensive combat between north and south take place?
  • Ephraim
  • Jordan
  • Judah
  • Benjamin
  • Ramah

Pregunta 12

Why was the location of the first capital of the northern kingdom religiously significant?
  • Tirzeh was the location where Joshua was buried and that had traditional importance
  • Shechem had a long-standing significance since it was the first named location to which Abraham had come and it was the city near where the covenant was renewed when the Israelites entered the land
  • Jerusalem was the location of the Temple and, once that was captured from the tribe of Judah, it was important to maintain that religious connection
  • Samaria was more open to foreign influence which was important as the new kingdom sought to establish itself

Pregunta 13

What do the references to Israel in the texts attributed to Shalmaneser III indicate?
  • the Omri dynasty exerted a significant amount of influence in the wider geo-political sphere
  • Israel was taken captive to Damascus and enslaved there
  • the dynasty of Jeroboam was overthrown by a military coup
  • there was a period, not recorded in the Bible, that Shalmaneser ruled as both high priest and king in Bethel

Pregunta 14

What was Solomon’s greatest contribution to worship in the Israelite context?
  • he instituted the Levites as singers and musicians
  • he invited people from neighboring countries to come and worship the God of Israel, thus initiating the universal appeal of God’s message of salvation
  • he built the temple which was, in its design, a reflection of God’s dwelling in heaven and an avenue to approach God
  • he was very careful to separate the religious aspects of the kingdom from the “secular” government

Pregunta 15

Which international power came to the "rescue" of Asa when he was threatened by Baasha king of the north, even though we read in Chronicles that the Lord was displeased by Asa’s dependence on a human power?
  • Egypt
  • Babylon
  • Tyre
  • Assyria
  • none of the above

Pregunta 16

Why was there an upsurge in miraculous activity during the ministries of Elijah and Elisha?
  • both of them were foreigners
  • the people's faith increased and when that happens, more miracles occur
  • the miracles publicly confronted the supposed power of the state "god," Baal
  • there really was not any change as many miracles had been happening consistently

Pregunta 17

What was the importance of the contest between Elijah and the prophets of Baal and Asherah?
  • the complacency of the people was challenged in the showdown between the prophets of Baal and Asherah, who were gods of rain, storm and fertility and the Lord, the God of Israel
  • Elijah’s right to be the prophet in the court of the king was established once and for all
  • fire descended from heaven to consume the sacrifices of the prophets of Baal thus indicating that their destruction would be complete and final
  • it established a pattern whereby every seven years the people were to hold a contest on Mt Carmel to determine which line of prophets would be successor in the Elijah and Elisha tradition

Pregunta 18

What ruler of Assyria forced Jehu to pay tribute to him?
  • Mesha
  • Sargon II
  • Shalmaneser III
  • Tiglath-Pileser III
  • none of the above

Pregunta 19

After Elijah’s triumph against the false prophets, where did he go and what happened?
  • he ran first to Jezreel and then to Horeb where God spoke to him, assuring him that there was still work to do
  • he fled to Phoenicia since Jezebel was intent on killing him as the prophets of Baal had been slaughtered; there he raised a widow’s son from the dead
  • he went to Mt. Gerizim where the blessings of the covenant were first articulated in the land and assisted the faithful remnant to renew the covenant
  • he went to Jerusalem but was chased out of town so he returned to Mt Carmel and built an altar to commemorate God’s victory over the prophets of Baal
  • none of the above

Pregunta 20

What connection did John the Baptist have with Elijah?
  • John the Baptist did the same kinds of miracles
  • the angel of the Lord told John the Baptist’s father that John would come “in the spirit and power of Elijah” thus fulfilling the prophetic word through Malachi
  • John the Baptist preached a gospel of forgiveness and mercy just as Elijah did in conjunction with the repentant prophets of Baal
  • there is no connection between Elijah and John the Baptist

Pregunta 21

Why are the Annals of Hazael, found at Tell Dan, important?
  • they indicate that Baal worship had been imported into Israel even prior to the time of the monarchy
  • they describe Hazael’s assassination of his predecessor, ben-Hadad
  • they help us ascertain the date of the building of the temple by Solomon
  • they describe the flora and fauna of the northern part of Israel
  • none of the above

Pregunta 22

What archaeological find describes the completion of the water tunnel during the time of Hezekiah?
  • The Mesha Stele
  • The Lachish Letters
  • The Siloam Inscription
  • The Hezekiah Letter
  • none of the above

Pregunta 23

What is the political situation that is briefly described in the Lachish Letters?
  • the attack on the altars of Baal in Samaria during the Jehu dynasty
  • the desperate circumstances of the few cities left in Judah just prior to the fall of the southern kingdom
  • the maneuvers of the Egyptian Pharaoh Shishak as he came through the area of the Shephelah
  • the attack on the Temple by the Edomites
  • none of the above

Pregunta 24

What was the result of the Assyrian policy of deportation and repopulation after the fall of the northern kingdom?
  • when the people suffered some difficult circumstances, the Assyrians thought it was because they did not know how to deal with the "gods" of the region, so they brought in priests of Yahweh to teach them and the result was a population that worshiped their own local gods as well as Yahweh
  • the Assyrians set themselves up for rebellion on the part of the deported people groups and they had to suppress revolts for the next 150 years
  • there was a mixing of ethnic groups so that the population was actually more healthy and they survived the rigors of the exile, returning back to Samaria after 70 years
  • none of the above

Pregunta 25

The capital of the southern kingdom was located in
  • Jerusalem
  • Hebron
  • Bethlehem
  • Shechem
  • none of the above

Pregunta 26

Which of the following was not one of the northern kingdom dynasties?
  • Omri
  • Baasha
  • Jehu
  • Jeroboam
  • all of the above were

Pregunta 27

Who was Shishak?
  • She was the woman who rescued Joash as a young boy and hid him for six years
  • He was the Pharaoh who invaded during the reign of Rehoboam and whose attack is represented as God’s judgment against apostasy
  • He was the priest of Baal who led God’s people astray shortly after the split in the kingdom
  • She had a small, dilapidated house that became a haven for destitute people
  • None of the above

Pregunta 28

For what was Solomon rebuked by the Lord at the end of his life?
  • His pride led him to build his own palace before building the Temple
  • He poured an extraordinary amount of his wealth into fortifying cities and building administrative centers
  • He built places of worship for a number of his foreign wives
  • He received the Queen of Sheba and gave her an extensive part of the Temple treasury

Pregunta 29

Which ruler was responsible for the destruction of the Temple that had been built by Solomon?
  • Nebuchadnezzar
  • Sargon
  • Zedekiah
  • Titus
  • None of the above

Pregunta 30

Who was the Egyptian ruler responsible for the death of Josiah?
  • Amenhotep II
  • Necho
  • Shalmaneser
  • Nabopolassar
  • none of the above

Pregunta 31

To what location did a number of the people of Judah flee, taking Jeremiah with them, after the destruction of the Temple, even though the Lord told them not to do so?
  • Phoenicia
  • Egypt
  • Damascus
  • Assyria
  • None of the above

Pregunta 32

As we discussed the definition of wisdom in class, it involves the following aspects: The fear of the Lord; the ability to utilize powers of observation and perception; the ability to evaluate and analyze what has been perceived; and the determination of the will to apply truth
  • True
  • False

Pregunta 33

The Sayings of Amenemope(t) come from an Mesopotamian context and indicate the distinctive nature of the acrostic poem in Proverbs 31.
  • True
  • False

Pregunta 34

There are antithetical parallelisms in Proverbs 10-16 that address such topics as the proper and improper use of words, humility and pride, righteousness and wickedness.
  • True
  • False

Pregunta 35

The book of Proverbs is practical and instructional, while Job and Ecclesiastes are speculative and philosophical.
  • True
  • False

Pregunta 36

A significant number of Proverbs have a “motivational structure” that is based on one’s character producing certain consequences.
  • True
  • False

Pregunta 37

The term “theodicy” refers to the liberation that would be provided by the redeemer whom Job expects.
  • True
  • False

Pregunta 38

At the outset of the book of Job, the adversary comes into the very presence of God and, in response to God’s challenge to consider the blameless character of Job, accuses Job of fearing God only for what he gets out of it.
  • True
  • False

Pregunta 39

The three friends of Job are particularly troubling because they appear to be theologically orthodox in what they know and say, but they presume to know how to apply that orthodoxy to Job’s particular situation about which they really have very little knowledge.
  • True
  • False

Pregunta 40

God declared at the end of the book that the figure of Leviathan represented falsehood which no one can tame.
  • True
  • False

Pregunta 41

Job never says anything that attributes his suffering to God.
  • True
  • False

Pregunta 42

In God’s responses at the very end of the book, He rebuked Eliphaz for not speaking correctly; part of speaking correctly may have meant speaking to God on Job’s behalf as well as speaking about God.
  • True
  • False

Pregunta 43

God’s first response to Job involved a series of questions about the vast expanses of the universe, the wild creatures that God created and tended, and the whole span of human cultures and nations.
  • True
  • False

Pregunta 44

From what Job stated, it appears that he thought of God as both his Adversary and his Advocate and Redeemer.
  • True
  • False

Pregunta 45

Elihu’s speech, coming at the end of the book of Job, contrasts the way of truth with the way of falsehood and exhorts Job and each of the friends to turn to the way of truth.
  • True
  • False

Pregunta 46

One of the possible interpretations for the Song of Songs suggested in class is that its depiction of intimate, mutual, and private expressions of love was intended to be a strong rebuke against the public ritual prostitution practiced in the wider pagan cultural context around Israel.
  • True
  • False

Pregunta 47

The title “the Song of Songs” means “the best song” and it is called thus because it addresses the beautiful and precious nature of physical and sexual attraction as well as symbolically suggesting the relationship between God and His people.
  • True
  • False

Pregunta 48

Among the themes emphasized by the author of Ecclesiastes to articulate the “human crisis” are the following: With increased knowledge comes increased grief; pleasure and possessions fail to provide lasting satisfaction; and personal importance is fleeting with death being inevitable
  • True
  • False

Pregunta 49

The Hebrew title of the book of Ecclesiastes is a word that means “someone who offers sacrifices.”
  • True
  • False

Pregunta 50

The Hebrew word hevel occurs repeatedly throughout the book of Ecclesiastes and means “weight” or “glory” thus indicating that all the things that the author of the text tries out are indeed substantial.
  • True
  • False

Pregunta 51

The fundamental hope offered in Ecclesiastes is lodged in the fear the LORD and His judgment against all the injustices evil of this world.
  • True
  • False

Pregunta 52

Who was Solomon’s son who chose to increase tax burdens and to conscript laborers from among his people after the death of his father and thereby lost the ten northern tribes in fulfillment of the word of God to Solomon and through Ahijah the prophet from Shiloh?
  • Asa
  • Adonijah
  • Rehoboam
  • Sennacherib
  • Gedaliah

Pregunta 53

When David was nearing his death, who was the son who attempted to take the kingdom for himself because he really was next in line?
  • Adonijah
  • Uzziah
  • Jehoshaphat
  • Jezebel
  • Baasha

Pregunta 54

The “man of God” from Judah pronounced judgment upon this king at Bethel because he had established new forms of worship and led his people astray.
  • Elijah
  • Ahaz
  • Huldah
  • Jeroboam son of Nebat
  • Uzziah

Pregunta 55

This king initiated the second dynasty in the northern kingdom and is most known for his attack on the southern kingdom.
  • Huldah
  • Jehu (the general)
  • Ahab
  • Elijah
  • Baasha

Pregunta 56

Who was a faithful steward in King Ahab's court, saving the lives of many of the Lord's prophets during the three and one-half year famine?
  • Sennacherib
  • Athaliah
  • Jeroboam (II)
  • Obadiah
  • Hilkiah

Pregunta 57

Who was the wife of Ahab who arranged to have Naboth falsely accused and executed so Ahab could get Naboth’s vineyard?
  • Hilkiah
  • Jeroboam (II)
  • Gedaliah
  • Ahab
  • Jezebel

Pregunta 58

Which prophet was responsible for the execution of 950 false prophets in keeping with the covenant stipulations about false prophets?
  • Huldah
  • Elijah
  • Uzziah
  • Athaliah
  • Josiah

Pregunta 59

Which king of the north persuaded Jehoshaphat to make an alliance with him and, when they were together planning to attack Ramoth-Gilead, was rebuked by the prophet Micaiah who reported a vision of the heavenly scene where an evil spirit volunteered to lead the court prophets astray?
  • Obadiah
  • Hilkiah
  • Jeroboam (II)
  • Ahab
  • Ben-Hadad

Pregunta 60

Who was the good king of the south who instituted a religious reform, won a definitive battle against the Cushites, but then demonstrated his lack of faith by attempting to buy military support from “abroad” in his border war with Baasha, and was rebuked by the prophet Hanani?
  • Sennacherib
  • Asa
  • Hilkiah
  • Jehu (the general)
  • Obadiah

Pregunta 61

Who was the king of Syria who was murdered by Hazael?
  • Ben-Hadad
  • Baasha
  • Uzziah
  • Hilkiah
  • Ahaz

Pregunta 62

This wicked queen of the south, a northerner who married into the Davidic dynasty, tried to do away with all the descendants of the Davidic dynasty but she missed a young prince named Joash and he was cared for by Jehoiada the priest and later made king at the age of seven at which time she was killed.
  • Adonijah
  • Manasseh
  • Gedaliah
  • Athaliah
  • Josiah

Pregunta 63

This man was a good king of the south, his name means “the Lord judges,” and one of his accomplishments was to send judges and teachers of Torah throughout Judah.
  • Obadiah
  • Jezebel
  • Uzziah
  • Jehoshaphat
  • Jeroboam (II)

Pregunta 64

Which army general, while fighting at Ramoth-Gilead, was anointed by an un-named prophet, destroyed the entire household of Ahab, Jezebel, and the prophets of Baal, and initiated the fourth dynasty in the northern kingdom?
  • Baasha
  • Jehu (the general)
  • Uzziah
  • Elisha
  • Sennacherib

Pregunta 65

He was the last major king of the northern kingdom during whose reign the borders were again extended in accordance with the word of Jonah, son of Amittai, of Gath-Hepher.
  • Adonijah
  • Athaliah
  • Ahaz
  • Jeroboam (II)
  • Huldah

Pregunta 66

This good king of the south was successful in political terms, but when he entered the Temple to burn incense, he was afflicted with leprosy and therefore his son, Jotham, co-reigned with him in his final years.
  • Uzziah
  • Hilkiah
  • Rehoboam
  • Elisha
  • Gedaliah

Pregunta 67

He was the prophet who received a double portion of the Spirit at Elijah’s death, and when he healed the Syrian general, Naaman, of leprosy, he announced that his own servant, Gehazi, would suffer with leprosy because Gehazi lied in order to get rewards from Naaman.
  • Jeroboam son of Nebat
  • Elisha
  • Ahab
  • Uzziah
  • Huldah

Pregunta 68

He was the king of the south who was frightened by the alliance of the northern kingdom and Syria, appealed to Assyria for help, closed the doors of the temple, and imported to Jerusalem a foreign altar that he had found in Damascus.
  • Sennacherib
  • Huldah
  • Uzziah
  • Ben-Hadad
  • Ahaz

Pregunta 69

This was the Assyrian king who attacked Lachish and threatened Jerusalem, claiming that he had Hezekiah trapped “like a bird in a cage.”
  • Jehoshaphat
  • Sennacherib
  • Uzziah
  • Baasha
  • Gedaliah

Pregunta 70

The prophet Isaiah spoke to this wicked king, challenging him to ask the Lord for a sign and declaring God would give a sign in the birth of a child named Immanuel.
  • Uzziah
  • Elijah
  • Manasseh
  • Ahaz
  • Hezekiah

Pregunta 71

This king ruled 55 years, shed much innocent blood, practiced terrible idolatry, but after being brought to captivity by the Assyrians, repented and was restored to Jerusalem.
  • Jezebel
  • Manasseh
  • Asa
  • Ben-Hadad
  • Athaliah

Pregunta 72

This king was significant both militarily, in that he strengthened and enlarged the defensive walls of Jerusalem and constructed an internal water system, and religiously as he cleansed the Temple and celebrated Passover.
  • Rehoboam
  • Elijah
  • Jehoshaphat
  • Hezekiah
  • Elisha

Pregunta 73

He was the high priest who discovered the Book of the Law in the Temple during its renovation under King Josiah.
  • Hilkiah
  • Sennacherib
  • Uzziah
  • Huldah
  • Asa

Pregunta 74

This man was appointed governor after the Babylonians destroyed the temple and took Zedekiah captive to Babylon
  • Adonijah
  • Hilkiah
  • Gedaliah
  • Ben-Hadad
  • Elisha

Pregunta 75

This woman interpreted the Book of the Law after it had been discovered in the Temple.
  • Ahab
  • Jeroboam son of Nebat
  • Uzziah
  • Hezekiah
  • Huldah

Pregunta 76

This king was responsible for the fulfillment of a prophetic statement made by an unnamed prophet who declared that bones of the false priests would be burned on the altar at Bethel
  • Ahab
  • Sennacherib
  • Josiah
  • Hezekiah
  • Elijah
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