
Albert Font
Test por Albert Font, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Albert Font
Creado por Albert Font hace más de 5 años

Resumen del Recurso

Pregunta 1

The Portuguese ANSP wants to have a quick estimation of the capacity of its network for the forecast traffic of 2025. Which technique is more suitable for the task?
  • Judgment analysis, because it is faster and has a global scope
  • Fast time simulations, because it will not require the implication of air traffic controllers
  • Real time simulations, because it is faster than the other techniques for network analysis
  • Real time simulations, because it’s more accurate

Pregunta 2

In the United States, when there is a lack of capacity at a given airport and the capacity cannot be accommodated, a ground delay program (GDP) is defined because:
  • The time the passengers are in the air is maximized
  • Ground delay are preferred over air delay only due to their lower cost
  • Air delay are preferred because they are a better approach to deal with capacity-demand imbalances in order to maximize the throughput of the airport
  • By doing ground delay, the workload of the controllers at the TMAs is reduced

Pregunta 3

Assuming that the AAR at a given airport is known. Being t the time when the GDP is defined (file time), as t increases, the number of affected flights (controlled flights):
  • Increases, dividing the delay between more planes
  • Remains constant. Therefore, it is better to define the GDP as late as possible to reduce the uncertainty
  • Decreases, therefore the average delay per delayed aircraft increases
  • Decreases, therefore the total delay assigned is reduced

Pregunta 4

In the genetic algorithm optimization technique, the linear transformation of the objective function prior to the fitness function:
  • Reduces the probabilities of a quick convergence, and therefore, maximizes the possibilities of finding a global optima
  • It is a method to transform a multi-objective problem into a single-objective problem
  • It is only used when instead of a minimization the algorithm is used to maximize the problem
  • Ensures there are not negative values but can lead to a quick convergence

Pregunta 5

An airport has a capacity that is lower than its demand. In order to minimize the amount of ground delay assigned to the aircraft, a RBS algorithm is used. The same problem is solved by using integer programming (IP).
  • Both solutions will minimize the amount of total delay assigned (same amount of delay) but the solution computed with IP will be fairer
  • IP will probably assign less total delay than RBS, and therefore IP is preferable
  • RBS will have the same amount of total delay as IP
  • RBS will probably assign less total delay than IP, and therefore RBS is preferable

Pregunta 6

An airport has a capacity that is lower than its demand. In order to minimize the amount of ground delay assigned to the aircraft, a RBS algorithm is used. The same problem is solved using IP, for example using a GHP formulation.
  • Both solutions will minimize the amount of total delay assigned (same amount of delay) but the solution is not guaranteed to be feasible
  • IP will probably assign less total delay than RBS, and therefore IP is preferable
  • RBS will have the same amount of total delay as IP
  • RBS will probably assign less total delay than IP, and therefore RBS is preferable

Pregunta 7

For a given airspace (i.e. a FIR):
  • The number of sectors changes dynamically as a function of the demand according to the Opening Scheme
  • Real-time simulations are used to determine the best sector configuration (opening scheme) for the next hours of operations
  • The convexity constraint when constructing a new sectorization ensures that a flight will be a minimum amount of time in the sector
  • The genetic algorithms are the only technique used to generate the best sectorization for the airspace

Pregunta 8

With the introduction of Free Routes and User-preferred routings:
  • The capacity of the airspace increases because the traffic is less structured
  • The ANSP suggest to the airlines direct routes between the published waypoints
  • A higher interoperability between actors is required
  • It is only possible in oceanic tracks

Pregunta 9

With the introduction of Free Routes and User-preferred routings:
  • The capacity of the airspace may increase because the probability of having conflicts has been found to be lower (traffic is less structured)
  • The ANSP suggests to the airlines direct routes between the published waypoints
  • The Airspace Users are not required to file a flight plan
  • It is only possible in oceanic tracks

Pregunta 10

The factors that affect the en-route capacity of the airspace are:
  • Spatial-Geometrical factors (such as the training of the ATC), the controllability (such as the work of the pilot), and the capacity resilience.
  • Spatial-Geometrical factors (such as the airspace configuration), the controllability (such as the work of the pilot), and the capacity resilience.
  • Spatial-Geometrical factors (such as the training of the ATC), the controllability (such as the flow management), and the capacity resilience.
  • None of the previous answers.

Pregunta 11

One of the characteristics of judgmental analysis to estimate the capacity of a system is:
  • It does not require the involvement of the ATCO as in real time simulations
  • It has a higher cost than real time simulations
  • It requires more time than fast time simulations
  • It has a higher transferability than fast time simulations

Pregunta 12

If instead of a Ration-By-Schedule policy a Ration-By-Distance policy is used:
  • The total delay assigned is minimized
  • The delay each passenger suffers is minimized
  • If the GDP is not cancelled before the planned ending time, less delay is realized than in the RBS policy
  • If the GDP is cancelled before the planned ending time, less delay is realized than in the RBS policy

Pregunta 13

Stochastic models aimed at optimally solving the GHP imply:
  • to maintain capacity constraints of the deterministic version of the GHP
  • to find the optimal ground delay to be assigned to flights in order to respect a probabilistic AAR
  • to define the probability of occurrence of AAR profiles, based on a limited number of scenarios
  • a computational intractability, due to an exponential growth of the decision variables

Pregunta 14

Indicate which one of the following is a ground-based safety net:
  • MTCD
  • STCA
  • TCAS
  • See and Avoid

Pregunta 15

Which of the following systems is a separation provision one:
  • STCA
  • MTCD
  • see and avoid

Pregunta 16

The allocation of IATA slot at a coordinated airport:
  • Is based on a negotiation process between Airlines and Airport Operators
  • Is based on the minimization of scheduling delays
  • Is based on historical assignment
  • Does not allow airlines to exchange slots

Pregunta 17

Currently in Europe the ATFM initiatives:
  • Assign a slot to each affected flight based on original ETO
  • Assign a slot to each affected flight based on the original CTOT
  • Constrain the arrival time of the affected flights
  • Are used only in special cases of airport congestion

Pregunta 18

In Genetic Algorithms, the objective function:
  • Must return a value that is always positive and bounded between 0 and 2
  • Is applied to the phenotype
  • Is applied to the genotype
  • Returns the number of trials an individual can expect to receive

Pregunta 19

Genetic Algorithms:
  • Always require a fitness function to rank the individuals in a population
  • Can find an optimal solution whenever the generation gap is close to 1
  • Can optimize the problem’s objective function according to the information of the genotype
  • Are a class of metaheuristic algorithms to solve complex problems

Pregunta 20

In the genetic algorithm optimization technique, a fitness function:
  • Is always needed when minimizing
  • Is the only technique available to deal with multi-objective optimization
  • Is not needed when the objective function is always negative
  • Is generally the objective function multiplied by a scalar

Pregunta 21

In GA, the fitness function:
  • must return a value that is always positive and bounded between 0 and 2
  • is applied to the phenotype
  • is applied to the genotype
  • returns the variance of the workload of each sector

Pregunta 22

The allocation of IATA slot at a coordinated (level 3) airport:
  • is based on a trading process between airlines and airport operators
  • is based on the minimization of scheduling delays
  • does not allow airlines to exchange slots
  • is based on historical assignment

Pregunta 23

The allocation of IATA slot at a coordinated (level 3) airport:
  • is based on a trading process between airlines and airport operator
  • takes place during the strategic phase (6 to 4 months before the season)
  • is based only on historical assignment (grandfathering rights)
  • does not allow airlines to exchange slots

Pregunta 24

The allocation of IATA slot at a coordinated (level 3) airport:
  • is based on a trading process between airlines and airport operators
  • takes place during the tactical phase
  • does not allow airlines to exchange slots
  • takes into account historical assignment (grandfathering rights)

Pregunta 25

When computing the capacity of a sector
  • there is a formula that relates directly the complexity of a controller workload and the capacity of the sector
  • in the ATM of the United States, airspace constraints typically have a more severe effect on airline operations than airport constraints
  • Airspace factors, traffic factors and operational constraints are some of the factors affecting the complexity of the controller’s task
  • the controller workload only depends on the number of simultaneously present aircraft

Pregunta 26

When computing the capacity of a sector:
  • there is a formula that relates directly the complexity of a controller workload and the capacity of the sector
  • in the ATM of the United States, airport constraints typically have a more severe effect on airline operations than airspace constraints
  • traffic factors and operational constraints are the only factors affecting the complexity of the controller’s task
  • the controller workload only depends on the number of aircraft simultaneously present in the sector

Pregunta 27

The ERASMUS Project was:
  • proposing a new concept for air traffic flow management
  • investigating new values for separations minima
  • investigating subliminal control for conflict resolution
  • investigating decentralized solutions for conflict resolution

Pregunta 28

In a free route airspace the airspace users can:
  • fly whatever route they want between a defined point of entry and point of exit
  • plan whatever route they want between a defined point of entry and point of exit
  • receive from ATC the delegation of the responsibility for traffic separation
  • follow a fixed structure of airways to plan their flights

Pregunta 29

Free route in Europe:
  • Is the same concept as free flight
  • Is usually applied gate-to-gate
  • Affects only to a specific portion of the flight
  • Removes the need of ATC

Pregunta 30

Air traffic capacity within free route operations:
  • Is theoretically the same as conventional operation
  • Is higher due to a higher number of routes and thus higher airspace capacity
  • Is lower due to the added complexity of the controller to detect and manage conflicts
  • Is lower due to a lower use of airspace volume

Pregunta 31

Which of the following factors does not affect the capacity of a single runway airport:
  • the separation requirements imposed by the ATM system
  • the mix of movements and their sequencing
  • the application of IATA grandfathering rights
  • the weather conditions

Pregunta 32

The capacity envelope of an airport can be obtained from historical values of:
  • airport capacity taking into account the entire set of observations
  • airport capacity discarding the extreme points from the entire set of observations
  • aircraft demand taking into account the weather patterns
  • historically assigned IATA slots

Pregunta 33

The Ration by Schedule method to allocate slots:
  • gives the minimum passenger delay compared with other methods for GDP
  • gives the minimum cost assignment of ground delays in the GHP
  • gives the minimum total flight delay compared with other methods for GDP
  • gives the maximum inequity for passengers and airlines compared with other methods for GDP

Pregunta 34

An airspace control sector
  • has a limited capacity which depends on the workload of the air traffic controllers
  • can be split indefinitely into smaller sectors to increase the overall airspace capacity
  • is a region of airspace under the control of three or more air traffic controllers
  • is a region of airspace defined only in two dimensions

Pregunta 35

In the model of deterministic GHP
  • the exponential factor in the objective function represents the increasing cost of providing capacity
  • the demand uncertainty is explicitly taken into account
  • the decision variables are binary
  • the capacity constraints imposed by airports and airspace control sectors are both modeled

Pregunta 36

In the project of GEAIO of optimization of airspace sectoring, the most important objective concerning the traffic workload was to:
  • minimize the number of aircraft per sector
  • minimize the number of sectors
  • minimize the variance of the number of aircraft per sector
  • maximize the number of aircraft per sector

Pregunta 37

GDP scope is one of the parameters that the GDP authority can set to change the impact of the application of the programme. Scope is defined as a distance to the airport where the GDP is applied. When increasing scope distance:
  • both ground and holding delay increases
  • holding delay decreases and ground delay increases
  • both holding and ground delay decrease
  • holding delay increases and ground delay decreases

Pregunta 38

Voronoi diagrams is a technique used in the definition of sectorizations. Which of the following is not a characteristic of Voronoi diagrams:
  • Creates a discretization of the airspace based on the workload and connectivity
  • The closest pair of points corresponds to two adjacent cells
  • Every cell is convex
  • The edges are located at the maximum distance of all the points

Pregunta 39

Concerning airport capacity:
  • the type and location of exits from the runway have no direct influence on airport capacity
  • the requirement of airborne separation is always more restrictive than the single occupancy one
  • when a runway is used for both arrivals and departures, ATC may be able to release a following take-off sooner if a landing aircraft can exit a runway quickly
  • the weather conditions do not usually influence the runway capacity

Pregunta 40

Airport Capacity:
  • Can be represented through an arrival/departure capacity envelop
  • Can be calculated as the sum of all runway capacities as if they were independent
  • Is tactically assigned to airlines through IATA slot few hours before departure
  • Is not affected by the mix of aircraft types operating at the airport

Pregunta 41

Evolutionary algorithms (such as Genetic Algorithms and Ant Colony Optimisation) are:
  • Metaheuristic methods, and they do not guarantee an optimal solution is ever found
  • Probabilistic methods, always converging to a global optimal
  • Gradient methods, using problem dynamics to determine the search direction
  • Deterministic

Pregunta 42

Which of the following is not a reproduction strategy in GA?
  • Roulette Wheel Crossover
  • Single Point Crossover
  • Shuffle Crossover
  • Multiple Point Crossover

Pregunta 43

In ACO, how would you prevent fast convergence to a local optimal?
  • Increase the number of ants (m)
  • Increase the constant value (controls relative importance of desirability of transition)
  • Increase the constant value (controls relative importance of amount of pheromone)
  • Decrease the pheromone evaporation coefficient ()

Pregunta 44

In the Traveling Salesman Problem solved using ACO:
  • Every ant has to visit only one city
  • Every ant starts from a different city
  • Every ant chooses the next city to visit depending on the distance and the pheromones laid
  • The number of ants does not impact the optimality of the solution

Pregunta 45

Regarding the capacity of ATM sectors:
  • there is a formula that relates directly the complexity of a controller workload and the capacity of the sectors
  • in the European ATM, airspace constraints typically have a more severe effect on airline operations than in the US ATM
  • traffic factors and operational constraints are the only factors affecting the complexity of the controller’s task
  • the controller workload only depends on the number of aircraft simultaneously present in the sectors

Pregunta 46

At the pre-tactical phase of the ATFM:
  • The flights are managed with the existing ATC capacity
  • The estimated ATC capacities and forecasted demand are used to predict the ATFM regulations that may be needed, and then to adjust the traffic planning accordingly
  • The long-term demand (i.e., with months of anticipation) is used to define the ATC capacity needed
  • Slots are assigned to airlines in the sectors where the capacity is lower than the forecasted demand

Pregunta 47

Capacity is to be estimated for a FIR with the higher possible accuracy. Which one of the following techniques would you use to estimate it?
  • Judgement Analysis
  • Performance Based Navigation
  • Fast time simulation (FTS)
  • Real time simulation (RTS)

Pregunta 48

Airspace sectorisation within a FIR:
  • Can vary throughout the day
  • Depends only on the number of aircraft
  • Does not usually vary throughout the day
  • Each sector can have an arbitrary shape

Pregunta 49

3D airspace sectorization:
  • Is much easier to calculate than conventional sectorization
  • Each sector can have an arbitrary shape
  • Each sector must satisfy the right prism constraint
  • Each sector does not need to be convex

Pregunta 50

Ground delay programs:
  • Prevent most of the aircraft to enter into holding patterns
  • Are in place on low traffic conditions
  • Are inefficient when demand at an airport is unusually high
  • Are less efficient than airborne delay

Pregunta 51

In a ground delay program:
  • The Controlled Time of Departure (CTD) is the new assigned time of departure
  • The file time is always later than the program start time
  • The program start time and file time are the same
  • The program radius does not affect the amount of delay that a single aircraft might have

Pregunta 52

Ground delay programs:
  • Are in place when there is little traffic
  • Help to solve demand/capacity imbalance problem efficiently
  • Require most of the aircraft to enter into holding patterns
  • Are inefficient when demand at an airport is unusually high

Pregunta 53

In a ground delay program:
  • The Estimated Time of Departure (ETD) is the new assigned time of departure
  • The file time is the time when the GDP is defined
  • The program end time is the time when no aircraft has assigned delay any more
  • The program start time and file time are the same

Pregunta 54

In a ground delay program which of the following would be exempted flights:
  • The flight is an international flight
  • The flight is on the ground at the filing time
  • All of the above
  • The flight is within the GDP radius

Pregunta 55

In a ground delay program varying the filing time:
  • Does not have an impact to the GDP
  • Later filing times give higher number of GDP affected flights
  • Earlier filing times give lower average ground delay per aircraft
  • Earlier filing times give higher airborne delays

Pregunta 56

In a ground delay program, when varying the filing time:
  • It does not have an impact on the GDP
  • Earlier filing times give higher number of GDP affected flights
  • Later filing times give lower average ground delay per aircraft
  • Earlier filing times give higher airborne delays

Pregunta 57

In a ground delay program we talk about exempt flights when:
  • The flight is an international flight
  • The flight is in the ground at the filing time
  • The flight is within the GDP radius
  • All of the above

Pregunta 58

Air Traffic Controllers Workload:
  • Is determined by airspace capacity
  • Is determined by static and dynamic airspace and traffic characteristics
  • Is measured through gaming techniques
  • Is a limiting factor for airport capacity only

Pregunta 59

Among capacity estimation techniques:
  • Judgmental analysis usually requires higher cost than fast time simulations
  • Real Time simulations have a higher adaptability than judgmental analysis
  • Fast time simulations have higher accuracy than judgmental analysis
  • Real Time simulations require a lower time than judgmental analysis

Pregunta 60

In air traffic conflict resolution:
  • centralized ATMS schemes go towards the free flight philosophy
  • in decentralized ATMS schemes, aircraft are responsible for maintaining separation between them, detecting and resolving all impending conflicts in the airspace
  • decentralized ATMS schemes rely more on ground-based ATC than centralized ATMS schemes
  • in decentralized ATMS schemes, aircraft always need intervention of central ATC system

Pregunta 61

In the next ATM paradigm a dynamic sectoring is desired because:
  • Moving sector boundaries in real-time to adapt to traffic demand would increase capacity and efficiency of the ATM system
  • It is easier for the controllers to coordinate with all the other sectors
  • Moving sector boundaries in real-time to adapt to traffic demand would allow each controller to monitor a single aircraft for the entire flight
  • It is easier for pilots to follow their routes within a sector when sectors are dynamic

Pregunta 62

In SESAR and NextGen want to modernize technologies and procedures for:
  • Anticipating aircraft separation tasks
  • Configuring the airspace (sectors, routes, etc.) in order to apply as few constraints as possible to the traffic demand
  • Enhancing ATM capacity by reducing the workload of the controllers
  • All the other answers are correct

Pregunta 63

One important new mode of separation introduced by SESAR will be:
  • The use of TCAS with automated conflict resolution capabilities
  • The speed control requested by ATC officers to avoid imminent collisions
  • None of the other answers is correct
  • Self-separation of aircraft, thus increasing the capacity of sectors

Pregunta 64

In SESAR and NextGen want to:
  • Substitute the tactical management of conflicts with a new layer of safety for the strategic de-confliction of trajectories
  • Complement the tactical management of conflicts and substitute the management of flows and capacities with a new layer of safety for the strategic de-confliction of trajectories
  • Separate trajectories for the entire flight with enough anticipation, even before take-off, to allow a collaborative flight planning among airlines, ATC, ATFM and airports.
  • None of the other answers is correct

Pregunta 65

Today’s traffic is strategically de-conflicted by:
  • Advanced MTCD systems with trajectory resolution capabilities
  • Dynamic sectoring, especially if they are optimized with genetic algorithms
  • Airspace design only (routes, flight level scheme and sectorization)
  • Airspace design (routes, flight level scheme and sectorization) and management of flows and capacities

Pregunta 66

Recent research indicates that with the potential introduction of continuous operations in all phases of flight, and considering a TBO environment already implemented:
  • The flight efficiency (fuel and emissions) could be improved between 6% and 11%
  • Capacity may be increased because the probability of conflict will be lower in the absence of flight level constraints
  • Capacity may be increased because the complexity of the traffic will be easier for the controllers in the absence of flight level constraints
  • Safety may be increased by a factor of x4 or x5 in the absence of flight level constraints

Pregunta 67

Conflict resolution is a task that:
  • Is a highly combinatorial problem in the presence of multiple trajectories
  • Is required to ensure separation provision
  • Can generate new conflicts downstream (i.e., “domino effects”) if a global traffic awareness is not considered
  • All the other answers are correct

Pregunta 68

Separation provision to flights is a task:
  • Performed by the ATFM
  • Performed by the pilots with the help of a MTCD system
  • None of the other answers is correct
  • Performed by the ATC officers using TCAS

Pregunta 69

The introduction of a new strategic layer of safety for the early de-confliction of trajectories through a collaborative flight planning:
  • May contribute to reduce the workload of controllers, thus increasing the capacity
  • May contribute to increase the safety and flight efficiency
  • Is the cornerstone of the TBO paradigm
  • All the other answers are correct

Pregunta 70

A 4D trajectory is considered optimal in the TBO context because:
  • It represents the preferences of the flight operators flying without any constraints
  • It anticipates the separation provision for the entire flight taking into consideration the actual constraints of the ATM and the preferences of the flight operators
  • The time dimension is more efficient when introduced in a trajectory
  • It has no uncertainty related to any of its dimensions

Pregunta 71

The use of a hub and spoke network by most of the largest carriers implies that in case of disturbances at the hub airport:
  • there will be a high delay propagation
  • there will be a low delay propagation
  • delays in the morning will have a lower downstream effect
  • the hub system does not have any impact on the delay propagation
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