Rie 3


Rie 3
Enrique Gomez
Test por Enrique Gomez, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Enrique Gomez
Creado por Enrique Gomez hace alrededor de 5 años

Resumen del Recurso

Pregunta 1

On the electric company project, the government implemented a regulatory change associated with the electricity sub-station upgrade project that required the company to spend an additional $400,000 US on the project. This type of cost and activity best relates to which of the following?
  • a. Known unknowns
  • b. Unknown unknowns
  • c. Contingency Reserve
  • d. Risk Management

Pregunta 2

The risk management team of a software project has decided that due to the tremendous difficult of this job, development of a specific part of the system is under high risk, so they have decided to outsource it. This is an example of which of the following?
  • a. Risk avoidance
  • b. Risk mitigation
  • c. Risk acceptance
  • d. Risk transfer

Pregunta 3

The Project Manager and his team are in the planning phase of the reverse logistics project, identifying things that could go differently than planned. They are also trying to identify warning signs that would show that these events could occur. What is the team doing?
  • a. Conformance to quality
  • b. Problem solving
  • c. Perform Risk analysis
  • d. Identify Risks

Pregunta 4

Which of these is NOT a risk analysis technique?
  • a. Risk probability and impact assesement
  • b. Simulations
  • c. RACI chart
  • d. Influence diagrams

Pregunta 5

With assistance from the team, the Project Manager has just determined what will be done as a result of uncertain events happening on the project as well as who will be responsible for monitoring and responding if the events do occur. Which of the following best describes what they have just completed?
  • a. Identify Risks
  • b. Plan Risk Response
  • c. Secondary Response Planning
  • d. Qualitative Risk Analysis

Pregunta 6

The vice president of the marketing division has decided to take a “wait and see" approach to a new direction the solid state amplifier market appears to be headed in. He feels that waiting will minimize a great deal of the risk that could come with being a leader in the market, in case the market changes. What would the vice president be considered?
  • a. Risk-Neutral
  • b. To be meeting stockholder expectations
  • c. Risk-Averse
  • d. Risk Seeker

Pregunta 7

The point of sale project has experienced a lot of issues and changes. The Cost Performance Index is presently 0.87 and the Schedule Performance index is 0.85. Risk could have been managed better from the start of this project but management didn’t view it a priority. Halfway through the execution of the Project Management Plan, the Project Manager assigned two people to do nothing but monitoring for risks and work with the people who implemented the Risk Response Plans. What would be a main goal to achieve from Risk Monitoring and Controlling?
  • a. Chenge requests
  • b. Quantitative Analysis
  • c. Overall Risk ranking for the project
  • d. Qualitative Analysis

Pregunta 8

Which is the function of the Probability and Impact Matrix?
  • a. The main function of the Probability and Impact Matrix is calculate the budget of the risk assessment.
  • b. To assign responsibilities in risk responses.
  • c. To prioritize the risk events and develop risk responses based on their risk ranking.
  • d. To define a list of trends in the analysis results.

Pregunta 9

You are evaluating the risk by trying to produce a risk score for each risk. This is an example of which tool?
  • a. Monte Carlo analysis.
  • b. Probability impact matrix.
  • c. RACI Chart.
  • d. Cause and effect diagrams.

Pregunta 10

The software company has been awarded a 1OOM US contract to build an enterprise application for the military. The company understands that there is a small company that has a product that complements theirs that the military will likely need to work with as well. The software company decides to acquire the complementary company to offer a more complete solution to the military. This is an example of what type of risk response strategy?
  • a. Share
  • b. Accept
  • c. Mitigate
  • d. Enhance

Pregunta 11

The team implemented a Risk Response Plan for a vendor being in default of a contract commitment. The response was to choose another vendor from the qualified supplier list. Because of the short notice, the other vendor cannot fulfill the need of the team because of previous commitments. Which best describes what happened with the different vendor?
  • a. Workaround
  • b. Secondary Risk
  • c. Plan Risk Responses
  • d. Avoidance

Pregunta 12

Calculate the EMV of the following : 0.4 probability of $5000 US, 0.3 probability of -$3500 US, 0.2 probability of $6000 US, 0.1 probability of $4000 US:
  • a. $2,700 US
  • b. $10,500 US
  • c. $2,500 US
  • d. $2,550 US

Pregunta 13

The printing company has added a new one for its laminating business. This involves new technology to laminate book covers quicker and cheaper. They are anticipating this will allow them to make a greater type of product and improve output efficiency. Because of the machine cost and the specific knowledge needed to repair it if it breaks, they have purchased a service contract for the machine from the manufacturer. Purchasing the service contract is an example of what?
  • a. ISO 9000
  • b. Conformance to quality
  • c. Business risk
  • d. Insurable risk

Pregunta 14

The ecommerce system has been processing 50,000 transactions per hour. Today, the main application crashed, preventing the fulfillment of customer orders. The risk response didn’t fix the problem. Which of the following steps would they perform first?
  • a. Determine why the Risk Response Plan failed
  • b. Fix the problem
  • c. Determine why the problem happened
  • d. Adjust the Risk Response Plan

Pregunta 15

Marie is meeting with her project team to evaluate each identified risk and try to assign an estimated dollar amount or time impact estimate to it. Which process is her team performing??
  • a. Quantitative Risk Analysis.
  • b. Qualitative Risk Analysis.
  • c. Plan Risk Response .
  • d. Risk Monitoring and Control.

Pregunta 16

The CEO of your company is considering entering a global market with products that had been sold only locally. If your company enters it successfully, the reward could be quite significant. If the entry fails, the company could suffer significant negative impact. What would the CEO be considered?
  • a. Risk Seeker
  • b. Risk-Averse
  • c. To be meeting stockholder expectations
  • d. Risk-Neutral

Pregunta 17

Which of the following is NOT a valid way to reduce risk?
  • a. Select a contract type that reduces risk.
  • b. Insure against the risk.
  • c. Create a fallback plan for the risk.
  • d. Plan to mitigate the risk.

Pregunta 18

The project team is performing risk analysis, evaluating a risk that has a very high probability of occurring. If it does, the company could go out of business. Which of the following will the risk likely be analyzed with?
  • a. Qualitative Risk Analysis
  • b. Insurable risk
  • c. Quantitative Risk Analysis
  • d. Pure risk

Pregunta 19

The electrical project is scheduled to run until the end of the year. There is the possibility that the union collective contract will not be renewed immediately upon its expiration in the next month. If this happens, Senior Management has decided to shift job responsibilities around with the non-union personnel so they could be involved in the union roles on the project as well as their regular responsibilities. This would include replacing the union workers during key on call periods associated with the power grid. The goal would be to minimize the schedule slippage on the project as the union negotiation is not in their control. This is an example of what type of risk response?
  • a. Transfer
  • b. Avoid
  • c. Accept
  • d. Mitigate

Pregunta 20

You are in the process of evaluating the probability and impact of a risk by assigning numbers, such as expected monetary value. This is an example of which of the following?
  • a. Monte Carlo simulation
  • b. Qualitative risk analysis
  • c. Quantitative risk analysis
  • d. Risk response planning
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