Taleem ul Quran English Quiz week 159


Taleem Quran English by Sister Taimiyyah Zubair
TQ English Quiz
Test por TQ English Quiz, actualizado hace más de 1 año
TQ English Quiz
Creado por TQ English Quiz hace alrededor de 5 años

Resumen del Recurso

Pregunta 1

Allah swt sent us in this duniya so that we worship Him swt. He swt has sent clear signs all around us so that we can return to our Creator and Master.
  • True
  • False

Pregunta 2

Even if you don’t help the cause of Allah swt, He swt will help you. We can not leave the book of Allah swt..the moment we abandon it, shaytaan will come and mislead him
  • True
  • False

Pregunta 3

What is the root word and meaning of اَعۡيُ ?
  • ع ي ن - are eyes
  • ع ي ن - are ears
  • ع ي ن - are nose

Pregunta 4

What is the root word and meaning of يُلۡحِدُوۡنَ ?
  • ل ح د - deviates
  • ل ح و - deviates
  • ل و ح - deviates

Pregunta 5

What type of people are equated with dogs?
  • Such people are equated with dogs who have no interest but collecting food and satisfying their vain desires.
  • Such people are equated with cats who have no interest but collecting food and satisfying their vain desires.
  • Such people are equated with animals who have no interest but collecting food and satisfying their vain desires.

Pregunta 6

Why did Allah SWT made people to bear witness upon themselves ?
  • Allah swt made the people to bear witness upon themselves so that they can not have any excuse on the DOJ
  • Allah swt made the people to bear witness upon themselves so that they can have any excuse on the DOJ
  • Allah swt made the people to bear witness upon themselves so that they can not have any excuse on the DIY

Pregunta 7

Who are Hunafa?
  • The hunafa were the ones who only worshipped Allah swt and did not participate in the practice of shirk. There were some individuals who found the answers; others did not because they did not search for it or open their hearts to it
  • The hunafa were the ones who only worshipped Allah swt and did not participate in the practice of shirk. There were some individuals who found the answers; others did because they did search for it or open their hearts to it
  • The hunafa were the ones who only worshipped Allah swt and did participate in the practice of shirk. There were some individuals who found the answers; others did not because they did not search for it or open their hearts to it

Pregunta 8

We must use [blank_start]our eyes, our ears[blank_end] so that we take a lesson and improve ourselves.
  • our eyes, our ears
  • our eyes, our heart
  • our ears, our heart
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