L19 STIs


(Reproductive and Sexual Health) PHCY320 Test sobre L19 STIs, creado por Mer Scott el 02/10/2019.
Mer Scott
Test por Mer Scott, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Mer Scott
Creado por Mer Scott hace casi 5 años

Resumen del Recurso

Pregunta 1

Common types of sexually transmitted infections in NZ: • [blank_start]Bacterial[blank_end] - Chlamydia trachomatis, Neisseria gonorrhoeae, Treponema pallidium • [blank_start]Protozoal[blank_end] - Trichomonas vaginalis • [blank_start]Viral[blank_end] – HSV, HPV, HIV
  • Bacterial
  • Protozoal
  • Viral

Pregunta 2

At risk populations: • very young - infected in [blank_start]utero[blank_end] or at birth • sexually active young adults, especially those who [blank_start]drink[blank_end]
  • utero
  • drink alcohol

Pregunta 3

Chlamydia trachomatis: • non-motile [blank_start]gram –ve cocci[blank_end] • 2 specialised forms - intracellular & extracellular. Obligate [blank_start]intracellular[blank_end] pathogen. - Disease in Women: commonly asymptomatic [blank_start](75[blank_end]%), urethritis &/or cervicitis, purulent [blank_start]discharge[blank_end], burning [blank_start]sensation[blank_end]. If untreated an ascending infection can develop into [blank_start]pelvic inflammatory disease[blank_end] (PID) (40%). Involvement of uterus, fallopian tubes & ovaries - chronic pain (18%), infertility ([blank_start]20[blank_end]%), life threatening ectopic pregnancy (9%) - Disease in utero/neonates: [blank_start]premature[blank_end] birth, conjunctivitis, pneumonia - Disease in Men - asymptomatic infection ([blank_start]50[blank_end]%), urethritis - discharge, pain on urination, epididymitis - swollen, painful testicles, [blank_start]proctitis[blank_end] - (rectal infection; pain, bleeding, discharge), untreated – infertility • Diagnosis - direct culture not possible, [blank_start]PCR test[blank_end] is available • Treatment - [blank_start]contacts[blank_end] must also be treated, 1 or 7 day therapy • Prevention: Education, [blank_start]Screening[blank_end] programmes for high risk groups
  • gram –ve cocci
  • intracellular
  • (75
  • discharge
  • sensation
  • pelvic inflammatory disease
  • 20
  • premature
  • 50
  • proctitis
  • PCR test
  • contacts
  • screening

Pregunta 4

Gonorrhoea - "The Clap" • Neisseria gonorrhoeae - [blank_start]gram negative diplococci[blank_end], closely related to N. meningitidis • person to person transmission • Infection limited to [blank_start]mucus[blank_end] membranes lined with [blank_start]columnar[blank_end] epithelium (urethra, cervix, rectum, pharynx, conjunctiva) - Disease in Adults: may be asymptomatic (~ [blank_start]50[blank_end]% females, [blank_start]30[blank_end]% males). Inflammation, dysuria, [blank_start]discharge[blank_end] (scant/copious, mucoid/purulent)/ in on urination may be extreme. Complications - ascending infection (male - [blank_start]prostate, testicles[blank_end]: female - [blank_start]PID[blank_end]) causing infertility - systemic spread (endocarditis, [blank_start]meningitis[blank_end]), - Neonates: 2016 – 4 cases < 1 year of age. Ocular infection can lead to [blank_start]blindness[blank_end]. • Testing/Diagnosis: routine testing should occur for high risk individuals ([blank_start]2[blank_end] weeks post contact), self collected sampling possible. First line test: [blank_start]nucleic acid amplification[blank_end] tests. [blank_start]Culture[blank_end] for detection of new/unknown resistance mutations. Follow up test at [blank_start]3 months[blank_end]. • Treatment: many strains now [blank_start]AMR[blank_end], should also treat for [blank_start]chlamydia[blank_end].
  • gram negative diplococci
  • mucous
  • columnar
  • 50
  • 30
  • discharge
  • prostate, testicles
  • PID
  • meningitis
  • blindness
  • 2
  • nucleic acid amplification
  • Culture
  • 3 months
  • AMR
  • chlamydia

Pregunta 5

Trichomonas vaginalis (TV) • Protozoa, obligate human pathogen of [blank_start]genitourinary[blank_end] tract, twitching motility, sexually transmitted • Common - affects [blank_start]5-10[blank_end]% men & women • Often found with other [blank_start]STI[blank_end] pathogens - Disease in Women: asymptomatic (>[blank_start]50[blank_end]%). Thin [blank_start]frothy yellowish green[blank_end] discharge, foul [blank_start]odour[blank_end], vulva red and [blank_start]swollen[blank_end], itching, post-coital bleeding, cervical [blank_start]haemorrhage[blank_end], abdominal pain (+/-). Complications - risk factor for other STI, [blank_start]pre-term[blank_end] delivery, very [blank_start]rarely[blank_end] infertility if have severe disease with spread to fallopian tubes. - Disease in Men: asymptomatic, [blank_start]self-limiting[blank_end] infection, risk factor for other STI. [blank_start]Urethritis[blank_end], thin yellow-green discharge, pain on urination. - Disease in Neonates: 2-17% of female infants born to infected mothers will develop vaginal infections, usually [blank_start]asymptomatic, self-limiting[blank_end]. - Diagnosis & Treatment: microscopy, culture - also of [blank_start]contacts[blank_end]. Treat with [blank_start]metronidazole[blank_end] – oral better cure than topical. Resistance in 4-10% of cases & no vaccine.
  • genitourinary
  • 5-10
  • STI
  • 50
  • frothy yellowish green
  • odour
  • swollen
  • haemorrhage
  • pre-term
  • rarely
  • self-limiting
  • Urethritis
  • asymptomatic, self-limiting
  • contacts
  • metronidazole

Pregunta 6

T. pallidum - Syphilis. • spiral shaped [blank_start]bacteria[blank_end], obligate human pathogen • increases risk of [blank_start]HIV[blank_end] infection • in pregnancy, infection can cause [blank_start]miscarriage[blank_end] and infection of the newborn • diagnosis - direct [blank_start]microcopy[blank_end] or specific [blank_start]antibodies[blank_end] (ELISA) • treatment - [blank_start]intramuscular[blank_end] penicillin: [blank_start]long[blank_end]-acting Bicillin (benzathine penicillin) [blank_start]1.8[blank_end]g, as short-acting formulations are [blank_start]insufficient[blank_end] for syphilis treatment. 82% of cases are [blank_start]men[blank_end] who have sexual contact with [blank_start]other men[blank_end]. Is routine to screen for it in [blank_start]antenatal[blank_end] screening.
  • bacteria
  • HIV
  • miscarriage
  • microscopy
  • antibodies
  • intramuscular
  • long
  • 1.8
  • insufficient
  • men
  • other men
  • antenatal

Pregunta 7

Syphilis - stages of infection • 65% men and [blank_start]50[blank_end]% of women symptomatic • primary - painless [blank_start]ulcerative[blank_end] sore on genitals, maybe internal or external, heal [blank_start]spontaneously[blank_end] within 3-6 weeks • secondary - skin [blank_start]rash[blank_end] with brown sores , always on [blank_start]palms[blank_end] of hands, [blank_start]soles[blank_end] of feet; mild [blank_start]fever[blank_end], aches etc. rash spontaneously resolves - sores highly [blank_start]infectious[blank_end]. • latent - no further symptoms, non-infectious • tertiary - systemic spread and damage to [blank_start]brain, heart, eyes[blank_end]; results in mental illness, blindness or even death
  • 50
  • ulcerative
  • spontaneously
  • rash
  • palms
  • soles
  • fever
  • infectious
  • brain, heart, eyes

Pregunta 8

Genital warts are caused by [blank_start]human papillomavirus[blank_end] (HPV). • Extremely common ~ [blank_start]75[blank_end]% of sexually active adults will have been infected • Sexually transmissible; highly [blank_start]infectious[blank_end] when warts are present but still may be infectious when virus is [blank_start]latent[blank_end]. • HPVs that cause external warts do not generally cause [blank_start]cancer[blank_end] BUT co-infection with different HPV types is common. • Warts can [blank_start]vary[blank_end] in size and appearance, often appear in [blank_start]clusters[blank_end] • Women's are often [blank_start]internal[blank_end] (cervix and vagina) • Few other symptoms; recurrent disease
  • human papillomavirus
  • 75
  • infectious
  • latent
  • cancer
  • vary
  • clusters
  • internal

Pregunta 9

Genital Herpes • Herpes simplex virus type 1 & 2 (HSV-1, HSV-2) • Both [blank_start]oral[blank_end] (HSV-1) and [blank_start]genital[blank_end] lesions (HSV-2) • Infection is through [blank_start]broken[blank_end] skin via contact with person having an [blank_start]outbreak[blank_end] • Non-curable STI, virus remains latent in [blank_start]nerve endings[blank_end] • Oral [blank_start]antivirals[blank_end] can hasten resolution of disease (~1 [blank_start]day[blank_end]), no impact on risk or severity of recurrences - Adults - often asymptomatic, primary infection - systemic symptoms ([blank_start]fever, headache, malaise[blank_end]) + local symptoms (pain, itching, discharge, pustular or ulcerative [blank_start]lesions[blank_end]). \Outbreaks - no symptoms or local symptoms only, outbreak frequency [blank_start]decreases[blank_end] with time. Complications - disseminated/[blank_start]systemic[blank_end] infection, CNS complications ([blank_start]meningitis[blank_end]) - Neonates - infected at delivery, greater risk if [blank_start]primary[blank_end] infection (50%, < 5% for outbreak). Mortality rate of [blank_start]65[blank_end]% from disseminated disease.
  • oral
  • genital
  • broken
  • outbreak
  • nerve endings
  • antivirals
  • day
  • fever, headache, malaise
  • lesions
  • decreases
  • systemic
  • meningitis
  • primary
  • 65

Pregunta 10

HIV • Human immunodeficiency virus • Cellular target of HIV are [blank_start]CD4+ cells[blank_end] T cells • gp120 binds to CD4 causing [blank_start]conformational[blank_end] changes to take place; allows binding of gp120 to [blank_start]coreceptors[blank_end] (CCR5 or CXCR4) • gp41 can [blank_start]penetrate[blank_end] cell surface Epidemiology: • World: 2016 – 36.7 million people living with HIV & 18.2 on accessing therapy, 2 million new infections & 1.2 million deaths • NZ rate in low. Biggest [blank_start]decline[blank_end] in men who have sexual contact with men. [blank_start]No[blank_end] cases of perinatally HIV since 2007.
  • CD4+ cells
  • conformational
  • coreceptors
  • penetrate
  • decline
  • No

Pregunta 11

Stages of HIV lifecycle targeted by drugs: 1. Attachment & fusion - [blank_start]block[blank_end] attachment or fusion 2. Reverse transcription - nucleoside & non nucleoside [blank_start]RT inhibitors[blank_end] 3. Integration – viral [blank_start]integrase[blank_end] inhibitors 4. Processing of viral proteins - [blank_start]HIV protease[blank_end] inhibitors
  • block
  • RT inhibitors
  • integrase
  • HIV protease

Pregunta 12

NZ guidelines are: HIV testing of all pregnant women.
  • True
  • False

Pregunta 13

HIV Pathophysiology 1.Primary Infection • Infection initially establishes in [blank_start]lymphoid[blank_end] tissue - fever, malaise, headache, lymphadenopathy • active viral [blank_start]replication[blank_end] - 109 new virions produced each day, t1/2 of 1.6 days for cells • immune response kicks in - cytotoxic [blank_start]CD8[blank_end] T cell response + antibody (seroconversion) • infected cells are eliminated, virus titres [blank_start]decrease[blank_end] 2. Latent Disease • longest lasting stage of disease ([blank_start]2-3[blank_end] years for rapid progressors, up to [blank_start]10[blank_end] years for long term non progressors) • low level chronic [blank_start]immune[blank_end] activation & persistent viral replication, immune response ongoing • patients are [blank_start]asymptomatic[blank_end] • CD4 cells gradually [blank_start]decline[blank_end] due to direct viral killing and CD8 killing • new CD4 cells can not be [blank_start]generated[blank_end], CD8 response drops off due to viral [blank_start]mutation[blank_end] 3. Advanced Disease • characterised by either: - [blank_start]AIDS[blank_end]-defining illness (atypical infection or cancer eg Kaposi’s sarcoma) - decline in CD4 T cell counts below [blank_start]200 cells/mL[blank_end] • viral titres [blank_start]increase[blank_end], disintegration of lymphoid [blank_start]organs[blank_end], T & B cell responses decline, death from [blank_start]infection[blank_end] or cancer
  • lymphoid
  • replication
  • CD8
  • decrease
  • 2-3
  • 10
  • immune
  • asymptomatic
  • decline
  • generated
  • mutation
  • AIDS
  • 200 cells/mL
  • increase
  • organs
  • infection

Pregunta 14

Managing HIV patients • [blank_start]CD4 +/- viral load[blank_end] monitoring • [blank_start]Screening[blank_end] for diseases more common or more aggressive in patients with HIV • [blank_start]Immunisation[blank_end] If necessary/when required: • [blank_start]Anti-retroviral[blank_end] Therapy (ART) – NZ 2018 - 2463 people on ART • [blank_start]Prophylaxis[blank_end] against opportunistic infections • Treat infections/malignancies Drugs: - Current US guidelines - An antiretroviral regimen generally consists of [blank_start]two[blank_end] nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors ([blank_start]NRTIs[blank_end]), in combination with a third [blank_start]active antiretroviral[blank_end] drug from one of three drug classes: 1. an integrase strand transfer inhibitor, 1. a non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor (NNRTI), or 3. a protease inhibitor (PI) with a pharmacokinetic enhancer (cobicistat or ritonavir).
  • CD4 +/- viral load
  • Screening
  • Immunisation
  • Anti-retroviral
  • Prophylaxis
  • two
  • NRTIs
  • active antiretroviral

Pregunta 15

ART • Simple regimen, low [blank_start]pill burden[blank_end] • Adherence is [blank_start]critical[blank_end] • Low [blank_start]side effect[blank_end] profile – interactions [blank_start]common[blank_end] - Many ARVs are metabolised by cytochrome [blank_start]P450[blank_end], & the CYP3A4 inhibitors (eg ritonavir) are give in ‘boosted’ regimens. • High threshold for [blank_start]resistance[blank_end] • Cure – get rid of latent virus?, transplant with CCR5-ve immune system
  • pill burden
  • critical
  • side effect
  • common
  • P450
  • resistance

Pregunta 16

HIV/AIDS Prevention • Education and behavior modification • PrEP • [blank_start]Drug abuse[blank_end] treatment (e.g. methadone) • Condoms, clean [blank_start]syringes[blank_end] • Treatment of other [blank_start]sexually transmitted[blank_end] diseases • Interruption of [blank_start]transmission[blank_end] from mother to child • Vaccine
  • Drug abuse
  • syringes
  • sexually transmitted
  • transmission
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Fórmulas Geométricas (Áreas)
Diego Santos
Administracion de recurso de un proyecto
Las partes del cuerpo en francés
Mónica Sánz
Diseño experimental
Ahtziri Sequeira
Tipos de Sociedades
Nicolas Omana
Luis Vélez Zamora
Silvia Francisco Llorente
Comunicacion Organizacional con Herramientas de (PNL).
magda ayala
Edgar Sarzosa