P E D S F I N A L E X A M 1 9


Test sobre P E D S F I N A L E X A M 1 9, creado por Dan McCarthy el 26/11/2019.
Dan  McCarthy
Test por Dan McCarthy, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Dan  McCarthy
Creado por Dan McCarthy hace más de 4 años

Resumen del Recurso

Pregunta 1

According to Batshaw, 2013, the prevalence of psychiatric disorders among children with developmental disabilities is higher than typically developing peers by how much?
  • A) 1-3 times higher
  • B) 2-4 times higher
  • C) 4-5 times higher
  • D) 5-7 times higher

Pregunta 2

Certain maladaptive behavior disorders are found principally among individuals with severe to profound levels of intellectual disability. Maladaptive behavior(s) may include:
  • A) Stereotypic movement disorder
  • B) Self-injurious behavior (SIB)
  • C) Pica
  • D) All of the above

Pregunta 3

Demonstration of callous and unemotional behaviors that continue for at least 12 months with four main problem areas including: aggression toward people and animals, destruction of property, deceitfulness or theft and serious violation of rules is a description of which psychiatric disorder in children?
  • A) Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD)
  • B) Conduct Disorder (CD)
  • C) Impulse Control Disorder
  • D) Anxiety Disorder
  • E) Mood Disorder

Pregunta 4

A child who exhibits angry/irritable moods, deviant/headstrong behavior and vindictiveness for at least 6 months and which cause impairments in social, educational or vocational activities in one or multiple settings would be diagnosed as:
  • A) Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD)
  • B) Conduct Disorder (CD)
  • C) Impulse Control Disorder
  • D) Anxiety Disorder
  • E) Mood Disorder

Pregunta 5

The type of eating disorder which involves repeatedly regurgitating food by rechewing, reswallowing or spitting out food sufficiently frequently and severely is one of the common eating disorders in children with developmental disabilities and is called:
  • A) Rumination
  • B) Binge eating
  • C) Pica
  • D) None of the above
  • E) All of the above

Pregunta 6

Treatment of psychiatric illness in children and adolescents with developmental disabilities may involve which of the following modalities or intervention options?
  • A) Educational interventions
  • B) Rehabilitation therapy
  • C) Psychotherapy
  • D) Pharmacotherapy
  • E) All of the above

Pregunta 7

Which disorder includes intermittent explosive disorder and hair pulling disorder and is diagnosed after several discrete episodes of failure to resist aggressive impulses, with resultant assaults or destruction of property? The severity of the assault must be out of proportion to the precipitating psychosocial stressor.
  • A) Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD)
  • B) Conduct Disorder (CD)
  • C) Impulse Control Disorder
  • D) Anxiety Disorder
  • E) Mood Disorder

Pregunta 8

A child with recurrent thoughts, images, or impulses that are intrusive and inappropriate and/or repetitive behaviors or mental acts done to neutralize or reduce stress are behaviors exhibited when a child is diagnosed with which one of these disorders?
  • A) Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD)
  • B) Conduct Disorder (CD)
  • C) Impulse Control Disorder
  • D) Anxiety Disorder
  • E) Mood Disorder

Pregunta 9

The most useful type of assessment(s) for children with severe behavioral abnormalities for which specific family or behavior therapies are being considered include:
  • A) Standardized rating scales
  • B) Functional behavior analysis
  • C) Developmental assessment tools
  • D) a and b
  • E) b and c

Pregunta 10

The presence of a developmental disorder, especially intellectual impairment/disability, often alters the presentation of psychiatric disorders and makes accurate diagnosis of psychiatric disorders more difficult in children who have an intellectual impairment.
  • True
  • False

Pregunta 11

A behavior strategy described in Case-Smith, chapter 13, which helps children who are resistant to participating with a task they do not enjoy, has been established as a powerful behavior change technique and involves the contingent presentation of a consequence that increases the probability of a behavior occurring again is:
  • Meeting sensory needs
  • Positive reinforcement
  • Alternating preferred with non preferred activities
  • Token economies
  • Share control

Pregunta 12

Anthony is a fourth-grader in a typical classroom who demonstrates frequent oppositional behaviors. He does not yet have a diagnosis or receive special services. His teacher has noted that he does not do his work whenever verbal instructions are given to the class. When she approaches to offer assistance, he throws his work off his desk and yells at her to leave him alone. What is a possible external factor as described in Case-Smith chapter 13, which may be influencing his behavior?
  • Desire for control
  • Fatigue
  • Illness
  • Tasks demands greater than skill level

Pregunta 13

According to Case-Smith, chapter 13, preventing challenging behavior is:
  • A proactive approach to behavior management
  • A set of strategies that should only be used when problem behavior already exists
  • Dependent on the type of challenging behavior exhibited by the child
  • Very unlikely; it is better to use a punishment when a negative behavior occurs

Pregunta 14

Case-Smith, chapter 13, describes positive behavioral support (PBS) as interventions that:
  • Includes systems-wide approaches
  • Is prescribed according to a rigid protocol
  • Involves frequent use of punishment
  • Is implemented by only one adult

Pregunta 15

Which of the following is often intensive, used up to 40 hours per week and helps children perform socially significant behaviors through a reinforcement training technique? (Case-Smith, chapter 11)
  • Applied behavior analysis
  • Privacy circles
  • Emotions charades
  • Mind reading

Pregunta 16

Positive behavior during transitions can be supported through
  • Use of physical objects that represent the next activity
  • Verbal information offered to the entire classroom
  • Token economies
  • Building the child's expressive communication
  • Sharing control

Pregunta 17

Which of the following can be a useful tool for measuring social skills progress because of its ability to identify and measure progress toward very individualized goals, which may not be included in standard assessments? (Case-Smith chapter 11)
  • Child behavior checklist
  • Social communication questionnaire
  • Goal attainment scaling (GAS)
  • Social skills improvement system

Pregunta 18

The following are recommended in Case-Smith, chapter 13, as first steps in reducing the likelihood that problem behaviors will occur:
  • Creating a calm atmosphere
  • Praise for appropriate behavior
  • use "do" statement instead of "don't"
  • All of the above
  • None of the above

Pregunta 19

The majority of research on social skills and social skill interventions addresses children with which of the following diagnoses? (Case-Smith, chapter 11)
  • Autism spectrum disorder
  • Fetal alcohol spectrum disorder
  • Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder
  • Anxiety disorders

Pregunta 20

Which of the following is a method that can be used in social skills groups to promote self-regulation for children who have difficulty organizing sensation from their own bodies and from the environment? (Case-Smith, chapter 11)
  • Peer-mediated intervention
  • Self-determination
  • Sensory integration
  • Social cognitive

Pregunta 21

Children with mental health or behavioral disorders often exhibit limited social participation (Case-Smith, chapter 11).
  • True
  • False

Pregunta 22

Which of the following purposes; identified in Case-Smith, chapter 13, have been established by research to be four primary purposes for challenging behavior?
  • Avoid a situation or escaping from an undesired event
  • Cause pain to someone
  • Obtaining a desired object
  • Destroy something
  • a and c

Pregunta 23

Which of the following interventions for social skill development has the most evidence to support the effectiveness of its use for children with ASD? (Case-Smith, chapter 11
  • Video-modeling
  • Social scripts
  • Power cards
  • Social stories

Pregunta 24

Which statement is true regarding the functional behavioral assessment? (Case-Smith, chapter 13)
  • It should be conducted immediately when a challenging behavior first occurs.
  • It is loosely structured and allows each team member to focus on whatever he or she wants.
  • It can be conducted quickly by a single service provider who then shares the results with any other service providers working with the child.
  • It is a five step process to aid in developing an effective positive behavior support plan

Pregunta 25

Complete the following sentence. According to Case-Smith, chapter 13, all challenging behavior:
  • Is disruptive and annoying to others
  • Is a willful act of the child
  • Should be completely eliminated
  • Serves a purpose
  • Should be punished

Pregunta 26

Which of the following is used to help children identify which topics or activities are appropriate to discuss or to do with different people and in various settings?
  • A) Applied behavior analysis
  • B) Privacy circles
  • C) Emotions charades
  • D) Mind reading

Pregunta 27

Taking turns in conversation is an example of which type of social goal?
  • A) Demonstration of a specific social behavior
  • B) Awareness of social rules
  • C) Awareness of others
  • D) Executive function skills

Pregunta 28

Which of the following is a parent-based, cognitive-developmental approach to improve the child's mental development in social interactions?
  • A) Comic strip conversations
  • B) Incredible 5-point scale
  • C) Stress thermometer
  • D) Relationship development intervention

Pregunta 29

Which of the following focuses on the lack of self-organizing elements required in general learning?
  • A) Theory of mind
  • B) Central coherence
  • C) Joint attention
  • D) Executive dysfunction

Pregunta 30

Which of the following is often used up to 40 hours per week and helps children perform socially significant behaviors through a reinforcement training technique?
  • A) Applied behavior analysis
  • B) Privacy circles
  • C) Emotions charades
  • D) Mind reading

Pregunta 31

In a children's social skills group, strategies that allow the participants to make as many choices as possible to satisfy their needs for autonomy, competence, and relatedness are used. This group is most likely based on which of the following?
  • A) Peer-mediated intervention
  • B) Self-determination
  • C) Sensory integration
  • D) Social cognitive

Pregunta 32

Which of the following has the most evidence to support the effectiveness of its use for children with ASD?
  • A) Video-modeling
  • B) Social scripts
  • C) Power cards
  • D) Social stories

Pregunta 33

A strategy that involves the therapist and student identifying the problem, discussing the possible solutions and the consequences of those solutions, and then practicing the plan of action that the student chooses is called
  • A) Social autopsies
  • B) Coaching
  • D) Alert program

Pregunta 34

In a children's social skills group, which of the following supports the idea that children learn by observing the behavior of others, which includes two phases: acquisition and performance?
  • A) Peer-mediated intervention
  • B) Self-determination
  • C) Sensory integration
  • D) Social cognitive

Pregunta 35

The preponderance of research on social skills and social skill interventions addresses children with which of the following diagnoses?
  • A) Autism spectrum disorder
  • B) Fetal alcohol spectrum disorder
  • C) Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder
  • D) Anxiety disorders

Pregunta 36

Which of the following is not an important characteristic of a successful social skills group?
  • A) Predictable schedule
  • B) Takes place at school
  • C) Parent involvement
  • D) Activities are graded to meet each child's needs.

Pregunta 37

One strategy for developing appropriate social skills focuses on a child's special interest or favorite character. This is
  • A) Video-modeling
  • B) Social scripts
  • C) Power cards
  • D) Social stories

Pregunta 38

Working on strategies to calm one's self is an example of which type of social goal?
  • A) Demonstrate specific social behavior
  • B) Awareness of social rules
  • C) Awareness of others
  • D) Executive function skills

Pregunta 39

Which of the following can be a useful tool for measuring social skills progress because of its ability to identify and measure progress toward very individualized goals, which may not be included in standard assessments?
  • A) Child behavior checklist
  • B) Social communication questionnaire
  • C) Goal attainment scaling (GAS)
  • D) Social skills improvement system

Pregunta 40

Which of the following is a method that can be used in social skills groups to promote self-regulation for children who have difficulty organizing sensation from their own bodies and from the environment?
  • A) Peer-mediated intervention
  • B) Self-determination
  • C) Sensory integration
  • D) Social cognitive

Pregunta 41

The most common etiological factor of ADHD is which of the following?
  • A) Genetics
  • B) Structural differences in the brain
  • C) Prenatal exposures to cigarette smoking
  • D) Low birth weight

Pregunta 42

Bailey is a 10-year-old fifth grade student who has a specific learning disability (SLD). In addition to her SLD, Bailey has difficulty utilizing self-regulatory strategies when she becomes frustrated in class. She also demonstrates difficulty with problem-solving and attending to tasks. Which associated impairment does Bailey experience?
  • A) Memory Impairment
  • B) Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder
  • C) Executive Function Impairment
  • D) Emotional and Behavioral Disorders
  • E) Social Cognition Impairment

Pregunta 43

Zachary, a tenth grade high school student, frequently becomes unorganized at school, as he continuously loses track of his books when he is switching from one class to another. What accommodation would be beneficial for Zachary?
  • A) Keeping an extra set of books at home
  • B) Putting a checklist in Zachary's locker
  • C) Allowing Zachary to leave his books in the classroom (i.e. science book in science class, math book in math class)
  • D) Using audio books

Pregunta 44

The overall dropout rate of students with specific learning disabilities is two times the rate when compared to the general population. Which of the following statements best explains why this is?
  • A) Students with a SLD become frustrated and anxious when they attempt to meet task demands in school leading to poor self-image and withdrawal from school tasks.
  • B) Students find school boring and would rather work.
  • C) Students with a SLD have lower IQ scores, which impacts their ability to complete school tasks.
  • D) All of the above

Pregunta 45

When a learning disability is suspected, a psychoeducational evaluation identifying a student's strengths and areas of difficulty occurs.
  • True
  • False

Pregunta 46

Which approach has been a favorable method for identifying students with specific learning disabilities (SLD)?
  • A) Response to intervention (RTI)
  • B) Earlier identification and intervention
  • C) Focusing on student outcomes
  • D) Using an at-risk model for identifying students with a SLD

Pregunta 47

A child with a specific learning disability can also experience impairments that are associated with the learning disability. Which impairments can be associated with a learning disability?
  • A) Memory Impairment
  • B) Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder
  • C) Executive Function Impairment
  • D) Emotional and Behavioral Disorders
  • E) All of the above

Pregunta 48

Early presentation of a specific math disability includes which of the following?
  • A) Difficulty with recalling and computing basic math facts
  • B) Difficulty reading a number line
  • C) Misuse of signs
  • D) Reading problems from left to right

Pregunta 49

Tommy is a 12-year-old seventh grade student who has difficulty with written expression during his classes. Which remedial and instructional technique would be helpful to Tommy?
  • A) Modified writing systems (using symbols)
  • B) Providing Tommy with a pencil grip
  • C) Allowing Tommy unlimited time for written expression tasks
  • D) Providing Tommy with verbal cues during written expression tasks

Pregunta 50

Tommy is a 12-year-old seventh grade student who has difficulty with written expression during his classes. Which remedial and instructional technique would be helpful to Tommy?
  • Handwriting Without Tears writing program
  • Providing Tommy with a pencil grip
  • Raised lined, or highlighted lined paper
  • Providing Tommy with verbal cues during written expression tasks

Pregunta 51

Johnny is a 7 year old boy who is in second grade. He has recently been diagnosed with the most commonly diagnosed form of ADHD. Throughout a school day, he experiences social impairment, increased internalizing (anxiety), and externalizing disorders (defiance). Lastly, Johnny has demonstrated academic underachievement. What form of ADHD was Johnny recently diagnosed with?
  • A) ADHD predominately inattentive type (ADHD-I)
  • B) ADHD combined type (ADHD-C)
  • C) ADHD predominately hyperactive/impulsive type (ADHD-HI)
  • D) ADHD not otherwise specified (ADHD-NOS)

Pregunta 52

Children who are taking medication to manage symptoms of ADHD can experience which of the following adverse effects?
  • A) Decreased appetite
  • B) Headaches
  • C) Stomachaches
  • D) Sleep problems
  • E) All of the above

Pregunta 53

A school age child with ADHD may have difficulty with which of the following skills utilized in school?
  • A) Verbal memory
  • B) Listening comprehension
  • C) Organization of verbal and written output
  • D) All of the above

Pregunta 54

Grace, an 8-year-old girl in third grade, often interrupts or intrudes on others during group work and recess. Also, when she is playing a game with others, she has difficulty waiting for her turn. Grace's behavior is can be considered which of the following?
  • A) Inattention/distractibility
  • B) Hyperactivity
  • C) Poor social skills
  • D) Impulsivity

Pregunta 55

Chloe is a 9-year-old girl who is in fourth grade who has ADHD. Chloe often fidgets with her hands and feet during class. She also frequently squirms in her seat. Chloe talks excessively in the classroom, at lunch, and at recess. Chloe's behavior can be described as which of the following?
  • A) Inattention/Distractibility
  • B) Sensory-seeker
  • C) Hyperactivity
  • D) Impulsivity

Pregunta 56

Which of the following forms of a learning disability is the most common?
  • A) Dyscalculia
  • B) Dysgraphia
  • C) Specific Reading Disability (SRD)/Dyslexia
  • D) Dyspraxia

Pregunta 57

Individuals with a SLD often have poor long-term outcomes.
  • True
  • False

Pregunta 58

Two thirds of children with ADHD will have a coexisting disorder.
  • True
  • False

Pregunta 59

According to Batshaw, 2013, how many children with ADHD will have a coexisting disorder?
  • More than half
  • one third
  • twenty five percent
  • one hundred percent

Pregunta 60

Maintaining self-esteem and social cognition is not important in preventing poor mental health outcomes in children with a SLD.
  • True
  • False

Pregunta 61

Johnny's mother has set up a meeting with the special education director to see if Johnny's diagnosis of ADHD would qualify him for an IEP. Will Johnny be eligible for an IEP?
  • A) Yes, his diagnosis of ADHD qualifies him
  • B) Yes, because Johnny has difficulty functioning throughout the school day
  • C) No, because ADHD is not one of the disabilities specifically included under IDEA
  • D) No, because Johnny was not diagnosed with ADHD predominately hyperactive/impulsive type (ADHD-HI)

Pregunta 62

Johnny’s mother has set up a meeting with the special education director to see if Johnny’s diagnosis of ADHD would qualify him for an IEP. According to the DESE (formerly DOE) categories of disabilities, which disability category would ADHD be included under?
  • Specific learning disability
  • Autism
  • Health
  • Developmental delay

Pregunta 63

Young adults with ADHD have fewer friendships and more social problems.
  • True
  • False

Pregunta 64

Types of AAC for individuals with a communication disorder include which of the following?
  • A) Sign language
  • B) Picture communication boards
  • C) Object symbols
  • D) Speech generating devices
  • E) All of the above

Pregunta 65

One strategy to improve the mealtime environment for children who have difficulty during mealtime is to
  • A) Have the child eat with a group of individuals because the child will see others eating.
  • B) Allow the child to watch T.V. during mealtime.
  • C) Have the child eat in a 1:1 environment to decrease distractions.
  • D) Provide the child with little to no attention during mealtime.

Pregunta 66

Grace is a 10-year-old girl who displays oral defensiveness. What is a common feeding issue for children who are sensitive to particular foods?
  • A) Aspiration
  • B) Food Pocketing
  • C) Increased oral losses
  • D) Gastroesophageal Reflux (GER)

Pregunta 67

Lucy is an 8-year-old girl who has breathing difficulties such as severe wheezing. She has been referred for an OT evaluation to increase her endurance for classroom related tasks and for weak fine motor skills. As part of your data collection for the evaluation, you decide to observe Lucy during lunchtime. Given Lucy's breathing difficulties, what might you observe during lunchtime?
  • A) Lucy may have difficulty grasping her utensils as a result of weak fine motor skills
  • B) Lucy may start to drool when eating due to her increased respiratory rate.
  • C) Lucy may refuse to eat her lunch because she is sensitive to certain foods.
  • D) Lucy may not have the oral motor abilities to chew her food.

Pregunta 68

Which phase of swallowing is most effected by growth and development as a result of increased acquisition of oral motor skills?
  • A) Pharyngeal Transfer Phase
  • B) Oral Transport Phase
  • C) Oral Preparatory Phase
  • D) Mastication Phase

Pregunta 69

Around what age does an infant produce his or her first words?
  • A) 12 months
  • B) 18 months
  • C) 9 months
  • D) 7 months

Pregunta 70

Danny is a 3-year-old boy who receives 1:1 OT services in order to increase his oral motor skills for feeding and to address his oral defensiveness during feeding. The OT is planning a feeding session with Danny. How should the OT properly position the child for the feeding session?
  • A) The child should be firmly supported through the trunk and hips (90-90) and the head and neck should be slightly extended.
  • B) The child's trunk and hips should be slightly flexed with the head and neck slightly extended.
  • C) The child should be firmly supported through the trunk and hips (90-90) and the head and neck should be slightly flexed.
  • D) The child should be firmly supported through the trunk and hips (90-90) and the head and neck should be aligned in neutral.

Pregunta 71

Tony has spastic CP and has weak oral pharyngeal musculature as a result of his abnormal tone. When Tony is eating, he tends to be a "messy-eater" because he frequently loses food from his mouth. What might this be due to?
  • A) Poor lip closure or jaw instability
  • B) Frequent coughing and gagging
  • C) Food refusal
  • D) Oral defensiveness

Pregunta 72

Andy is a 6-year-old student who has Autism. Andy has difficulty requesting his interests, selecting choices for food, and telling stories. Which AAC system would Andy benefit from the most?
  • A) Picture communication board
  • B) Sign language
  • C) Speech generating device
  • D) Adapted books

Pregunta 73

Thickening of liquids can allow a child more time to organize and initiate a swallow and can be beneficial in slowing down a child's overall swallowing flow.
  • True
  • False

Pregunta 74

After Angela has finished breaking up her food and forming a bolus, her tongue will transport the bolus to the back of her throat. What is this next swallowing phase that will occur?
  • A) Pharyngeal Transfer Phase
  • B) Oral Transport Phase
  • C) Oral Preparatory Phase
  • D) Mastication Phase

Pregunta 75

Angela is having grapes for a snack at school. During which phase is Angela breaking up food and forming a bolus with her tongue?
  • A) Pharyngeal Transfer Phase
  • B) Oral Transport Phase
  • C) Oral Preparatory Phase
  • D) Mastication Phase

Pregunta 76

For a child to become a candidate for an AAC system, the child must have the met pre-requisites such as cognitive milestones and strengths in receptive language abilities.
  • True
  • False

Pregunta 77

Jezenia is a 7-year-old kindergarten student who has a communication disorder. Specifically, she has articulation difficulties. What type of communication disorder does Jezenia have?
  • A) Language Disorder
  • B) Fluency Disorder
  • C) Speech Disorder
  • D) Hearing Disorder

Pregunta 78

Mark is beginning to utilize rotatory jaw movements when eating. At what age does rotatory jaw movements emerge?
  • A) 9 months
  • B) 6 months
  • C) 12 months
  • D) 18 months

Pregunta 79

What is the first step in evaluating a child's feeding problems?
  • Observe the parent feeding the child crackers and juice.
  • Interpret the results of a modified barium swallow study.
  • Ask parents and caregivers questions about feeding, eating, and swallowing.
  • Observe the symmetry, size, and range of motion of the jaw and gums.

Pregunta 80

Which pattern of behaviors reflects oral hypersensitivity?
  • Gags frequently, limited variety of foods, refuses tooth-brushing
  • Coughing when swallowing, eats a large variety of foods, enjoys self-feeding
  • Difficulty chewing textured foods, decreased jaw strength, poor tongue mobility
  • Mouths objects, history of pica, drooling

Pregunta 81

Which sequence best describes the progression of food texture from easiest to most difficult?
  • Various table foods, puréed, soft foods, raw vegetables, and meat
  • Puréed, various table foods, soft foods, raw vegetables, and meat
  • Soft foods, various table foods, raw vegetables, puréed, and meat
  • Puréed, soft foods, various table foods, raw vegetables, and meat

Pregunta 82

Which sequence represents the correct phases of swallowing?
  • Oral, oral preparatory, pharyngeal, esophageal
  • Oral preparatory, oral, esophageal, pharyngeal
  • Oral, esophageal, oral preparatory, pharyngeal
  • Oral preparatory, oral, pharyngeal, esophageal

Pregunta 83

Which intervention activity would be recommended for a child with poor oral sensory awareness?
  • Provide foods with lumpy textures and sweet flavors
  • Provide foods with strong flavors and cold temperatures
  • Provide puréed foods only at cold temperatures
  • Provide bland foods at warm temperatures
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