Hypothyroidism vs Hyperthyroidism


Adult health 2 test 2 Test sobre Hypothyroidism vs Hyperthyroidism , creado por Esmeralda Espitia el 04/02/2020.
Esmeralda Espitia
Test por Esmeralda Espitia, actualizado hace más de 1 año
Esmeralda Espitia
Creado por Esmeralda Espitia hace más de 4 años

Resumen del Recurso

Pregunta 1

1. Fill in the blank regarding the negative feedback loop for thyroid hormone production: The _________ produces TRH (Thyrotropin-Releasing Hormone) which causes the anterior pituitary gland to produce _______________ which in turn causes the thyroid gland to release _______ and _______.
  • A. Thalamus, CRH (Corticotropin-releasing hormone) TSH (thyroid-stimulating hormone) and T4
  • B. Hypothalamus, TSH (thyroid-stimulating hormone), T3 and T4
  • C. Posterior pituitary gland, TSH (thyroid-stimulating hormone), T3 and T4
  • D. Hypothalamus, CRH (Corticotropin-releasing hormone), TSH (thyroid-stimulating hormone), T3 and TSH

Pregunta 2

2. A patient reports they do not eat enough iodine in their diet. What condition are they most susceptible to?
  • A. Pheochromocytoma
  • B. Hyperthyroidism
  • C. Thyroid Storm
  • D. Hypothyroidism

Pregunta 3

3. A patient has an extremely high T3 and T4 level. Which of the following signs and symptoms DO NOT present with this condition?
  • A. Weight loss
  • B. Intolerance to heat
  • C. Smooth skin
  • D. Hair loss

Pregunta 4

4. A patient is being discharged home for treatment of hypothyroidism. Which medication is most commonly prescribed for this condition?
  • A. Tapazole
  • B. PTU (Propylthiouracil)
  • C. Synthroid
  • D. Inderal

Pregunta 5

5. You are performing discharge teaching with a patient who is going home on Synthroid. Which statement by the patient causes you to re-educate the patient about this medication?
  • A. “I will take this medication at bedtime with a snack.”
  • B. “I will never stop taking the medication abruptly.”
  • C. “If I have palpitations, chest pain, intolerance to heat, or feel restless, I will notify the doctor.”
  • D. “I will not take this medication at the same time I take my Carafate.”

Pregunta 6

6. The thyroid hormones, T3 and T4, play many roles in the human body. Which of the following functions are performed by T3 and T4? Note: Select all that apply
  • A. Storing calories
  • B. Increasing the Heart Rate
  • C. Stimulating the Sympathetic Nervous System
  • D. Decreasing the body’s temperature
  • E. Regulating TSH produced by the anterior pituitary gland

Pregunta 7

7. A patient is admitted with complaints of palpations, excessive sweating, and unable to tolerate heat. In addition, the patient voices concern about how her appearance has changed over the past year. The patient presents with protruding eyeballs and pretibial myxedema on the legs and feet. Which of the following is the likely cause of the patient’s signs and symptoms?
  • A. Thyroiditis
  • B. Deficiency of iodine consumption
  • C. Grave’s Disease
  • D. Hypothyroidism

Pregunta 8

8. A patient who is in her first trimester of pregnancy is diagnosed with hyperthyroidism. Which medication do you suspect the patient will be started on?
  • A. Propylthiouracil (PTU)
  • B. Radioactive Iodine
  • C. Tapazole
  • D. Synthroid

Pregunta 9

9. Which of the following are treatment options for hyperthyroidism? Please select all that apply:
  • A. Thyroidectomy
  • B. Methimazole
  • C. Liothyronine Sodium “Cytomel”
  • D. Radioactive Iodine

Pregunta 10

10. A patient was recently discharged home for treatment of hypothyroidism and was ordered to take Synthroid for treatment. The patient is re-admitted with signs and symptoms of the following: heart rate 42, blood pressure 70/56, blood glucose 55, and body temperature of 96.8 ‘F. The patient is very fatigued and drowsy. The family reports the patient has not been taking Synthroid since being discharged home from the hospital. Which of the following conditions is this patient most likely experiencing?
  • A. Thryoid Storm
  • B. Myxedema Coma
  • C. Iodism
  • D. Toxic Nodular Goiter

Pregunta 11

11. A patient with hypothyroidism is having pain 6 on 1-10 scale in the right hip due to recent hip surgery. Which of the following medications are NOT appropriate for this patient? Select all that apply:
  • A. Fentanyl
  • B. Tylenol
  • C. Tramadol
  • D. Morphine
  • E. Dilaudid

Pregunta 12

12. A patient is being educated on how to take their anti-thyroid medication. Which of the following statements are INCORRECT?
  • A. “I will continue taking aspirin daily.”
  • B. “I will take this medication at the same time every day.”
  • C. “It may take a while before I notice that the medication is helping my condition.”
  • D. “I will avoid foods containing high levels of iodine.”

Pregunta 13

13. A patient is 6 hours post-opt from a thyroidectomy. The surgical site is clean, dry and intact with no excessive swelling noted. What position is best for this patient to be in?
  • A. Fowler’s
  • B. Prone
  • C. Trendelenburg
  • D. Semi-Fowler’s

Pregunta 14

14. Which of the following signs and symptoms causes concern and requires nursing intervention for a patient who recently had a thyroidectomy?
  • A. Heart rate of 120, blood pressure 220/102, temperature 103.2 ‘F
  • B. Heart rate of 35, blood pressure 60/43, temperature 95.3 ‘F
  • C. Soft hair, irritable, diarrhea
  • D. Constipation, drowsiness, goiter

Pregunta 15

15. ___________ is an autoimmune disorder where the body attacks the thyroid gland that causes it to stop releasing T3 and T4. The patient is likely to have the typical signs/symptoms of hypothyroidism, however, they may present with what other sign as well?
  • A. Myxedema coma; joint pain
  • B. Thyroid storm; memory loss
  • C. Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis; goiter
  • D. Toxic nodular goiter (TNG); goiter

Pregunta 16

16. Which of the following side effects are possible for a patient taking an anti-thyroid medication?
  • A. Agranulocytosis and aplastic anemia
  • B. Tachycardia
  • C. Skin discoloration
  • D. Joint pain and eczema

Pregunta 17

17. A patient is receiving radioactive iodine treatment for hyperthyroidism. What will you include in your patient education to this patient about this type of treatment?
  • A. Taste changes and swollen saliva glands
  • B. Constipation
  • C. Excessive thirst
  • D. Sun protection
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